Oracle® Business Intelligence
Installation Guide
11g Release 1 (
September 2018
Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide, 11g Release 1 (
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Primary Author: Padma Rao
Contributors: Oracle Business Intelligence development, product management, and quality assurance teams.
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Audience ix
Documentation Accessibility ix
Related Documents ix
Conventions ix
New Features for Oracle BI Applications Installation
Oracle BI Applications Architecture and Installation Overview
Oracle BI Applications Architecture 1-1
Oracle BI Applications Installation Roadmap 1-2
Preinstallation and Deployment Requirements for Oracle BI
General Guidelines for Setting Up Databases for Oracle BI Applications 2-1
Guidelines for Setting Up Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Databases 2-1
Why Use a Separate Database for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse? 2-1
Oracle-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse 2-2
General Guidelines for Oracle Databases 2-2
Guidelines for Using Oracle Template Files 2-3
Installing and Setting Up Oracle BI Applications
Hardware Requirements 3-1
Installation Prerequisites for Oracle BI Applications 3-1
Installing JDK 3-2
Installing Oracle WebLogic Server 3-2
Running Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility 3-2
Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g Installation 3-3
Installing Oracle Data Integrator 3-3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications 3-4
Database Instances for Schemas and Repositories 3-4
Creating Schemas Using Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU 3-5
Installing Oracle BI Applications Using the Business Analytics Applications Suite
Installer 3-9
Applying the Oracle Fusion Middleware Platform Patch 3-10
Updating ATGLite 3-13
Updating FSM 3-14
Updating BIACM 3-14
Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration 3-14
Configuring Oracle BI Applications 3-15
How to Start the BI and ODI Managed Servers 3-19
Installing ODI Studio 3-20
Installing ODI Studio 3-20
Configuring User Access for ODI Studio 3-20
About Applying the ODI Studio Patch 3-21
Copying Source Files 3-22
Configuring High Availability in Oracle Business Intelligence Applications 3-22
Next Steps After Installation — System Setup 3-25
Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks
Setting the Business Analytics Warehouse Connection in Oracle Data Integrator 4-1
Creating SDS Schema Post Installation 4-2
Performing Setup Steps for On-Premises Oracle Fusion Applications Sources 4-3
Creating a User for ETL 4-4
Configuring the Oracle BI Repository for ETL 4-4
Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details to Oracle Data
Integrator 4-8
Enabling Offerings for Deployment 4-11
Disabling a Source Instance 4-11
Setting Languages for Data Load into the Business Analytics Warehouse 4-12
Running the Domains Load Plan 4-12
Mapping Externally Conformed Domains 4-14
User Access to Configuration Manager, FSM, and Oracle Data Integrator 4-14
Editing Preferred Currency Display Names and Enabling Document Currency 4-15
Enabling Document Currency 4-15
Enabling Initialization Blocks 4-17
Trimming the Repository 4-18
Extracting Projects From Full Repository 4-18
Merging Repositories 4-20
Trimming the ODI Repository 4-20
Next Steps After Setup — Functional Configuration 4-20
Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources
Overview of Oracle Fusion Applications Cloud Source System Support 5-1
Fusion Applications Cloud Source System Deployment Options 5-2
Fusion Application Cloud Source System Deployment Roadmap 5-3
Creating Service Requests for Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Connector
Console 5-4
Provisioning a User for Export and Import of BI Data from Fusion UCM 5-5
Provisioning a User for Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console Access 5-5
Register the Fusion Applications Source 5-7
Configuring Oracle Universal Content Management URL for Federated SSO 5-12
Creating a Load Plan and Specifying Offerings and Fact Groups to Load 5-12
Extracting Data into Universal Content Management using Oracle BI Cloud
Connector Console 5-14
Synchronizing Deletes for a Cloud Extract 5-17
Configure Proxy Settings for WebLogic Server 5-18
Managing Fusion Flex Extensions in Release 5-19
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Fusion Applications Source Data 5-24
Using Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console to Configure Cloud Extract 5-24
Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields 5-27
Additional Steps for Fusion Financials Implementations 5-30
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for HCM Fusion Applications Source Data 5-31
Setting Up Oracle Service Cloud Data Source
Configuring Oracle Service Cloud Source System 6-1
Creating an Account on the Oracle Service Cloud Site 6-1
Reviewing SEC_PAPI_INTEG_HOSTS_SOAP Configuration 6-8
Registering Oracle Service Cloud Source System 6-10
Enabling Offerings for Oracle Service Cloud Source System 6-12
Specifying Offerings to Load for Oracle Service Cloud Source System 6-14
Mapping Domain Member Values for Oracle Service Cloud Source System 6-17
Managing Data Load Parameters for Oracle Service Cloud Source System 6-18
Setting Up Oracle Taleo Cloud Data Source
Registering a Taleo Cloud Source System 7-1
Deploying the ODI Repository for Non-Oracle Source Databases
Exporting Security Settings from Original ODI Repository 8-2
Exporting Topology Settings from Original ODI Repository 8-2
Creating a New Master Repository 8-4
Connecting to the New Master Repository 8-8
Creating a New Work Repository 8-9
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository 8-11
Preparing to Import Source Adaptor Metadata Content 8-12
Running the Command Line Utility to Import Source Adaptor Metadata Content 8-13
Importing Security Settings in to the ODI Repository 8-23
Importing Connection Details Which Configures the Data Servers 8-24
Repository Creation Utility Screens
Welcome Page for RCU A-1
Create Repository A-1
Database Connection Details A-1
Specifying Connection Credentials for Oracle Databases and Oracle Databases
Enabled for Edition-Based Redefinition A-2
Specifying Connection Credentials for Oracle MySQL Databases A-3
Specifying Connection Credentials for Microsoft SQL Server Databases A-3
Specifying Connection Credentials for IBM DB2 Databases A-3
Select Components A-4
Database Users for IBM DB2 Databases A-4
Creating Prefixes A-4
Selecting Components and Dependencies A-5
Custom Schema Names A-5
Checking Schema Prerequisites A-6
Dropping Schemas A-6
Schema Passwords A-6
Custom Variables A-7
Custom Variables for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications A-7
Custom Variables for Master and Work Repository (ODI) A-7
Custom Variables for Oracle WebCenter Portal's Activity Graph and Analytics A-8
Map Tablespaces A-8
Default Tablespace Mappings A-9
Changing Default and Temporary Tablespaces A-9
Viewing and Changing Additional Tablespaces A-9
Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles A-10
Managing Tablespaces A-10
Managing Datafiles A-10
Summary of Schema Creation or Removal A-12
Completion Summary A-12
Installer Screens Common to All Oracle Fusion Middleware Suites
Specify Inventory Location B-1
Inventory Location Confirmation B-2
Welcome Page for the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installer B-2
Prerequisite Checks B-3
Security Updates B-3
Software Updates B-4
Installation Location B-4
Application Server Screen B-6
Summary of Installation and Configuration Options B-6
Installation Progress B-7
Configuration Progress B-7
Complete B-8
Oracle BI Applications Installation and Configuration Screens
Welcome Page for Business Analytics Applications Suite Installer C-1
Specify Installation Location for Business Analytics Applications Suite Installer C-2
Welcome Page for the configApps File C-2
Extend BI Domain C-2
Specify Installation Location for configApps C-3
Configure Components C-4
Repository Encryption Password C-4
Oracle BI Applications Administrator User C-4
MDS Schema C-4
Oracle BI Applications Components Repository Schema C-4
Business Analytics Warehouse Schema C-5
Oracle BI Applications ODI Repository Schema C-5
Configure Ports C-6
Generating DDL and Assigning Tablespaces to Tables and Indexes
Overview of Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Tables D-1
Generating the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse DDL D-2
Oracle BI Applications Patches D-4
Assigning Tablespaces D-4
Integrating Interactive Dashboards and Siebel Operational
Applications Data
Updating the Siebel Operational Application E-1
Reapplying Customized Style Sheets E-2
How to Configure Oracle Business Intelligence with Oracle's Siebel Web Server
Extension (SWSE) E-3
Creating a Virtual IP Address for the SWSE and Oracle BI Presentation Services E-3
Testing the Virtual IP Configuration for Oracle Business Intelligence and the SWSE E-4
About Configuring Oracle BI Action Links E-4
Accessing Optional Analytics Applications E-5
Customizing Oracle BI Applications Home Page and Dashboards E-5
Configuring a New Home Page to Use a Symbolic URL E-6
Determining the Oracle BI Report Path Argument E-7
Adding Views for Custom Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards E-8
Viewing Information About Preconfigured Dashboards E-8
Exposing Dashboards and Requests E-8
Locating Dashboards, Page Names, and Reports E-8
Preconfigured Mappings for Siebel System Subject Area
About Preconfigured Mappings for Siebel System Subject Area F-1
Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (Oracle BI Applications) is a comprehensive
suite of prebuilt solutions that delivers pervasive intelligence across an organization,
empowering users at all levels — from front line operational users to senior
management - with the key information they need to maximize effectiveness. Intuitive
and role-based, these solutions transform and integrate data from a range of
enterprise sources and corporate data warehouses into actionable insight that enables
more effective actions, decisions, and processes.
Oracle BI Applications is built on Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition
(Oracle BI EE), a comprehensive set of enterprise business intelligence tools and
infrastructure, including a scalable and efficient query and analysis server, an ad-hoc
query and analysis tool, interactive dashboards, proactive intelligence and alerts, and
an enterprise reporting engine.
This document is intended for managers and implementers of Oracle BI Applications.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
if you are hearing impaired.
Related Documents
See the Oracle BI Applications documentation library for the complete set of Oracle BI
Applications documents.
These text conventions are used in this document.
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
New Features for Oracle BI Applications
In this release of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (Oracle BI Applications),
you can:
Setup Oracle BI Applications with Oracle Service Cloud source system.
Setup Oracle Fusion Applications Releases 10, 11, 12, and 13 data sources.
Use Extensibility features to enhance HR and Payroll attributes in data sources of
Fusion Applications 10, 11, 12, and 13.
Oracle BI Applications Architecture and
Installation Overview
This section provides an overview of the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
(Oracle BI Applications) architecture and installation process.
Oracle BI Applications Architecture
Oracle BI Applications Installation Roadmap
Oracle BI Applications Architecture
Review the Oracle BI Applications deployment architecture, which is comprised of
several components and repositories.
Oracle BI Applications Deployment Architecture Diagram
Components Deployed Into Manager Server "bi_server1"
Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Manager — This
component is a web application that enables you to perform system setups,
functionally configure your Oracle BI Applications, and define, generate, run, and
monitor load plans.
Functional Setup Manager (FSM) — This component is a web application used by
Configuration Manager for sequenced task implementation and task dependency
Load Plan Generator — This component is a set of jar files used to create load
plans in the ODI Repository.
ATGLite — This component is a J2EE component used by Configuration Manager
and FSM.
Components Deployed Into Managed Server "odi_server1"
ODI Console — This component enables you to control and monitor ETL.
ODI Agent — This component is a Java EE Agent, which handles schedules and
orchestrates sessions.
Oracle BI Applications Repositories
Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse — The Oracle Business Analytics
Warehouse is a unified data repository for all customer-centric data, which
supports the analytical requirements of the supported source systems. The Oracle
Business Analytics Warehouse is supported only on Oracle Database.
Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Components Repository (BIACOMP) —
This is the repository for Configuration Manager and FSM. It contains load plan
definitions as well as Oracle BI Applications product hierarchy, setup objects, such
as parameters and domain mappings, and a list of functional tasks. This repository
is supported only on Oracle Database.
Oracle BI Applications I/O Schema — This schema is a mirror schema and is used
by all other components to read the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
Components Repository (BIACOMP) schema. It supports read/write of
configuration and functional setup data through ETL processes.
ODI Repository for Oracle BI Applications — This repository contains the Oracle
BI Applications-specific prebuilt ETL logic.
Client Tier
As depicted in the figure, the client host shows the Configuration Manager and ODI
Console accessed through Web browsers. ODI Studio is installed on a developer
client system. For Oracle BI Applications usage, ODI SDK must be installed along with
ODI Studio.
Additional Tools
Oracle GoldenGate is an optional tool integrated with Oracle BI Applications. You can
use this tool to optimize ETL loads and reduce impact on the source system, using a
source-dependent data store.
To deploy Oracle GoldenGate in an Oracle BI Applications environment, see Setup
Step: Install Oracle GoldenGate on Source and Target Systems, Oracle Business
Intelligence Applications Administrator's Guide.
ETL Architecture
To learn about ETL architecture, see About ETL Architecture, Oracle Business
Intelligence Applications ETL Guide.
Oracle BI Applications Installation Roadmap
Review the high-level roadmap for installing and configuring Oracle BI Applications.
Chapter 1
Oracle BI Applications Installation Roadmap
1. Review the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations on
Oracle Technology Network.
2. Review preinstallation and deployment requirements.
3. Install prerequisites:
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition:
Software Only Install mode requires WebLogic Server 10.3.6 as a
Enterprise Install mode installs WebLogic Server 10.3.5. You must
upgrade to WebLogic Server 10.3.6 after installation of Oracle BI
Applications is complete.
Oracle Data Integrator
4. Create schemas for Oracle BI Applications.
In this step you run the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility
(RCU) to create the necessary schemas for Oracle BI Applications.
5. Install Oracle BI Applications.
In this step you run the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer to install the
binary files for Oracle BI Applications.
6. Apply Oracle Fusion Middleware Platform patches.
7. Configure Oracle BI Applications.
This step is the configuration phase of the installation process. In this step you
configure Oracle BI Applications with the configuration script.
8. Apply post-installation patches.
9. Perform system setup tasks.
You perform system setups to complete integration of the Oracle BI Applications
components and to ready the system for functional configurations and data loads.
10. Configure non-Oracle source databases.
This step is required only if your source database is not Oracle Database.
11. If you are deploying Oracle Fusion Applications Cloud source system data, then
follow the steps in Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources.
12. If you are deploying Key Flex Fields for Financials, then before you execute this
Load Plan you must follow the steps in Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials
Fusion Applications Source Data.
Chapter 1
Oracle BI Applications Installation Roadmap
Preinstallation and Deployment
Requirements for Oracle BI Applications
This section describes preinstallation and deployment requirements for Oracle
Business Intelligence Applications (Oracle BI Applications).
General Guidelines for Setting Up Databases for Oracle BI Applications
Oracle-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse
General Guidelines for Setting Up Databases for Oracle BI
These guidelines help you set up the data warehouse physical database and explain
why a separate database is necessary for Oracle BI Applications.
Guidelines for Setting Up Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Databases
Why Use a Separate Database for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse?
Guidelines for Setting Up Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse
These guidelines help you set up the data warehouse physical database for
performance and growth.
Allocate around 50 to 70 percent of the total available server memory to the
database, assuming no other application is running on the same server.
At a minimum, separate the data and index tablespaces. Create more tablespaces
to separate heavily used tables and their indexes.
Oracle recommends using 8k block size for Oracle warehouses.
If you are using multiple disk storage systems, stripe the tablespace containers
and files across as many disks as possible.
Raw devices for tablespaces provide better performance as compared to cooked
file systems.
RAID-5 is known to give a good balance of performance and availability.
Why Use a Separate Database for the Oracle Business Analytics
Although it is technically possible to put the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse in
the same database as the transactional database, it is not recommended for
performance reasons. The transactional database is structured as an online
transaction processing (OLTP) database, whereas the Oracle Business Analytics
Warehouse is structured as an online analytical processing (OLAP) database, each
optimized for its own purpose.
The reasons for not combining the two databases are:
ETL is configured to maximize hardware resources; and, therefore, the warehouse
should not share any resources with any other projects.
The analytical queries interfere with normal use of the transactional database,
which is entering and managing individual transactions.
The data in a transactional database is normalized for update efficiency.
Transactional queries join several normalized tables and will be slow (as opposed
to pre-joined, de-normalized analytical tables).
Historical data cannot be purged from a transactional database, even if not
required for current transaction processing, because you need it for analysis. (By
contrast, the analytical database is the warehouse for historical as well as current
data.) This causes the transactional database to further slow down.
Transactional databases are tuned for one specific application, and it is not
productive to use these separate transactional databases for analytical queries
that usually span more than one functional application.
The analytical database can be specifically tuned for the analytical queries and
Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) processing. These are quite different from
transactional database requirements.
Oracle-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business
Analytics Warehouse
These guidelines help you to optimize Oracle database performance and configure
Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse on Oracle databases.
General Guidelines for Oracle Databases
Guidelines for Using Oracle Template Files
General Guidelines for Oracle Databases
These additional suggestions help you to optimize performance for Oracle databases
used for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.
Oracle BI Applications on Oracle databases support only binary sorting. If you are
running an Oracle client, do one of the following:
Set the NLS_SORT parameter to BINARY.
Choose a NLS_LANG setting that includes binary.
These settings are required for adequate performance from the dedicated Web
It is recommended that you gather workload system statistics.
Chapter 2
Oracle-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse
To increase data throughput between Oracle BI Server and the Oracle database,
change SDU and TDU settings in listener.ora. The default is 2 KB and can be
increased to 8 KB.
On the server side, edit the listener.ora file. Under the particular SID_LIST entry,
modify SID_DESC as follows:
SID_DESC = (SDU=16384)(TDU=16384)
ORACLE_HOME = /.....)
Set the number of log file groups to 4.
On the client side, edit the tnsnames.ora file. Modify the TNS alias by adding
SDU= and TDU= as follows:
Guidelines for Using Oracle Template Files
To configure the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse on Oracle databases more
easily, refer to the parameter template file init11gR2_template.ora file or
init11gR2_Exadata_template.ora, which are stored in \ORACLE_HOME
The parameter template file provides parameter guidelines based on the cost-based
optimizer for Oracle 11gR2. Use these guidelines as a starting point. You will need to
make changes based on your specific database sizes, data shape, server size (CPU
and memory), and type of storage. The database administrator should make changes
to the settings based on performance monitoring and tuning.
Copy the appropriate template file into your ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. Then,
review the recommendations in the template file, and make the changes based on
your specific database configuration. The database administrator should make
changes to the settings based on performance monitoring and tuning considerations.
The NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter enables you to define byte- or
character-length semantics. Oracle BI Applications supports BYTE and
CHAR values for this parameter. If you are using MLS characters, then you
can add this parameter to the parameter template file for your database
version (that is, the initDB_version.ora file).
Chapter 2
Oracle-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse
Installing and Setting Up Oracle BI
Follow these instructions for installing and setting up Oracle Business Intelligence
Applications (Oracle BI Applications).
Hardware Requirements
Installing Prerequisites for Oracle BI Applications
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
Hardware Requirements
Here is some information regarding the hardware requirements for Oracle BI
10-12 GB of free memory and 10 GB Swap Space for run-time requirements.
35 GB free disk space and 10 GB Swap Space to run the Business Analytics
Applications Suite installer. This disk space will be released after the installer
For additional information about hardware requirements for Oracle BI Enterprise
Edition (Oracle BI EE) and Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), see Oracle Fusion
Middleware Supported System Configurations on Oracle Technology Network.
Installation Prerequisites for Oracle BI Applications
You must install certain components before you can install Oracle BI Applications.
For the specific versions of the prerequisite products supported for this release of
Oracle BI Applications, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System
Configurations on Oracle Technology Network.
When you run the Oracle Business Intelligence 11g installer, select the
Software Only Install option. Ensure that you install WebLogic Server
10.3.6 before running the Oracle BI EE installer.
Installing JDK
Installing Oracle WebLogic Server
Running Fusion Middleware RCU
Installing Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g
Installing Oracle Data Integrator
Installing JDK
The Business Analytics Applications Suite installer, which you run to install Oracle BI
Applications, requires JDK version 1.7.x.
Oracle BI EE, WebLogic Server, and ODI also require JDK. For the supported
versions, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations on Oracle
Technology Network. Make sure the version of JDK you install meets the requirements
for all products.
You must use the 64-bit version of JDK or to install on 64-bit systems. On
Windows, the location of the JDK must be on the same drive as the
Installing Oracle WebLogic Server
Oracle BI Applications requires Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.6).
If you choose to install Oracle BI EE using the Software Only Install option, then you
must install Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6. See Installation Overview in Installing and
Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server and Coherence 11g Release 1 (10.3.6).
You do not need to run Quickstart at the end of the Weblogic Server
Running Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility
Before installing Oracle BI EE, you must run the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository
Creation Utility (RCU) to create the necessary schemas.
In the Select Components screen of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository
Creation Utility, make sure you select the options to install the following schemas:
Metadata Services (appears under AS Common Schemas)
Make a note of the Metadata Services schema owner name and password. You
will need these values when you run the configApps.bat or
file to set up Oracle BI Applications.
Business Intelligence Platform (appears under Oracle Business Intelligence)
Chapter 3
Installation Prerequisites for Oracle BI Applications
Don't select the option to install the ODI schema. You will install an Oracle BI
Applications-specific ODI schema when you run the Business Analytics
Applications Suite RCU.
Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g Installation
Oracle BI Applications requires an installation of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g
deployed on Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6. (Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.5 is not
supported). Ensure that you install Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6 before running the
Oracle BI EE installer.
When you run the Oracle Business Intelligence 11g installer, select the Software Only
Install option.
To install Oracle WebLogic Server, see Installation Overview in Installing and
Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server and Coherence.
To install Oracle BI EE, see Installation Overview in Installing and Configuring Oracle
Business Intelligence.
Note these points:
Oracle BI EE must be deployed on Oracle WebLogic Server. Websphere isn't
supported for Oracle BI Applications.
The BI Domain should not be extended or scaled out before running the Business
Analytics Applications Suite installer.
Installing Oracle BI EE using the Simple Install mode isn't supported.
Installing Oracle BI EE on Windows 32-bit and Linux 32-bit isn't supported for
Oracle BI Applications.
Installing Oracle Data Integrator
Oracle BI Applications requires an installation of Oracle Data Integrator 11g.
For the specific version of ODI that's supported for this release of Oracle BI
Applications, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations on
Oracle Technology Network. .
To install ODI, see Installation Overview for Oracle Data Integrator in Installing and
Configuring Oracle Data Integrator.
Note these points:
Install the software only and do not perform any other configuration operation.
On the ODI installer Welcome screen, ignore the message regarding creation of
the ODI Repository. You will create the ODI Repository for Oracle BI Applications
later when you run the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU.
On the Select Installation Type screen, select all the components under Java EE
Installation, that is, Java EE Agent, ODI Console, and Public Web Service.
Chapter 3
Installation Prerequisites for Oracle BI Applications
On the Select Installation Type screen, if you also choose to install ODI Studio,
then you must also select the ODI SDK option.
On the Specify Installation Locations screen, enter the Middleware Home where
Oracle BI EE is installed. The installation of ODI in other locations is not supported
for Oracle BI Applications.
If you chose to install ODI Studio, then on the Repository Configuration screen,
you must select the Skip Repository Configuration option.
The ODI installer is a generic installer. To launch the installer, use one of these
Platform Command
setup.exe -jreLoc <location of jdk>
For example:
setup.exe -jreLoc C:\jdk
For information about the JDK requirements, see Installing JDK.
UNIX and Linux
./runInstaller -jreLoc <location of jdk>
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
Use these instructions to install and configure Oracle BI Applications.
You must perform the following procedures in the order they are listed:
Creating Database Instances for Schemas and Repositories
Creating Schemas Using Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU
Installing Oracle BI Applications Using the Business Analytics Applications Suite
Applying Platform Patches
Updating ATGLite
Updating FSM
Updating BIACM
Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration
Configuring Oracle BI Applications
How to Start the BI and Oracle Data Integrator Managed Servers
Installing ODI Studio
Applying the ODI Studio Patch
Copying Source Files
Configuring High Availability in Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
Next Steps
Database Instances for Schemas and Repositories
Before you run the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU and installer, you must
create database instances to hold the following.
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse schema
Oracle BI Applications Components Repository (for Oracle BI Applications
Configuration Manager and Functional Setup Manager (FSM))
ODI Repository for Oracle BI Applications (includes Master and Work repositories)
Note these points:
For this release of Oracle BI Applications, the following components are supported
only on Oracle Database Enterprise Edition:
Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse
Oracle BI Applications Components Repository (BIACOMP)
ODI Repository for Oracle BI Applications
To identify the specific version of Oracle Database Enterprise Edition supported
for this release of Oracle BI Applications, see Oracle Fusion Middleware
Supported System Configurations on Oracle Technology Network.
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition must be configured with UNICODE.
The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, Oracle BI Applications Components
Repository (BIACOMP), and ODI Repository can be installed on different database
The ODI Master and Work repositories are installed into the same schema.
Review Guidelines for Setting Up Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse
Databases for database requirements for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.
Creating Schemas Using Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU
You must run the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU to create schemas for
Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, Oracle BI Applications Components, and ODI
Repository for Oracle BI Applications.
Before you run the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU, perform these
prerequisite tasks:
Unzip the downloaded RCU .zip file on Windows systems into a directory that
does not have spaces in the directory path.
Copy the .dmp files for each schema to a directory with the global write access on
the appropriate database servers to create the required schemas. Note that the
RCU uses .dmp files to create the schemas and writes log files to this directory.
You can locate the .dmp files in BIA_RCU_HOME/rcu/integration/biapps/
Create schemas from the RCU on Oracle databases by logging in as SYSDBA.
You must possess the DBA privilege; for example, you should login as user
with the SYSDBA role selected.
Run RCU multiple times, once for each database connection to create schemas
on different databases, because the database connections are different for the
different database servers.
Complete these steps before creating schemas using RCU if you have Oracle
Database Enterprise Edition with the Partitioning option enabled and you want to
use the database partitions:
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
1. Unzip the following RCU dump files:
2. Remove the obia.dmp file, which is a non-partition dump file, from the
following location:
To create Oracle BI Applications schemas using the Business Analytics Applications
Suite RCU:
1. Access the bin directory in the BIA_RCU_HOME folder.
2. Start RCU, as follows:
3. On the Welcome screen, click Next.
4. On the Create Repository screen, select Create, and then click Next.
5. On the Database Connection Details screen, specify the connection details for the
database in which you want to store the schemas. Note that you must possess the
DBA privilege and be logged in as
(for example, as user
Specify these database connection details:
Field Name Action
Database Type Select Oracle Database.
Other database types are not supported in this release.
Host Name Specify the fully qualified host name of the system hosting the
database. For example,
Port Specify the port number over which the database communicates.
The default port number for an Oracle database is 1521.
Service Name Specify the service name for the database. Typically, the service
name is the same as the global database name.
Username Specify the user name for the database. The default user name is
SYS. The user must have DBA or SYSDBA privileges.
Password Specify the password for the username specified in the Username
Role Select SYSDBA.
6. Click Next to display the Select Components screen.
7. On the Select Components screen, near the top of the dialog, select Create a new
The default prefix is DEV. You can change the prefix.
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
RCU automatically creates the schema owner (schema name) in the format
Select these options:
Schema Option Default Schema Owner
Oracle Business Analytics
<prefix>_DW (required for all deployments).
Oracle Business Applications
<prefix>_BIACOMP (required for all deployments).
When you select the Oracle BI Applications
Components Repository (BICOMP), RCU creates an
additional schema, named BIACM_IO. Do not modify
or delete this schema. It is required for metadata
access by the different Oracle BI Applications
ODI Master and Work Repository <prefix>_BIA_ODIREPO (required for all
If you are deploying cloud data sources, then select the option for the applicable
Oracle BI Applications SDS schemas as seen in the following image. RCU creates
the schemas for the selected cloud source systems.
8. Click Next to display the Schema Passwords screen.
9. On the Schema Passwords screen, specify and confirm a password for the
schemas, then click Next to proceed to the Custom Variables screen.
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
The RCU uses .dmp files to create the required schemas. Before you
perform the action in the Custom Variables screen, you must copy
the .dmp files for each schema to a directory with global write access on
the appropriate database server host. (RCU writes log files to this
directory). The .dmp files are located in BIA_RCU_HOME\rcu
10. In the Value field in the Custom Variables screen, for each schema enter the
directory path of the folder on the database server that contains the .dmp file.
Don't include the name of the .dmp file in the directory path.
Click Next to proceed to the Map Tablespaces screen.
11. On the Map Tablespaces screen, which displays the default and temporary
tablespaces for the schemas:
a. Leave the default values for Default Tablespace and Temp Tablespace for
each schema.
b. Set the temporary tablespace size for the data warehouse tablespaces
according to the values in the following table:
i. Click Manage Tablespaces.
ii. In the left-side navigation panel, select the appropriate tablespace name.
iii. In the main window, select the tablespace name under the Datafiles
iv. Click the Edit icon to display the Datafile dialog.
v. In the Edit Datafile dialog, set the temporary tablespace size according to
this table:
Tablespace Value
<prefix>_DW_DATA Size: 20 GB
Maximum Size: Unlimited
Leave the remaining default values.
<prefix>_DW_IDX Size: 5 GB
Maximum Size: Unlimited
Leave the remaining default values.
<prefix>_DW_STG Size: 10 GB
Maximum Size: Unlimited
Leave the remaining default values.
Size: 15 GB
Maximum Size: Unlimited
Leave the remaining default values.
Click OK to exit the Edit Datafile dialog. Then, click Next in the Map Tablespaces
screen, and click OK in the message dialog to create the tablespaces for the
12. On the Summary screen, click Create to start the schema creation process.
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
When the schemas are created with no errors, the Completion Summary screen is
13. On the Completion Summary screen, click Close.
Installing Oracle BI Applications Using the Business Analytics
Applications Suite Installer
Run the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer to install Oracle BI
Applications. This installer runs in software-only mode. You must run the Business
Analytics Applications Suite installer on the system where you ran the Oracle BI EE
installer. All files are installed to disk in the Oracle Home for BI directory. Note that you
must perform post-installation steps to configure Oracle BI Applications in a later
Prerequisite to Running the Business Analytics Applications Suite Installer:
The installer is a generic installer and requires JDK to be installed. See Installing
35 GB free disk space is required to run the Business Analytics Applications Suite
installer. This disk space will be released after the installer finishes.
1. Launch the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer using the command for
your operating system.
The Business Analytics Applications Suite installer displays the Welcome screen.
Platform Command
Windows In a command prompt:
setup.exe -jreLoc <Drive:\...\jdk location>
jdk location
is the directory that contains the bin folder.
For example:
setup.exe -jreLoc C:\jdk
UNIX and Linux ./runInstaller -jreLoc <jdk location>
If you are running the installer on a Linux system that does not have the
file /etc/oraInst.loc, the Specify Inventory Location screen displays.
2. Click Next to display the Prerequisite Checks screen.
This screen analyzes the host computer to ensure that specific operating system
prerequisites have been met. If any of the prerequisite checks fail, then an error
message appears in the bottom portion of the screen. Fix the error and click Retry
to try again. If you want to ignore the error or warning messages and continue with
the installation, click Continue. Click Abort to stop prerequisite checking for all
3. Click Next to display the Specify Installation Location screen.
4. In the Specify Installation Location screen, specify the details of the Oracle BI EE
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
Field Action
Oracle Middleware
Specify the path to the directory for an existing Oracle Middleware
home where Oracle BI EE has been installed.
If you do not know the location of the directory, click Browse to
locate the directory on your system.
Oracle Home
Specify the Oracle Home for BI; for example, Oracle_BI1. Do not
specify any other Oracle home or choose to create a new one. The
Oracle Home for BI directory is where the software binary files for
Oracle BI Applications will be installed.
If you are installing on a Windows operating system, make sure that the directory
paths are valid and do not contain double back-slashes (\\).
5. Click Next to display the Summary screen.
6. Review the summary information, and click Next to start the installation.
The installer installs the Oracle BI Applications folders and files in the Oracle
Home for BI directory.
Even when the progress bar on the installer reports 100% complete, wait
until the Finish button is displayed.
7. Click Finish.
Applying the Oracle Fusion Middleware Platform Patch
Apply the Oracle Fusion Middleware patch.
To apply theOracle Fusion Middleware platform patch:
1. Download Oracle Fusion Middleware platform patches for Oracle BI Applications
for your operating system from the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications media pack on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
Download all parts.
2. Extract all .zip files into the same Patch Home directory.
Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip files containing the patches into the
same directory, for example, C:\patches or PATCH_HOME/patches. The
directory structure of the extracted contents is not patches4biapps/dist/
ps7st. The patches are contained in folders: biappsshiphome, odi, weblogic and
oracle_common. You don't have to unzip the individual patches.
3. Update the parameter input file (apply_patches_import.txt) to reflect the
paths as specified in the text file:
a. Create a writable directory where logs and temporary patch files will be stored.
In the apply_patches_import.txt file, set the
variable to point to
the path for this directory.
b. Open apply_patches_import.txt, which is located in the
ORACLE_HOME/biapps/tools/bin directory (use backslashes for
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
c. Specify these directory paths:
Directory Path
JAVA_HOME Path of the JDK you installed for your platform.
INVENTORY_LOC Path of the Oracle/Inventory directory.
For example:
C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory.
ORACLE_HOME Path of the Oracle Home for BI directory.
MW_HOME Path of the Oracle Middleware Home directory.
COMMON_ORACLE_HOME Path of the oracle_common directory, which is
under the Middleware Home directory.
WL_HOME Path of the Oracle WebLogic Server Home
ODI_HOME Path of the ODI Home directory.
WINDOWS_UNZIP_TOOL_EXE If the platform is Windows, then specify an unzip
tool EXE file with the complete path. The
supported unzip tools are Winzip command line
and 7-Zip command line.
For example, for the Winzip tool:
For example, for the 7-Zip tool:
WORKDIR Path of a writable directory where logs and
temporary patch files are stored.
PATCH_ROOT_DIR Path of the parent patch directory.
After the zip file is extracted to a location, the
following directories are created:
biappsshiphome,odi , weblogic, etc.
(some or all the directories).
4. To apply the patch, run this command from ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin.
"$ ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl"
ORACLE_HOME/biapps/tools/bin/ ORACLE_HOME/biapps/tools/bin/
In case you run into issues during the applying patches procedure, for example,
and you are unable to identify the patches directory path on
some windows platform, then you can manually apply the patches. For example,
after all the patches in the zip file are unzipped to C:\work\patching\patches
directory, use the following commands:
C:\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1\OPatch\opatch napply C:\work
\patching\patches\biappsshiphome\generic -silent -oh C:
\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1 -jdk C:\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1\jdk >
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
C:\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1\OPatch\opatch napply C:\work
\patching\patches\biappsshiphome\win64 -silent -oh C:\work
\mw333\Oracle_BI1 -jdk C:\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1\jdk > C:
C:\work\mw333\oracle_common\OPatch\opatch napply C:\work
\patching\patches\oracle_common\generic -silent -oh C:
\work\mw333\oracle_common -jdk C:\work
\mw333\Oracle_BI1\jdk > C:\work\patching
C:\work\mw333\Oracle_ODI1\OPatch\opatch napply C:\work
\patching\patches\odi\generic -silent -oh C:\work
\mw333\Oracle_ODI1 -jdk C:\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1\jdk > C:
On other platforms, replace win64 and command path with the corresponding
5. Apply Weblogic patches manually using the
command line utility.
Perform this step after executing the
script and before configuring
BI Tech. Apply the Weblogic patches on all OS platforms only if it failed to apply in
the previous steps.
Complete these steps:
a. Create a folder in <MW_HOME>\utils\bsu\cache_dir if it does not exist.
b. Unzip the Weblogic patch from the patch location to the <MW_HOME>\utils
\bsu\cache_dir directory.
Ensure that the <MW_HOME>\utils\bsu\cache_dir folder has
only files (
, and
) that you unzipped and no folders.
c. Create new temp work location such as
d. Unzip the
utility from the patch location to the temporary work
location C:\work\patching\suwrapper.
e. Execute the patching utility jar to apply the patch. Use the following command:
<MW_HOME>\Oracle_BI1\jdk\bin\java -jar <SUWRAPPER_TEMP>\bsu-wrapper.jar -
prod_dir=<MW_HOME>\wlserver_10.3 -install -patchlist=BUNQ -bsu_home=<MW_HOME>
\utils\bsu -meta=<SUWRAPPER_TEMP>\suw_metadata.txt -verbose >
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
The param in the above command
is the comma-
separated list of Weblogic patches of the
file name in the
<MW_HOME>\utils\bsu\cache_dir. In this case there is only
file, hence the name is provided in the
param. If there are more then one jar file, then the param value can
be such as
. If the execution complains for
dependent patch, then ensure that the dependent patch name is the
first in the comma-separated list of
f. Verify the patching logs. The last param is the location of the generated
Weblogic patching log, C:\work\patching\weblogic_patching.log.
6. Confirm that all patches have been applied successfully by reviewing these log
files in the directory specified by WORDIR.
final_patching_report.log (summary of patch application)
biappshiphome_<OS specific>_patches.log
Updating ATGLite
Upgrade ATGLite schemas to Release before configuring Oracle BI
Applications. Use these instructions to update the ATGLite data in the Oracle Business
Intelligence Applications Components Repository (BIACOMP) schema.
To update the ATGLite data:
1. Start the Patch Set Assistant (./psa or psa.bat) from the bin directory in the
ORACLE_HOME, based on the operating system.
2. Click Next in the Welcome screen.
3. On the Select Component page, select ATGPF Lite, which selects the child
option, ATGLITE schema, then click Next.
4. On the Prerequisites page, select Database backup completed and Database
version is certified by Oracle for Fusion Middleware upgrade, then click Next.
5. On the ATGLite Schema page, follow the instructions at the top of the page to
enter the details for the database containing the ATGLite schema, then click Next.
6. View the Upgrade Summary, then click Upgrade.
7. Review the information on the Upgrade Success page, then click Close.
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
Updating FSM
Upgrade FSM schemas to Release before configuring Oracle BI
Applications. Use these instructions to update the FSM data in the Oracle Business
Intelligence Applications Components Repository (BIACOMP) schema.
To update the FSM data:
1. Start the Patch Set Assistant (psa or psa.bat) from the bin directory in the
ORACLE_HOME, based on the operating system.
2. Click Next in the Welcome screen.
3. On the Select Component page, select Oracle Fusion Functional Setup
Manager Lite, which selects the child option, FSM schema, then click Next.
4. On the Prerequisites page, select Database backup completed and Database
version is certified by Oracle for Fusion Middleware upgrade, then click Next.
5. On the FSM Schema page, follow the instructions at the top of the page to enter
the details for the database containing the FSM schema, then click Next.
6. Verify that the examination process is successful, then click Next.
7. View the Upgrade Summary, then click Upgrade.
8. Review the information on the Upgrade Success page, then click Close.
Updating BIACM
Upgrade BIACM schemas to Release before configuring Oracle BI
Applications. Use these instructions to update the BIACM data in the Oracle Business
Intelligence Applications Components Repository (BIACOMP) schema.
To update the BIACM data:
1. Start the Patch Set Assistant (psa or psa.bat) from the bin directory in the
ORACLE_HOME, based on the operating system.
2. Click Next in the Welcome page.
3. On the Select Component page, select BIACM, then click Next.
4. On the Prerequisites page, select Database backup completed and Database
version is certified by Oracle for Fusion Middleware upgrade, then click Next.
5. On the BIACM Schema page, follow the instructions at the top of the page to enter
the details for the database containing the BIACM schema, then click Next.
6. Verify that the examination process is successful, then click Next.
7. View the Upgrade Summary, then click Upgrade.
8. Review the information on the Upgrade Success page, then click Close.
Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration
You configure the BI Domain by running the config.bat or file.
The config.bat and files are located in ORACLE_HOME/bin.
When running the script, do these tasks:
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
At path /app/oracle/fmw/Oracle_BI1/bin, run the
On the Configure Components screen, for Oracle BI Applications, you must select
the BI Applications Components option.
Don't scale out the BI Domain.
Configuring Oracle BI Applications
You'll need to run the configApps.bat or file to extend the BI
Domain to deploy Oracle BI Applications and to configure the components.
During this phase, these key configurations occur:
Configuration Manager, FSM, ODI Java EE Agent, ODI Console, and Load Plan
Generator are deployed into WebLogic Server.
Component wiring is performed.
AnOracle BI Applications Administrator User (with full access to Configuration
Manager and access to ODI with the Supervisor role) is created in WebLogic
Server embedded LDAP.
The ODI for Oracle BI Applications is configured and set to use external
authentication (that is, authentication against the WebLogic Server embedded
The configApps.bat and files are located in ORACLE_HOME/bin.
1. Before running the configApps process, ensure that WLS Admin Server, Node
Manager, and BI Services are running.
2. Start the configuration utility from the bin directory in the Oracle home (default
folder name is Oracle_BI1), based on the operating system:
UNIX commands:
Windows commands:
3. On the Welcome screen, click Next.
4. On the Prerequisite Checks screen, after the prerequisite checks conclude with no
errors, click Next.
If an error message appears, fix the error and then click Retry to run the
prerequisite check again (recommended). Repeat this until all prerequisite checks
conclude with no errors. To stop the configuration process while you fix a
prerequisite error, click Abort. To ignore an error or warning message, and
continue with the configuration process, click Continue (not recommended).
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
The configuration might not function normally if you continue without
resolving the issue that caused an error or warning message during the
prerequisite checks.
5. On the Extend BI Domain screen, specify these details:
Field Description
Host Name The host name of the computer on which the WebLogic Server
domain exists. This field is read-only.
Port Specify the port number over which the WebLogic Server domain
communicates. The default is 7001.
User Name Specify the user name for logging into the WebLogic Server.
User Password Specify the password for logging into the WebLogic Server.
Click Next.
6. The Specify Installation Location screen displays this information:
Field Description
Middleware Home Specify the path to the directory for an existing Oracle Middleware
Home where Oracle BI EE has been installed.
This field is read-only.
Oracle Home The Oracle Home for BI, which is the location where Oracle BI EE,
and Oracle BI Applications files are installed.
This field is read-only.
WebLogic Server
The directory name for the WebLogic Server.
The value in this field is read-only and is the host name you
specified in the Middleware Home field.
Domain Home The home directory for the domain associated with the Oracle
Business Intelligence system. This field is read-only.
Instance Home The path to the Oracle Instance directory.
The installer installs component configuration files and runtime
processes in the Oracle Instance directory. Runtime components
write to this directory only. The directory that you identify for the
Oracle Instance can be located anywhere on your system, and
does not need to be inside the Oracle Middleware Home.
This field is read-only.
Instance Name The name of the Oracle Business Intelligence instance. By default,
the location is based on the value in the Instance Home field. This
directory is commonly referred to as ORACLE_INSTANCE.
The value in this field is read-only.
Click Next.
7. On the Configure Components screen, to deploy Oracle BI Applications, select BI
Application Components.
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
If you are deploying any cloud source systems, then select the check
box for the applicable Cloud Extender Sources SDS.
Click Next.
8. On the RPD Encryption Password screen, specify these details:
Field Description
RPD Password Specify the password used to encrypt the repository.
Confirm RPD
Confirm the password used to encrypt the repository.
Click Next.
9. On the BI Applications Administrator User screen, specify these details:
Field Description
Username Specify a user name for the Oracle BI Applications Administrator.
Do not enter Administrator, Admin, Sadmin, or Supervisor in upper-
case, lower-case, or mixed-case letters. These user names are
reserved. Also, do not use the WebLogic Server administrator user
Password Specify a password for the Oracle BI Applications Administrator.
Confirm Password Confirm the password.
Note these credentials because this user will be used to perform system setups
and is the user that is used for communications between the Configuration
Manager and ODI. This user has full access privileges in Configuration Manager
and access to ODI with the Supervisor role.
Click Next.
10. On the MDS Schema screen, specify these details:
Field Description
Database Type The type of database that hosts the MDS schema. The only
supported database type is Oracle.
Connect String The connect string used to access the MDS schema.
MDS Schema
The schema name for the MDS schema.
MDS Schema
The password for the MDS schema.
Note: The values for user name and password must match the values you entered
when you ran the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility in Running
Fusion Middleware RCU.
Click Next.
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
11. On the Oracle BI Applications Components Repository Schema screen, specify
these details:
Field Description
Database Type Select the type of database that hosts the Oracle BI Applications
Components Repository (BICOMP) schema. The only supported
database type is Oracle.
Connect String Specify the connect string used to access the Oracle BI
Applications Components Repository (BICOMP) schema.
Use the format:
BIA Components
Repository Schema
Specify the schema name for the Oracle BI Applications
Components Repository (BICOMP) schema.
BIA Components
Repository Schema
Specify the password for the Oracle BI Applications Components
Repository (BICOMP) schema.
Click Next.
12. On the Business Analytics Warehouse Schema screen, specify these details:
Field Description
Database Type Specify the type of database that hosts the Business Analytics
Warehouse schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.
Connect String Specify the connect string used to access the Business Analytics
Warehouse schema.
Use the format:
Business Analytics
Warehouse Schema
Specify the schema name for the Business Analytics Warehouse
Business Analytics
Warehouse Schema
Specify the password for the Business Analytics Warehouse
Click Next.
13. On the BI Applications ODI Repository Schema screen, specify these details:
Field Description
Database Type Specify the type of database that hosts the ODI Repository
schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.
Connect String Specify the connect string used to access the ODI Repository
Use the format:
ODI Repository
Schema Username
Specify the schema name for the ODI Repository schema. The
default name is <prefix>_BIA_ODIREPO. This is the repository you
created when you ran the Business Analytics Applications Suite
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
Field Description
ODI Repository
Schema Password
Specify the password for the ODI Repository schema.
Click Next.
14. If you have selected any cloud extender sources SDS in step 7, then provide
details in the applicable schema screen.
15. On the Configure Ports screen, specify these details:
Field Description
Auto Port
Select this option if you want Oracle Business Analytics
Applications Suite installer to configure the ports for you.
Specify Ports Using
Configuration File
Select this option to use a configuration file to configure the ports.
Optionally, click Browse to specify a configuration file location.
Click View/Edit File to view or edit the file.
A sample configuration file named staticport.ini is provided. The file
is stored in the Disk1\stage\Response directory of the Business
Analytics Applications Suite installer. You can edit this file to
specify the configuration settings for your environment.
16. On the Summary screen, click Save to save the settings for this configuration in a
response file (optional), and then click Configure to start the configuration
17. On the Configuration Progress screen, you can monitor the progress of the
software configuration and respond to errors, if any occur.
After the configuration concludes without any errors, click Next.
In case of errors, fix them and use the Restart button to progress with
the configuration. Do not cancel the install after a failure as you will then
need to remove the domain and BI instance to start again.
18. On the Complete screen, click Save to save the settings for this installation in a
response file (optional), and then click Finish to exit the Oracle Business
Intelligence Configuration Assistant.
How to Start the BI and ODI Managed Servers
Oracle BI Applications requires the BI and ODI Managed Servers (bi_server1 and
odi_server1) to be started using Node Manager. This is required so that parameters,
memory, and JVM arguments are appropriately set. If you do not start the BI and ODI
Managed Servers, functionality loss and memory issues can occur in Configuration
Manager, FSM, and ODI.
To ensure that the BI and ODI Managed Servers are started using Node Manager,
start them using the WebLogic Administration Console user interface. Do not start the
BI and ODI Managed Servers using the Managed Server start scripts.
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
Installing ODI Studio
You can design and manage the ODI Repository by using the ODI Studio desktop
client. ODI Studio is typically installed on developer systems. The supported operating
systems for ODI Studio are Windows 32-bit and 64-bit and Linux 32-bit.
1. Installing ODI Studio.
2. Configuring User Access for ODI Studio.
Installing ODI Studio
You install ODI Studio using the ODI installer.
Note these points:
On the Select Installation Type screen, select Developer Installation as the
installation type and both options under Developer Installation, that is, ODI Studio
(with local agent) and ODI SDK.
On the Repository Configuration screen, select the Skip Repository
Configuration option.
To install ODI Studio, see Installation Overview for Oracle Data Integrator in Installing
and Configuring Oracle Data Integrator.
Configuring User Access for ODI Studio
The ODI repository is configured for external authentication against the WebLogic
Server embedded LDAP server. ODI Studio must be configured to use the appropriate
security files for authentication. You must perform these steps on all installations of
ODI Studio.
You must perform these steps even if ODI Studio has been installed on the
machine where Oracle Home for BI resides.
To configure user access for ODI Studio:
1. Copy cwallet.sso and jps-config-jse.xml from:
2. Edit ODI_HOME/oracledi/client/odi/bin/odi.conf by updating the JPS
configuration file name:
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
If you do not successfully complete these steps, you will receive the following error
message: ODI-10188: Error while login from OPSS<...>/jps-
config.xml (No such file or directory).
3. Perform steps 1 and 2 on all instances of ODI Studio.
You must perform these steps even if ODI Studio has been installed on
the system where Oracle Home for BI resides.
Regenerating the Security Files
If the Oracle BI Applications Administrator password or any ODI users' passwords
were changed, administrators need to regenerate security files and redistribute the
files to all instances of ODI Studio.
To regenerate security files:
1. Execute the script:
ORACLE_HOME/common/bin/ MW_HOME/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/install/ embedded --ADMIN_USER_NAME Administrator --
Where ADMIN_USER_NAME is the WebLogic Server administrator user.
The updated JPS configuration file and credential wallet are created at location:
2. Copy these updated files to ODI_HOME/oracledi/client/odi/bin on all ODI
Studio instances.
3. Make sure that the odi.conf file is edited correctly, as described in step 2 in the
previous procedure for configuring user access for ODI Studio.
The odi.conf file is located in ODI_HOME/oracledi/client/odi/bin.
About Applying the ODI Studio Patch
The ODI Studio patch is available in PATCH_ROOT_DIR/odi/generic.
For an explanation of the PATCH_ROOT_DIR, see Applying Platform Patches.
System administrators must provide this patch to developers who have installed ODI
Studio on their systems. Follow the instructions in the Patch Readme to apply the
patch on ODI Studio.
If you installed ODI Studio on the BI Domain host machine, you don't have to
apply the patch.
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
Copying Source Files
During installation of Oracle BI Applications, source files are installed in the
BI_Oracle_Home/biapps/etl directory. These files are used during the ETL process
and will be configured by functional developers. You must copy these files to a location
that ODI Agent deployed in WebLogic Server can access but that is outside of the
Oracle Home directory; otherwise, when the Oracle BI Applications environment is
upgraded or patched, these files will be overwritten.
1. Navigate to the BI_Oracle_Home/biapps/etl directory.
2. Copy all files under the BI_Oracle_Home/biapps/etl directory into a location
that ODI Agent deployed in WebLogic Server can access but is outside of the
Oracle Home directory.
Note these points:
Avoid copying the files to a location with a long directory path.
Do not put the files under the ODI Home directory.
Depending on your deployment, there may be files in the BI_Oracle_Home/
biapps/etl directory that you will not use.
Configuring High Availability in Oracle Business Intelligence
You can deploy a high-availability environment for the Weblogic components of BI
Applications including ODI. The deployment architecture is a two-node
highly available configuration of the BI System with Oracle BI EE, BI Applications and
the ODI components running on two Oracle WebLogic servers.
You are required to refer to the following documents while completing the various
High Availability for Oracle Data Integrator and Configuring High Availability for
Oracle Business Intelligence and EPM in High Availability Guide 11g Release 1
My Oracle Support document (Doc ID 1275527.1) titled Is the Oracle HTTP Server
(OHS) Required For The OBIEE 11g High Available Solution?.
The BI System is configured for high availability as described in Configuring High
Availability for Oracle Business Intelligence and EPM in the High Availability Guide.
You must modify some steps of this procedure for BI Applications deployment.
Additional steps are required to configure the BI Applications components and ODI for
high availability. Following are the steps to configure high availability for your BI
Applications deployment. It is recommended that you first review the instructions
below to understand the process and flow of steps before performing the procedures.
1. Complete the steps in Prerequisite Steps Before Setting Up a High Availability
Configuration for Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and BI Publisher and Enabling VIP1
in APPHOST1 and VIP2 in APPHOST2 in High Availability Guide.
2. Install and set up BI Applications on a single machine (referred to as Machine 1
later in this section) as described in this guide.
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
The BI Applications Component Repository, the BI Applications ODI Repository
and the Business Analytics Warehouse may be deployed into an Oracle Real
Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database using the BI Applications Repository
Creation Utility (RCU).
After install and setup is completed, ensure that the BI Applications Configuration
Manager, the Functional Setup Manager, ODI Console and the ODI Agent are up
and running and are functional.
3. On a second machine (Machine 2), install BI EE, ODI and BI Applications as
a. Install Weblogic 10.3.6
b. Install BI EE in Software-Only mode (do not install in Enterprise Install mode)
c. Run the ODI Installer
d. Run the BI Applications Installer.
e. Apply FMW patches.
The directory paths you use for binary files and domains when installing on
Machine 2 (or any additional nodes) must be identical to those on Machine 1
(first node).
Do not run
for BI as described in this guide.
Instead run
. Do not run
configure BI Applications or perform any other step for setting up BI
Applications on this node.
4. Complete the steps in Oracle BI EE High Availability Configuration Steps (sections through in High Availability Guide.
5. Scale out the BI system on Machine 2. See Scaling Out the BI System on
APPHOST2 in High Availability Guide.
6. Complete the steps in Oracle BI EE High Availability Configuration Steps (sections through in High Availability Guide.
7. Using the Weblogic Administration Console, on Machine 2 add another ODI server
to the ODI cluster, for example, ‘odi_server2’. Associate this server to the ODI
Cluster; example, ‘odi_cluster’.
8. Using the Weblogic Administration Console, restart both the ODI Managed
Servers, example, odi_server1 and odi_server2.
9. Enable Oracle HTTP Server to route to bi_cluster and odi_cluster:
a. For BI, see Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for the BI_SERVERn Managed
Servers in High Availability Guide.
b. For ODI, see Configuring Oracle HTTP Server in High Availability Guide.
For example:
# ODI Agent
<Location /oraclediagent>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicCluster APPHOST1VHN1:15001, APPHOST2VHN1:15001
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
WLProxySSLPassThrough ON
<Location /odiconsole>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicCluster APPHOST1VHN1:15001, APPHOST2VHN1:15001
WLProxySSLPassThrough ON
Replace APPHOST1VHN1:15001 and APPHOST2VHN2:15001 with
actual virtual host names and ports.
c. For BI Applications-specific applications: On WEBHOST1 and WEBHOST2,
add the following lines to the ORACLE_BASE/product/fmw/Oracle_WT1/
instances/web1/config/OHS/ohs1/mod_wl_ohs.conf file:
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicCluster APPHOST1VHN1:9704, APPHOST2VHN1:9704
WLProxySSLPassThrough ON
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicCluster APPHOST1VHN1:9704, APPHOST2VHN1:9704
WLProxySSLPassThrough ON
Replace APPHOST1VHN1:9704 and APPHOST2VHN2:9704 with
actual virtual host names and ports)
10. On all nodes (Machine 1 and Machine 2), update the $DOMAIN_HOME/ config/
fmwconfig/biinstances/coreapplication/ file by editing the
ODI_SERVER_PORT and ODI_SERVER_HOST parameters to point to the ODI
Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) entry point. (This is the load balancer virtual server
address and the load balancer virtual address listening port).
11. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server and the ODI Managed Servers (odi_server1 and
odi_server2). Validate that you can access the URLs for the BI Applications
Configuration Manager and ODI Console:
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
Also validate that you can access these URLs using your load balancing router
12. Complete Oracle BI EE High Availability Configuration Steps (sections
and in High Availability Guide.
13. In Copying Source Files, you copied the source files to a location outside of the
Oracle Homes for BI and ODI. Copy these source files to a shared location which
the ODI agents on Machine 1 and Machine 2 can access.
14. Update the location of source file for all the three physical schemas —
BIAPPS_DW_FILE, DW_LOG_FILE, and DW_SHARED_FILE data server in the
ODI Studio. Perform the below steps for all the three file data server types:
a. Log into ODI Studio. Click Topology Manager, click Technology, and select
server and double-click to open the physical schema.
c. In the Definition pane, for the Directory (Schema) and Directory (Work
Schema) properties, specify the shared location where you copied source files
to in step 16 above.
For example:
<Source File Home on Shared Location>/biapps/etl/data_files/
15. Log into ODI Console. Click Topology, click Agents, click Physical Agents, and
select OracleDIAgent. Update the ODI Agent Host Name and Port Number fields
to point to the front end host and port.
16. Restart all BI and ODI Managed Servers.
BI Applications Configuration Manager, the Functional Setup Manager and the ODI
Console and Agent are configured in Active:Active mode. Note that if an ODI Agent
fails while in the middle of a session execution, that session will not be recovered on
the same or second agent. To restart a load plan, see Restarting Load Plans in Oracle
Business Intelligence Applications ETL Guide.
Next Steps After Installation — System Setup
The next steps in the installation and setup process are to perform the system setup
tasks and configure BI Applications–ODI Authentication to external (OID).
See Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks . These tasks are required to
complete integration of the Oracle BI Applications components and to ready the
system for functional configurations and data loads.
Steps to Configure BI Applications–ODI Authentication to External (OID)
Oracle Business Intelligence uses the Oracle WebLogic Server LDAP directory for
authentication by default. The Oracle BI Applications installation on the BI EE platform
requires the use of the embedded Weblogic LDAP. Once Oracle BI Applications has
been installed and set up, you can configure it to use an external LDAP for
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
Prerequisite: Oracle BI Applications has been installed into the BI
Domain where the default Weblogic embedded LDAP is used for authentication.
The Oracle BI Applications installation will fail if an external LDAP system is
being used. If you have configured the BI system for use with an external
LDAP (for example, Oracle Internet Directory), then you must re-configure to
use the default Weblogic embedded LDAP before you perform the Oracle BI
Applications installation.
To configure the BI system including Oracle BI Applications to use an external
1. Configure the Business Intelligence system to use an external LDAP for
See Using Alternative Authentication Providers in Security Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g Release 1 (11.1.1).
2. Create the Oracle BI Applications Administrator and BIAppsSystemUser users in
the external LDAP system.
In the external LDAP, create the Oracle BI Applications Administrator user. This
user will be granted the Oracle BI Applications Administrator Duty and will be
added to the ODI Repository with Supervisor privileges during script execution in
step 4 below. This user will have full access to Configuration Manager and to ODI
Console and the ODI Repository. In the external LDAP, create a user with name
“BIAppsSystemUser”(this is case sensitive) and make sure uid attribute in OID is
updated with the same name. This user credentials will be used by the ODI Java
EE Agent deployed in Weblogic to connect to the ODI Repository. This user will
also be created in the ODI repository with SUPERVISOR privileges during script
execution in step 4 below.
3. Update the
credential map to include the
from MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin folder:
connect('<ADMIN_USER_NAME>', '<ADMIN_PASSWORD>', 't3://<host>:<port>')
updateCred(map='oracle.biapps.system', key='system.user',
user='BIAppsSystemUser', password='<Password_forBIAppsSystemUser>',
is the password entered for the
in step 2 above
4. Run
This script associates the Oracle BI Applications Administrator Duty to the Oracle
BI Applications Administrator user and adds the Oracle BI Applications
Administrator and BIAppsSystemUser users to the ODI repository with Supervisor
privileges. The ODI will be configured to use the external LDAP for authentication.
Run the following command from MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
./ <ORACLE_HOME>/bifoundation/install/ --
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
Where the
is the Oracle BI Applications Administrator user.
Restart the ODI Managed Server using Weblogic Administration Console.
5. Configure ODI Studio Security files.
The ODI Repository is configured for external authentication against your external
LDAP server. ODI Studio must be configured to use the appropriate security files
for authentication. The security files have to be regenerated for login to ODI Studio
to be successful.
a. Run the following command from BI_ORACLE_HOME/common/bin folder in
order to generate the ODI client security artifacts.
Do not run
from any other location.
./ <MW_HOME>/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/install/
external -- ADMIN_USER_NAME <Administrator> --DOMAIN_HOSTNAME <Hostname> --
DOMAIN_PORT <Domain Port, e.g. 7001> --DOMAIN_HOME_PATH <Domain Home Path,
e.g. MW Home>/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain> --OID_USER
cn=orcladmin --LDAP_URL <ldap://host:port> --USERBASE_PREFIX <User base
where users will be searched, e.g., cn=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com> --
GROUPBASE_PREFIX <user group, e.g., cn=groups,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com>
the ‘external’ parameter is used to configure to the external LDAP system.
--ADMIN_USER_NAME : Weblogic Administrator user Name
--DOMAIN_HOSTNAME : BI Domain host name
--DOMAIN_PORT: BI Domain port
--DOMAIN_HOME_PATH : BI Domain home path
--OID_USER: OID user, e.g. cn=orcladmin
--LDAP_URL: external ldap url; format: ldap://host:port
--USERBASE_PREFIX : user base prefix; where users will be searched; e.g.
--GROUPBASE_PREFIX : user group prefix; e.g. cn=groups,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
Example: ./ /scratch/mw6826/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/install/ external --ADMIN_USER_NAME Administrator --
DOMAIN_HOME_PATH /scratch/mw6826/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain --
OID_USER cn=orcladmin -- LDAP_URL ldap:// --
USERBASE_PREFIX cn=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com --GROUPBASE_PREFIX
b. Copy the
file and
files from
DOMAIN_HOME_PATH/odi-client-config/external to ODI_Home/
oracledi/client/odi/bin on all machines where ODI Studio clients have
been installed.
c. Open the ODI_Home/oracledi/client/odi/bin/odi.conf file for
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
Edit the line starting with
to point to
jps- config-jse.xml
file and location as follows:
have been copied to the
ODI_Home/oracledi/client/odi/bin directory).
Chapter 3
Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications
Performing Post-Installation System Setup
Perform these post-installation system setup tasks for Oracle Business Intelligence
Applications (Oracle BI Applications).
Setting the Business Analytics Warehouse Connection in Oracle Data Integrator
Creating SDS Schema Post Installation
Performing Setup Steps for On-Premises Fusion Applications Sources
Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details to Oracle Data
Enabling Offerings for Deployment
Setting Languages for Data Load into the Business Analytics Warehouse
Running the Domains Load Plan
Mapping Externally Conformed Domains
Granting Users Access to Configuration Manager FSM and Oracle Data Integrator
Editing Preferred Currency Display Names and Enabling Document Currency
Enabling Initialization Blocks
Trimming the Repository
Trimming the ODI Repository
Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources
Setting Up Oracle Service Cloud Data Source
Setting Up Oracle Taleo Cloud Data Source
Next Steps
Setting the Business Analytics Warehouse Connection in
Oracle Data Integrator
Use Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Studio to set the connection properties in the ODI
Repository of the physical schema associated with the BIAPPS_DW_FILE physical
To set the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse physical schema connection in ODI:
1. Log in to ODI Studio using the Oracle BI Applications Administrator credentials.
2. In the navigation pane, go to Topology, and expand Technologies, and then
expand File.
3. Double-click BIAPPS_DW_FILE.
4. In the Definition pane, for the Directory (Schema) and Directory (Work Schema)
properties, specify the directory where you copied source files to in Copying
Source Files, and include the sub-folders data_files/src_files/BIA_11.
For example:
Creating SDS Schema Post Installation
Provision new SDS PLV types in ODI using the script provided in this topic. The script
exists in the oracle home and can be used immediately.
This script creates the WLS datasource for the SDS type and provisions the SDS Data
server in ODI.
You need to create the SDS DB schema through the RCU before running this script as
the script requires some schema details as input parameter.
Run the RCU and when prompted on screen, select one or more SDS types for which
you want to configure. No other component type should be selected apart from the
SDS types in the Cloud Replicator node.
Script location is <ORACLE_HOME>/dwtools/scripts/
--DOMAIN_HOME_PATH - BI Domain Home path. eg; /scratch/aime1/work/mw1234/
--BI_CLUSTER_NAME - BI Cluster name. Please use the value as is without quotes -
--SDS_PROVISION_TYPE - The SDS PLV code. Please see the table below to use the PLV
code to provision a specific SDS type. eg; TALEO_14_B
--SDS_JDBC_URL - SDS PLV JDBC url string format: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<db_host>:<port>/
<ServiceName> eg;
--SDS_DB_SCHEMA - SDS PLV db schema user name eg; FA_SDS_TALEO_14B
--ODI_JDBC_URL - ODI REPO JDBC url string format: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<db_host>:<port>/
<ServiceName> eg;
--ODI_DB_SCHEMA - ODI REPO schema user name. eg; FA_BIA_ODIREPO,
--ODI_USER_NAME - ODI user name. eg; Administrator1,
--ODI_HOME_PATH - ODI home path. eg; /scratch/aime1/work/mw1234/odi3898
SDS PLV Code to use in the command
Chapter 4
Creating SDS Schema Post Installation
Below example shows the SDS provisioning of Taleo 14 B. See the input param
Run the following command:
Eg Usage Command: <ORACLE_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin/ /scratch/aime1/
work/mw1234/Oracle_BI1/dwtools/scripts/ --
DOMAIN_HOME_PATH /scratch/aime1/work/mw1234/user_projects/domains/
bifoundation_domain --BI_CLUSTER_NAME bi_cluster --SDS_PROVISION_TYPE TALEO_14_B --
FA_BIA_ODIREPO --ODI_USER_NAME Administrator1 --ODI_HOME_PATH /scratch/aime1/work/
Performing Setup Steps for On-Premises Oracle Fusion
Applications Sources
These procedures apply to on-premises Oracle Fusion Applications sources.
Creating a User for ETL
Configuring the Oracle BI Repository for ETL
Chapter 4
Performing Setup Steps for On-Premises Oracle Fusion Applications Sources
Creating a User for ETL
The ETL process must be run by a user with appropriate data security privileges
granted on the Oracle Fusion Applications tables from which data is extracted into
Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. For this purpose, the enterprise role named
FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID is provisioned during the installation of Oracle
Fusion Applications with the appropriate ETL security privileges.
This procedure applies only to on-premises Oracle Fusion Applications sources.
Work with your security administrator for Oracle Fusion Applications to complete these
1. In the Oracle Fusion Applications LDAP system, create a new user.
For example, you might create a new user named OBIA_ETL_USER.
2. Make the user a member of the Enterprise Role
3. Make a note of the user credentials.
4. When using the embedded LDAP for Oracle BI Applications, create a user with
exactly the same credentials as the ETL user created in Oracle Fusion
Applications LDAP.
Grant this OBIA_ETL_USER the BIAdministrator Duty Role.
Configuring the Oracle BI Repository for ETL
This procedure applies only to on-premises Oracle Fusion Applications sources.
To configure the repository for ETL against on-premises Oracle Fusion Applications
1. Log into Oracle BI Administration Tool.
2. Open the Oracle BI Repository for Oracle BI Applications in offline mode.
3. In the Physical layer, configure a connection to the BIEE broker for each of the
Oracle Fusion Applications pillar domains. Set the connection for each of these
Physical layer objects:
Pillar Physical Layer Object
a. Right-click one of the pillar objects, and select Properties.
b. In the General tab of the Database dialog, select Allow direct database
requests by default.
c. Expand the pillar object, and double-click Connection Pool.
Chapter 4
Performing Setup Steps for On-Premises Oracle Fusion Applications Sources
The Connection Pool dialog opens.
d. In the General tab, enter FUSION_APPS_BI_APPID as the data source user
name, and enter the password for this user.
You can obtain the password for the FUSION_APPS_BI_APPID user from
your Oracle Fusion Applications administrator.
e. In the Miscellaneous tab, in the Application Server URL field, enter the URL for
the BIEE broker for the appropriate pillar, in the format:
For example:
f. In the SQL Bypass Database field, enter <PILLAR>_OLTP.
For example: CRM_OLTP.
Chapter 4
Performing Setup Steps for On-Premises Oracle Fusion Applications Sources
g. Repeat steps 3a through 3e for each of the three pillars.
4. Set the value for these DSN variables.
These variables specify the connection to the Fusion Applications transactional
OLTP_DSN (used by the Marketing OLTP data source)
a. In the menu bar, select Manage, then Variables.
b. In the Variable Manager dialog, scroll down to locate the
<PILLAR>_OLTP_DSN variable.
c. Double-click the <PILLAR>_OLTP_DSN variable.
The Static Repository Variable dialog opens.
d. In the Default Initializer text box, enter the connection information to the
Fusion Applications transactional database in the tnsnames.ora format.
For example:
e. Repeat steps 4a through 4e for each DSN.
5. Set the value for these user variables.
These variables specify the Oracle Fusion Applications transactional database
Chapter 4
Performing Setup Steps for On-Premises Oracle Fusion Applications Sources
OLTP_USER (used by the Marketing OLTP data source)
a. Obtain the user name for the users listed above from the repository for Oracle
Transactional Business Intelligence.
b. Obtain the password for the users from the Oracle Fusion Applications
You will need this password in a later step.
c. In the menu bar, select Manage, Variables.
d. In the menu bar of the Variable Manager dialog, select Action, New,
Repository, then Variable.
e. In the Variable Manager dialog, scroll down to locate the
f. Double-click the variable.
The Static Repository Variable dialog opens.
g. In the Default Initializer text box, enter the user name.
h. Repeat steps 4a through 4e for each user.
6. Configure the connection pool for each of the OLTP objects listed in the Physical
Marketing OLTP
a. Expand the object.
b. Double-click Connection Pool.
For Marketing OLTP, double-click Fusion OLTP Connection Pool.
The Connection Pool dialog opens.
c. In the Data source name field, enter VALUEOF(<PILLAR>_OLTP_DSN).
For example:
For Marketing OLTP, enter
d. In the User name field, enter VALUEOF(<PILLAR>_OLTP_USER).
For example:
For Marketing OLTP enter
The user for CRM_OLTP, FSCM_OLTP, FBI_OLTP, and HCM_OLTP is the
same. The user for Marketing OLTP is the value of OLTP_USER, which is
different from the user for the other pillars.
e. In the Password field, enter the password for the user.
Chapter 4
Performing Setup Steps for On-Premises Oracle Fusion Applications Sources
Obtain this password from the Oracle Fusion Applications administrator.
f. Repeat steps 6a through 6e for each of the OLTP objects.
Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection
Details to Oracle Data Integrator
Use this procedure to register a source system and propagate the connection details
to ODI.
To register a source system:
If you want to register the Oracle Fusion Applications source, then follow the
steps in Register the Fusion Applications Source.
1. Launch Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager using the URL http://
<host>:<port>/biacm, and log in as the Oracle BI Applications Administrator user.
This user was created in the procedure Configuring Oracle BI Applications.
2. In the navigation pane, select the Define Business Intelligence Applications
Instance link, which appears under System Setups.
The Source Systems tab is displayed.
3. Click the Add icon.
The Register Source dialog displays.
4. Register the source in Configuration Manager, specify these properties.
Chapter 4
Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details to Oracle Data Integrator
Property Description
Product Line Select the source instance product line.
For Oracle Fusion sources, select Oracle Fusion.
Product Line Version Select the version number of the source instance product line.
Source Instance
Specify a name for the source instance.
This is the name given by the Oracle BI Applications System
Administrator to a transactional system that serves as a source of
data for Oracle BI Applications data load. The source instance is
important because functional setup tasks, and the setting of values
for objects such as parameters and domain maps are performed in
relation to a source instance.
Description (Optional) Enter additional information about the source instance.
Data Source Number Enter a unique number to identify the source instance.
The Data Source Number value specifies a data source so that the
data can be identified in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.
Each source instance must have a unique Data Source Number.*
Data Server For all sources except PeopleSoft sources, a read-only list of data
servers is displayed.
For PeopleSoft Enterprise sources, in the Data Server Details
window, select the appropriate data server for the source instance.
*However, ensure that this value is same in all (dev/testing/production)
environments, else import/export of data fails with errors.
Click Next. The Register Source in ODI Topology page is active.
5. Register the source in ODI:
a. Select Global from the Context drop-down list.
The Global value is required because the Oracle BI Applications interfaces are
designed to use this value.
b. In the Technology: Oracle tab, specify these properties:
Property Description
ODI Data Server
Specify a name for the ODI Data Server that indicates the
transactional OLTP database (source database). This ODI Data
Server Name must be unique across all ODI data servers in the
ODI Repository.
JDBC Driver The name of the JDBC driver for the transactional OLTP
database (source database) connection.
For Oracle Fusion sources, this property indicates the name of
the JDBC driver for the Oracle BI Server. For example:
Data from the Fusion Applications transactional system is
retrieved from the Oracle BI Server.
Oracle recommends that you use the default value.
Chapter 4
Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details to Oracle Data Integrator
Property Description
JDBC URL Specify the JDBC URL for the transactional OLTP database
(source database) connection. The format for the URL is:
If your source is Oracle Fusion Applications on-premises,
specify the JDBC URL for the Oracle BI Server. The format is
jdbc:oraclebi://<BI Server host>:<BI Server port>/
PrimaryCcs=<Cluster Controller
Host>;PrimaryCcsPort=<Cluster Controller Port>
For example:
Specify the database user name for the transactional OLTP
database (source database).
For Oracle Fusion sources, specify the user name of the ETL
user. This is the user created in Creating a User for ETL.
Database Password Specify the password for the transactional OLTP database
(source database).
For Oracle Fusion sources, specify the password for the ETL
Test Use this button to test the connection to the transactional OLTP
database (source database).
c. In the Technology: File System tab, specify these properties:
Property Description
ODI Data Server
Specify a name for the file system data server. This ODI Data
Server Name must be unique across all ODI data servers in the
ODI Repository.
Host Name Specify the name of the host system where the file system
(source files used for ETL) resides. This is the system to which
you copied the source files in the procedure Copying Source
Path To File Specify the directory where you copied the source files in
Copying Source Files.
The directory path must include the appropriate source-specific
folder for your environment. The source-specific folders are
located in /biapps/etl/data_files/src_files.
For example, if your source system is Oracle EBS 12.1.1, the
directory path would be:
SOURCE_FILE_HOME/biapps/etl/data_ files/
Array Fetch Size The number of rows requested by ODI on each communication
with the data server.
This column may be hidden. To view this column, click View,
Columns, Show All.
Batch Update Size The number of rows in a single INSERT command.
This column may be hidden. To view this column, click View,
Columns, Show All.
Chapter 4
Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details to Oracle Data Integrator
Property Description
JDBC Driver Oracle recommends that you use the default value.
This column may be hidden. To view this column, click View,
Columns, Show All.
JDBC URL Oracle recommends that you use the default value.
This column may be hidden. To view this column, click View,
Columns, Show All.
d. Click Save and Close.
This information is passed to ODI where the connections are created.
The connection details are not propagated to the ODI Repository until you
have entered and saved the information on both the Register Source in
Configuration Manager page and the Register Source in ODI Topology page.
Enabling Offerings for Deployment
Use Configuration Manager to enable the Oracle BI Applications offerings that you
have purchased and are deploying. The setup data relating to offerings is made visible
in Configuration Manager when you enable the offering.
By default, if you have multiple source instances and you enable an offering, the
offering is enabled for all source instances. If an offering won't source from all source
instances, then you can disable the source instances from which the offering won't
source. For example, suppose you have two source instances, Oracle EBS and
PeopleSoft, and you are deploying Financial Analytics. If Financial Analytics will only
source from PeopleSoft, then you would disable the Oracle EBS source instance for
the Financial Analytics offering.
To enable Oracle BI Applications offerings for deployment:
1. Log in to Configuration Manager as the Oracle BI Applications Administrator user.
2. Select the Manage Business Intelligence Applications link to display the
Manage Business Intelligence Applications dialog.
3. Select the Business Intelligence Application Offerings tab.
4. Select Enabled next to each offering you want to deploy.
Enabling an offering makes the setup data associated with that offering available
in Configuration Manager.
5. Click Save to save your changes.
6. To exit this dialog, click Done.
Disabling a Source Instance
You can disable a source instance from which an offering will not source.
1. Go to the Business Intelligence Application Offerings and Associated
Sources tab.
Chapter 4
Enabling Offerings for Deployment
2. Expand the appropriate offering.
3. Deselect Enabled for the source you want to disable.
4. Click Save.
Setting Languages for Data Load into the Business
Analytics Warehouse
Oracle BI Applications supports data loads in multiple languages. You specify the
languages for data loads in Configuration Manager.
PSFT and JDE customers must also configure the
variable before executing the Domain-Only load plan. This is the base
language of the PeopleSoft or JD Edwards OLTP and not necessarily the BI
Apps base language. The
variable does not apply to any
other source system.
1. Log in to Configuration Manager as a user with the Oracle BI Applications
Administrator duty role.
2. Select the Manage Warehouse Languages link to display the Manage
Warehouse Languages page.
3. In the Manage Business Analytics Warehouse Languages tab, specify the
languages from which data is to be extracted from the list of languages displayed
in the table by selecting Yes from the Installed menu.
Note that American English is the default installed language. All other languages
are disabled.
When you specify a language as being Installed, the Data Load
Parameter LANGUAGE_LIST is populated internally with the list of
selected languages. This parameter list is used during data extraction to
extract data in the selected languages.
4. Click Save to save your changes.
Running the Domains Load Plan
You must define, generate, and run a domains load plan to load source-specific data
into Configuration Manager tables. This enables Configuration Manager to display the
appropriate source-specific values as choices in drop-down lists for setup objects.
Before you perform this step you must have completed the procedure Registering
Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details to Oracle Data Integrator,
including registering the source in the Register Source in ODI Topology page.
Chapter 4
Setting Languages for Data Load into the Business Analytics Warehouse
Additionally, if you have Fusion Cloud as a source in a load plan, then do not run such
plans until you have set up the Oracle Fusion Applications cloud data source. See
Setting up Fusion Applications Cloud Data Sources.
To define, generate, and run the domains load plan:
1. Define the domains load plan:
a. In the Tasks pane of Configuration Manager, select Manage Load Plans,
which appears under the Load Plans Administration heading.
The Manage Load Plans page is displayed.
b. In the Load Plans toolbar, click the Add icon.
The Create Load Plan page is displayed.
c. On the first page of the Create Load Plan series, specify this information:
Field Description
Name Enter a unique name for the load plan.
Description (Optional) Enter additional information about the load plan.
Load Plan Type Select Domain-only Extract and Load (SDE and SIL).
Source Instances Select a source instance. If you do not select an instance, then
all instances are selected by default.
d. Click Next.
The second page of the Create Load Plan series displays.
e. In the Available Fact Groups tab, select the fact groups you want to include in
the domains load plan definition.
The fact groups may belong to a hierarchy of fact groups. You can select only
the top level parent fact group and not a child fact group.
A load plan must contain at least one fact group. Multiple fact groups may be
selected from one or more data sources.
f. Click Save.
A submenu is displayed with these options:
Click Save to save the load plan. After a load plan is saved, it is displayed
in the Load Plans master list.
Click Save and Generate Load Plan to save the load plan and
immediately generate it.
The generation process in Configuration Manager propagates the load plan
properties to the ODI Repository, where the load plan is built.
2. If you did not generate the load plan upon saving in the previous step, then
generate it:
a. In the Load Plans master list, select the domains load plan you defined in step
b. In the Load Plans toolbar, click the Generate icon.
The Generation Status column indicates the progress of the generation process.
The process must complete successfully before you can move on to the next step.
Click the Refresh icon to refresh the display.
Chapter 4
Running the Domains Load Plan
3. Run the domains load plan by selecting it in the master list, and clicking the
Execute icon on the toolbar.
Mapping Externally Conformed Domains
After you run the domains load plan, you must complete the mapping of externally
conformed domains to point to a particular source (even if you have only one source)
in Configuration Manager.
You must perform the mapping configuration for each domain listed in the Manage
Externally Conformed Domains dialog.
User Access to Configuration Manager, FSM, and Oracle
Data Integrator
On installation the Oracle BI Applications system is configured to use WebLogic
Server embedded LDAP for authentication. Work with your security administrator to
grant users access to Configuration Manager, Functional Setup Manager (FSM), and
Access to Configuration Manager and FSM is controlled through these duty roles:
BI Applications Administrator Duty
BI Applications Functional Developer Duty
BI Applications Implementation Manager Duty
Load Plan Operator Duty
Load Plan Administrator Duty
The security administrator must grant the appropriate duty roles to a user based on the
user's job responsibilities. See Duty Roles for Access to Functional Setup Manager or
Configuration Manager in Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Security Guide.
The Oracle BI Applications administrator, load plan operator, and load plan
administrator users require appropriate access to ODI. In addition to these users being
created in the LDAP system, you must create these users in the ODI Repository and
grant them the Supervisor profile or an appropriate ODI profile. The Oracle BI
Applications administrator must be granted the Supervisor role in ODI. Work with your
security administrator to grant the duty roles.
To manage security in ODI, see Managing the Security in Oracle Data Integrator in
Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator.
Additionally, you must complete the following steps to configure the Signout link to
work for Configuration Manager on an Oracle Access Manager (OAM) enabled
1. Execute the commands through WLST as the following:
logouturi="/oamsso/logout.html", autologinuri="/obrar.cgi")
cd <MW_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin
connect ('biadmin,'welcome1','t3://<WLS_HOST>:<WLS_PORT');
Chapter 4
Mapping Externally Conformed Domains
logouturi="/oamsso/logout.html", autologinuri="/obrar.cgi")
2. Bounce bi_server1.
Editing Preferred Currency Display Names and Enabling
Document Currency
Oracle Business Intelligence is installed with a set of preferred currencies with pre-
configured preferred currency names and preferred currency codes. Preferred
currency names are used on Oracle Business Intelligence dashboards in the Currency
drop-down on the My Account dialog\Preferences tab for a user logged into Oracle
Business Intelligence.
You can use the Manage Preferred Currencies dialog to edit the default currency
display names. You edit preferred currency name values to change the currency labels
that are displayed in all modules associated with BI dashboards. For example, you
might want to change the 'Local Currency' label from 'Ledger Currency' to 'Local
To edit currency display names:
1. Login to Configuration Manager as the Oracle BI Applications Administrator user.
2. Under System Setups, select Manage Preferred Currencies to display the
Manage Preferred Currencies dialog.
3. Select a currency in the Preferred Currencies list.
Selecting the currency displays the associated modules in the bottom table.
4. Click the value in the Preferred Currency Name column (or click the Edit icon) to
display the Preferred Currency Name dialog.
5. In the Preferred Currency Name field, specify a currency name.
This is the name that will appear for end users in the Currency drop-down list,
located in Preferences tab of the My Accounts dialog of Oracle Business
6. Click Save and Close.
Enabling Document Currency
By default, document currency is excluded from the Currency drop-down list (located
in the Preferences tab of the My Accounts dialog in Oracle Business Intelligence).
To include Document currency in the Currency drop-down list, you must remove a
specific filter from all of these security groups in the repository:
Chapter 4
Editing Preferred Currency Display Names and Enabling Document Currency
The security groups listed above are displayed in Oracle BI Administration
Tool on the Application Roles tab on the Identity Manager dialog.
1. In Oracle BI Administration Tool, click Manage, then Identity, to display the
Identity Manager dialog.
2. In the Identity Manager dialog, click BI Repository.
3. Display the Application Roles tab.
4. For each of the security groups in the repository list:
a. Double-click the security group to display the Application Role - <Name>
b. Click Permissions, and then display the Data Filters tab.
c. In the Data Filter column, remove the filter:
AND "Core"."Fact - Preference List"."Currency Preference Code" <> 'Document
For example, the filter before editing:
"Core"."Fact - Preference List"."Module Code" = 'PROJECT_AN' AND
"Core"."Fact - Preference List"."Currency Preference Flag" in ('W', 'B')
AND "Core"."Fact - Preference List"."Currency Preference Code" <>
'Document Currency'
For example, the filter after editing:
"Core"."Fact - Preference List"."Module Code" = 'PROJECT_AN' AND
"Core"."Fact - Preference List"."Currency Preference Flag" in ('W', 'B')
5. Save the changes.
If you edited the metadata repository in Offline mode, then you must use Oracle
Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control to upload the repository.
In Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, use the
Upload BI Server Repository area on the Business Intelligence
\coreapplication\Deployment\Repository tab. To upload the repository,
see Using Fusion Middleware Control to Upload a Repository and Set
the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog Location in System Administrator's
Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
Chapter 4
Editing Preferred Currency Display Names and Enabling Document Currency
Enabling Initialization Blocks
For all source systems other than Oracle Fusion Applications, you must enable
initialization blocks. Initialization blocks are enabled for Oracle Fusion Applications by
This procedure uses forward slashes to separate directories, indicating the UNIX/Linux
directory structure. For Windows, substitute a backslash; the directory structure is the
same as that for UNIX/Linux.
1. Copy the sample config.txt file from ORACLE_HOME/biapps/biarpdutil/bin
to ORACLE_HOME/biapps/biarpdutil/lib.
2. Copy the Oracle BI Repository file for Oracle BI Applications from ORACLE_HOME/
biapps/admin\provisioning/OracleBIServerComponent to
3. Add ORACLE_HOME/bifoundation/server/bin to the PATH system variable.
4. Execute the bi-init command to display a command prompt that is initialized to
your Oracle instance. The bi-init file is located in ORACLE_INSTANCE/
For Windows, execute bi-init.cmd.
For UNIX/Linux:
a. Switch to bash mode.
b. Execute
5. Edit the config.txt file that you copied to ORACLE_HOME/biapps/
RPD File Name <RPD file name>
RPD Password <RPD pasword>
RPD Database List <Comma separated list of database names in RPD physical layer
for which the initialization block has to be enabled>
The values in the repository database list must include all initialization blocks
related to the source system that need to be enabled. Oracle BI Server must be
included as a value in the repository database list if an initialization block that
needs to be refreshed from the Oracle BI EE server is to be enabled.
6. Execute the ManageInitBlock.jar utility, located in ORACLE_HOME/biapps/
biarpdutil/lib, using this command:
java -classpath ManageInitBlock.jar oracle.apps.biarpdutil.ManageInitBlock
An output repository is generated. The file is named Output_RPD.rpd. All relevant
initialization blocks are enabled in Output_RPD.rpd.
7. Deploy the Output_RPD.rpd to Oracle BI EE.
To deploy an Oracle BI Repository, see Configuring Repositories in System
Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
Chapter 4
Enabling Initialization Blocks
Trimming the Repository
Oracle BI Applications delivers a full repository with projects for all the BI Applications
modules. This full repository is deployed to the Oracle BI Server. You can trim the
repository so that it includes only the projects that are relevant to your deployment.
Although optional, trimming the repository makes the Oracle BI Server startup process
faster and also makes patching quicker.
The repository should not be trimmed for on-premises Fusion Applications
sources. The full repository is required for ETL in these environments.
The steps for trimming the repository depend on the status of your deployment:
If the repository has not been customized for your deployment: Extract the projects
for the products that your organization has purchased. You don't need to perform
a merge. See Extracting Projects From Full Repository.
If the repository has been customized for your deployment: Extract the applicable
projects from the full (delivered) repository, and, additionally, merge that repository
with your customized repository. See Extracting Projects From Full Repository and
Merging Repositories.
Extracting Projects From Full Repository
Use this procedure to extract projects from the full repository. The end result of this
process is a trimmed repository.
To extract from the repository the projects for the products you have purchased:
1. Open a Command window on the computer where Oracle BI Administration Tool is
2. If you installed Oracle BI EE on Windows, then run bi-init.cmd to launch a
Command prompt that is initialized to your Oracle instance. This utility is located
If you installed the Oracle BI Administration Tool using the BI Client installer, then
run bi_init.bat to launch a Command prompt that is initialized your Oracle
instance. This file is located in:
3. In a Command prompt window, run ExtractProjects:
If you installed Oracle BI EE on Windows, ExtractProjects.exe is located in
If you installed Oracle BI Administration Tool using the BI Client installer,
ExtractProjects.exe is located in ORACLE_HOME\oraclebi\orahome
Run one of these commands:
Chapter 4
Trimming the Repository
For extracting a single project:
ExtractProjects -B input_rpd -O output_rpd -I "project_name"
For extracting multiple projects:
ExtractProjects -B input_rpd -O output_rpd -I "project_name1" -I "project_name2"-
I "project_name3" (and so on)
is the name and path of the full (delivered) repository and from which
you want to extract the project or projects (for example, OracleBIApps.rpd).
is the name and path of the repository you want to create with the
extracted projects (for example, OracleBIAppsTrimmed.rpd).
is the name of the repository project you want to extract.
You will be prompted to enter the encryption password for the repository
(input_rpd ).
The list of projects in the repository includes:
Financial Analytics Fusion Edition
Human Resources Analytics Fusion Edition
Marketing Analytics Fusion Edition
Partner Analytics Fusion Edition
Project Analytics Fusion Edition
Sales Analytics Fusion Edition
Supply Chain and Order Management Analytics Fusion Edition
Student Information Analytics
Service Analytics
Price Analytics
Manufacturing Analytics
The repository contains projects in addition to those listed above. These
projects are included for future content delivery and upgrade support. To
determine the Oracle BI Applications available in this release, see
System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle BI
4. Save and rename the trimmed repository. Make sure the name identifies this
repository as one that has been trimmed, for example,
Chapter 4
Trimming the Repository
Merging Repositories
Use this procedure only if you have customized the repository and are subsequently
trimming the repository.
1. In the Oracle BI Administration Tool, open in offline mode the trimmed Oracle BI
Repository that you created in the procedure Extracting Projects From Full
Repository, for example, OracleBIAppsTrimmed.rpd.
2. On the menu bar, click File, and then click Merge.
3. In the Select Original Repository dialog box, select the repository
OracleBIApps., which is the full repository.
4. Enter the password for the original repository, and then click OK.
5. Click Select for the Modified Repository field.
The Select Modified Repository dialog opens.
6. Select the repository that contains the customizations you made to the repository
file, for example, OracleBIAppsCustom..
7. Click Open, and enter the password for the previously customized repository, and
then click OK.
8. In the Decision drop-down list, select the action you want to take regarding the
repository change, or accept the default action.
9. To locate subsequent rows with empty Decision fields, click the Decision header
After all rows have a value in the Decision field, the Merge button becomes
10. Click Merge.
A message appears after the merge concludes successfully.
11. On the menu bar, click File, and then click Save As.
Save the current repository using a new name, such as
Trimming the ODI Repository
Trimming the ODI repository makes the repository more responsive and enables
quicker patching.
Trimming content is not suggested as a best practice after deployment. This is just
guidance if you are experiencing issues (such as ODI export/import taking long time)
due to the large size of the ODI repository. To trim the ODI repository, see My Oracle
Support document (ID 1970123.1) titled Trimming BI Apps ODI Repository.
Next Steps After Setup — Functional Configuration
After you complete the setup tasks, Oracle BI Applications is ready for functional
configuration, which is accomplished using Configuration Manager and FSM.
Chapter 4
Trimming the ODI Repository
If you are deploying data fromOracle Fusion Applications Cloud source
system, complete the tasks in Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data
Sources before performing functional configuration.
To enable functional configuration, you must provide the Configuration Manager URL
to your implementation managers and functional developers. To learn about the
functional configuration process for Oracle BI Applications, see Oracle Business
Intelligence Applications Configuration Guide.
In addition, for Oracle Fusion Applications sources, after Oracle BI Applications
analyses and dashboards have been tested and the data validated, the Oracle BI
Applications system administrator will need to inform the Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator to enable the appropriate embedded analyses and dashboard (ADR)
regions in Oracle Fusion Applications. The ADR regions are enabled using FSM for
Oracle Fusion Applications.
Chapter 4
Next Steps After Setup — Functional Configuration
Setting Up Fusion Applications Cloud Data
Follow these procedures to deploy Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (Oracle
BI Applications) with a Fusion Applications Cloud data source.
Overview of Oracle Fusion Applications Cloud Source System Support
Fusion Applications Cloud Source System Deployment Options
Fusion Applications Cloud Source System Deployment Roadmap
Create a Service Request to Deploy Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console
Provision a User For Export and Import of BI Data from Fusion UCM
Provision a User for Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Connector Access
Register the Fusion Applications Source
Configuring Oracle Universal Content Management URL for Federated SSO
Create a Load Plan and Specify Offerings and Fact Groups to Load
Extract Data into Universal Content Management using BI Cloud Connector
Synchronize Deletes in Your Cloud Extract
Configure Proxy Settings for WebLogic Server
Managing Fusion Flex Extensions in Release
Set Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Fusion Applications Source Data
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for HCM Fusion Applications Source Data
Overview of Oracle Fusion Applications Cloud Source
System Support
You can enable your on-premises deployment of Oracle BI Applications to consume
data from your Fusion Cloud Services, providing you with a comprehensive set of
analytics that span your on-premises and cloud service systems to give you a
complete view of your business.
Along with the many supported on-premises source business systems, support for
Oracle Fusion Applications Cloud Services enables a robust hybrid analytics solution
to deliver the complete picture regardless of where the data originates.
You can securely connect your on-premises Oracle BI Applications deployment to your
Oracle Fusion Applications Cloud Service, which automates the flow of data from your
source system to your Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, enabling your hybrid
analytics solution.
Key features include:
Extracts are from VOs and not direct from DB.
Leverages Standard Security Methods of Source Cloud Systems to secure data in-
Fusion Applications Cloud Source System Deployment
When migrating to the Cloud, you can enable your on-premises deployment of Oracle
BI Applications to consume data from your Fusion Cloud Services using these
deployment options.
Hybrid Data Sources Category
Chapter 5
Fusion Applications Cloud Source System Deployment Options
Cloud-Only Data Sources
Fusion Application Cloud Source System Deployment
You can deploy a Fusion Applications Cloud data source to your on-premises
deployment of Oracle BI Applications.
Prerequisites for deployment:
Oracle BI Applications
Oracle Cloud Applications Release, 10, 11, 12, and 13
To deploy a Fusion Applications Cloud data source:
1. Create a service request to deploy Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console (BICCC)
on your Fusion Applications pod if you are deploying Fusion Applications Release
9.2 data source. If you are deploying Fusion Applications Release 10 or Release
11 data source, then create a service request to review sizing of your Fusion
Applications pod for Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console usage. See Create
Service Requests for Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console.
2. Provision a new or existing Fusion Applications user with export and import
privileges for Oracle Business Intelligence. See Provision a User For Export and
Import of BI Data from Fusion UCM.
3. Provision a User for Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Connector Access.
4. Register the Fusion Applications Source.
5. Create a Load Plan and Specify Offerings and Fact Groups to Load.
6. Extract Data into Universal Content Management using BI Cloud Connector
Chapter 5
Fusion Application Cloud Source System Deployment Roadmap
7. Synchronize Deletes in Your Cloud Extract.
8. Configure Proxy Settings for WebLogic Server. If you have already configured
WebLogic server to allow any external connection, then you can skip this step.
9. Set up the Key Flex Fields before you execute the load plan (created in the step 5)
if you are deploying Key Flex Fields for Financials. See Setting Up Key Flex Fields
for Financials Fusion Applications Source Data.
10. Set Up Key Flex Fields for HCM Fusion Applications Source Data.
Creating Service Requests for Oracle Business Intelligence
Cloud Connector Console
Create applicable service requests depending on whether you are deploying Oracle
Fusion Applications Release 10, 11, 12, or 13 data sources.
For Oracle Fusion Applications Release 10, 11, 12, and 13 Data Sources
If you are deploying Oracle Fusion Applications Release 10, 11, 12, or 13 data
sources, then log in to My Oracle Support ( and create a service
request to review sizing of your Oracle Fusion Applications pod for Oracle BI Cloud
Connector Console usage. When the service request is received, the Oracle Cloud
Services team will review the available disk space and UCM tablespace on the
applicable Oracle Fusion Applications pod and increase the space as required.
In Oracle Fusion Applications Release 10 and higher, Oracle BI Cloud
Connector Console is automatically deployed and no separate service
request is required to deploy it.
Log a service request, and specify the following details:
Action: Review sizing for BICCC
Problem type: Specify this information:
Service Type: Oracle Fusion Global Human Resource Cloud Service
Problem Type: Hosting Services – Application
Sub-Problem Type: Review sizing for BICCC
BIA Deployment: On-premise
User ID: <User ID for Business Intelligence Cloud Connector Console
(BICCC) access>
FA POD details: <POD ID>
FA POD: <Stage and Production>
Inputs: This service request initiates the review of available disk space and UCM
tablespace on the applicable Fusion pod. Provide the Oracle Fusion Applications
POD details in the service request. This must include the POD identifier (the URL
used to access the Fusion environment).
Chapter 5
Creating Service Requests for Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Connector Console
When the service request is resolved, Oracle Cloud Services provides you with the
UCM Server and Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console URLs.
Provisioning a User for Export and Import of BI Data from
Fusion UCM
Provision a new or existing user in Oracle Fusion Applications with privileges to
download data from Fusion Universal Content Management (UCM).
This task is a part of the Fusion Applications Cloud Source System Deployment
To provision a user for Fusion access:
1. Create a new user, or use an existing user in Oracle Fusion Applications that has
privileges to download data from Fusion UCM.
2. Using Oracle Authorization Policy Manager (APM), assign the following application
role to the applicable new or existing user:
Display Name
Upload and download data from on-premises system to cloud system
Provisioning a User for Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console
Use these steps to provide additional users access to the Oracle BI Cloud Connector
Console (BICCC) user interface.
The service request that you created to deploy the Oracle BI Cloud Connector
Console performs the setup for the identified user. See Creating Service Requests for
Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Connector Console. Complete these steps only if
additional users need to access the console.
For Oracle Fusion Applications Release 10 and 11 Data Sources
To provision a user for Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console access:
1. Using Oracle Authorization Policy Manager (APM), assign ESSAPP stripe,
Application role –
(this is for the ability to schedule and monitor the BI
connector ESS jobs) to the applicable new or existing user:
If you are accessing APM to complete this assignment, you must have
the service administration privileges.
a. Log into APM.
Chapter 5
Provisioning a User for Export and Import of BI Data from Fusion UCM
b. Click Applications, click ESSAPP, and then select Role Catalog.
c. Search for the application role name beginning ESS and select the
ESSAdmin role (Display Name is ESS Administrator Role) in the Search
Results section.
d. Go to the External Role Mapping section and click Add to assign users to this
2. Similarly, using APM, search for the application role
add the external role
to this
duty role.
a. Log into APM.
b. Click Applications, click OBI, and then select Role Catalog.
c. Search for the
application role.
d. Select it in the Search Results area and double-click it or click Open to display
the page for the application role.
e. In the External Role Mapping region, click Add to display the Add a
Role dialog. Use this dialog to search for the external role,
f. Click Map Roles.
3. Using Oracle Identity Manager (OIM), assign OBI stripe, Enterprise Role –
(this is for the ability to access
the user interface of Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console) to the applicable new or
existing user:
Chapter 5
Provisioning a User for Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console Access
Search for
in OIM
using the Application Implementation Administrator role display name or
use the Advanced Search in Roles page to search for this role.
For Oracle Fusion Applications Release 12 and 13 Data Sources
Use the Security Console in Oracle Fusion Applications to create an administrative
role that inherits the Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console privileges from existing roles
and assign the user to that role.
To provision a user:
1. In Oracle Fusion Applications, navigate to the Security Console in the Navigator.
2. In the Security console, create a BICC_ADMIN role.
a. Click Create Role.
b. In the Basic Information page, enter the following values and click Next.
i. Role Name: BICC_ADMIN
ii. Role Code: BICC_ADMIN
iii. Role Category: BI — Abstract Roles
c. Click the Add icon in the Role Hierarchy list.
d. In the Add Role Membership dialog, search for ESS.
e. In the search results, confirm that the ESS Administrator role is displayed and
then click Add Role Membership.
and click Add Role Membership.
g. Search for OBIA_EXTRACTTRANSFORMLOAD_RWD and click Add Role
h. Close the Add Role Membership dialog.
i. Click Next.
j. In the Users page, click Add User.
k. In the Add User dialog, search for the name of the user you want to assign
access to, and then click Add User to Role.
l. Close the Add User dialog.
m. Click Next.
n. Click Save and close.
Register the Fusion Applications Source
Register the Oracle Fusion Applications source.
Ensure that the applicable SDS schemas have been created during installation and
configuration of Oracle BI Applications. For Oracle Fusion Applications cloud source
systems, ensure that you select the Oracle Fusion 11 SDS schema in the Select
Chapter 5
Register the Fusion Applications Source
Components dialog of Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility as seen in
the following image:
See Creating Schemas Using Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU
If you have not created the applicable SDS schemas during installation and
configuration of Oracle BI Applications, then you can create them as a post-
installation step. See Creating SDS Schema Post Installation
This task is part of the Fusion Applications Cloud Source System Deployment
To Register the Oracle Fusion Applications Source:
1. Log in to Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager as a user that has
Enterprise Role -
2. In the Tasks pane under System Setups, select the Define Business Intelligence
Applications Instance link to display the Source Systems tab.
Chapter 5
Register the Fusion Applications Source
3. Click the Add icon (+) to display the Register Source dialog.
4. In the Register Source in Configuration Manager page, specify this information:
In the Product Line drop-down list, select Oracle Fusion.
In the Product Line Version, select the Oracle Fusion version being used.
In the Source Instance Name field, specify a unique name to identify the
source system.
Optionally, in the Description field, enter a short description to help
administrators and implementers identify and use this data source in
Configuration Manager.
In the Data Source Number field, enter an integer or use the spinner to specify
a number to identify data in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. This
number must be unique within Configuration Manager.
In the Source Load Technology, select ODI External File to define the
cloud adapter mode.
5. Click Next to display the external file location details.
6. In the External File Location Details dialog, select the UCM button, specify the
following details, then click Save:
Chapter 5
Register the Fusion Applications Source
a. Protocol – Select https.
b. Host and Port – Specify the host and port details provided by the Oracle Cloud
Services in your service request when it is closed.
c. User Name and Password – Specify the user name and password of the user
that you provisioned for export and import of BI data from Fusion Universal
Content Management server. See Provisioning a User for Export and Import of
BI Data from Fusion UCM.
d. Download using UCM Web Services? – Do not change default selection.
e. Download Folder – auto-populated. Do not change the default value.
f. Staging Folder – auto-populated. Do not change the default value.
g. Upload Folder – auto-populated. Do not change the default value.
h. Source Configuration Data Files Folder - auto-populated. Do not change the
default value.
Storage Service account is not provisioned by BI Apps and this option is only
applicable when you have a Storage service account and choose to use that as
external storage for Fusion BI data. If you meet this criteria, then in the External
File Location Details dialog, select the Cloud Storage Service button, specify the
following details, then click Save:
Chapter 5
Register the Fusion Applications Source
a. Protocol – Select https.
b. Host – Specify the host details provided by the Oracle Cloud Services in your
service request when it is closed. For example,
c. Port- Specify the port details provided by the Oracle Cloud Services in your
service request .
d. User Name – Specify the Oracle cloud account user name that will be used to
authenticate the Storage Servcie.
e. Password- Enter the password for the Oracle cloud user account name that
you specified in the User Name field.
f. Service Name- Identifies the specific service to upload files to. This is a
concatenation of the service name and the identity domain, separated by a
dash, for example:
. You can obtain this
service name from the Service REST Endpoint data field in the storage
service’s details area in Oracle Cloud My Services. It is the last part of the
address, after the last forward slash.
g. Container- Name of the container to upload data to in the storage service. This
should be the same container specified in Configuration Manager where the
Fusion data source was registered (that is, in Configuration Manager navigate
to System Setups\Define Business Intelligence Applications
\Source Systems tab.
You can register both Fusion 10 and Fusion 11 with UCM or register
both with Cloud Storage Service. If you register Fusion 11 with UCM,
you can not register Fusion 10 with Cloud Storage Service. For Fusion,
support is provided only for one technology.
Chapter 5
Register the Fusion Applications Source
Configuring Oracle Universal Content Management URL for
Federated SSO
Use this procedure only if you have Fusion Applications identity provider for Federated
SSO and are subsequently updating the Oracle Universal Content Management
(UCM) URL for that.
After you register the Fusion source using Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration
Manager, and configured to use UCM as the External Storage, Oracle Business
Intelligence Configuration Manager creates a physical schema in Oracle Data
Integrator for the UCM connection.
1. Sign into Oracle Data Integrator Studio.
2. Open the data server registered for the Fusion source under UCM.
3. In Base URL for published services update the URL to https://<host :
The Test Connection button in Oracle Business Intelligence
Configuration Manager won’t work in this case, as it still tries and forms
the URL using the old URL in Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration
Manager. Nevertheless, the UCM download goes through fine as it uses
the URL that you specified in Oracle Data Integrator.
Creating a Load Plan and Specifying Offerings and Fact
Groups to Load
Create a load plan and specify offerings and fact groups to load.
To create a load plan:
1. In the Tasks pane, click Manage Load Plans to display the Load Plans dialog.
Chapter 5
Configuring Oracle Universal Content Management URL for Federated SSO
2. Click Add (+) to display the Define Load Plan dialog.
3. Use the Name field to specify a unique name, and in the Source Instances drop-
down list select the Fusion source, then click Next to display the Select Fact
Groups page.
4. Select applicable offerings and fact groups.
5. Click Save.
6. In the list of Load Plans, select the new load plan, and click Generate.
Setting up ODI Agent Concurrent Sessions
For optimal performance, set the maximum number of sessions for Oracle Data
Integrator (ODI) Agent to no more than five. To set up the maximum number of
sessions supported by an agent:
Chapter 5
Creating a Load Plan and Specifying Offerings and Fact Groups to Load
1. Log into ODI Studio.
2. Display the Topology tab, and navigate to the Physical Architecture tab.
3. Expand Agents and select the applicable ODI Agent.
4. In the agent details pane, set the maximum number of sessions supported by the
agent as 5. If you are creating a new agent, then ensure that you set the maximum
number of sessions supported by the agent as 5.
Extracting Data into Universal Content Management using
Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console
You can extract data from your cloud source into the Universal Content Management
(UCM) server using the Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console (BICCC).
Use the Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console URL provided to you in the SR that you
logged to deploy Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console and the login details of the
applicable user to log into this console. See Create a Service Request to Deploy
Fusion Applications Cloud Source System Data, Provision a User For Export and
Import of BI Data from Fusion HCM, Provision a User for Oracle Business Intelligence
Cloud Connector Access
You can also start Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console using a HTTP URL based on
the following format: http://<FA OHS Host>:<FA OHS Port>/biacm
Chapter 5
Extracting Data into Universal Content Management using Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console
To extract data from a cloud source to UCM:
Oracle BI Applications on-premises users must extract data to UCM.
1. From the landing page, select the Configure Cloud Extract link on the Tasks bar.
2. In the list of Offerings, select the check box next to the Cloud source system
functional areas that you want to deploy.
3. Click Save, then Done
4. To reset the last extract date so that a full data load is performed at the next load
for the selected Offering, instead of an incremental load, click Reset to Full
Extract icon in the tool bar and click OK when the application displays the warning
message. You typically use this option if your business requirements have
changed or if fact data has been corrupted. You can reset to full extract at offering
and VO level.
You set up a Scheduled Load Plan in Oracle BI Applications
Configuration Manager (BIACM) to extract from UCM server into Oracle
Business Analytics Warehouse. To reset the extraction on Oracle
Business Analytics Warehouse, use the BIACM option: Manage Load
Plans\Execute\Execute Reset Data Warehouse Scenario. See Manage
Load Plans Toolbar Options in Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
ETL Guide.
Chapter 5
Extracting Data into Universal Content Management using Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console
5. To schedule the extract, click the Schedule icon in the tool bar.
6. Click the + icon to create a new schedule.
7. Specify when you want to perform the cloud extract.
8. Click Schedule, then Done.
9. Click the Configure External Storage link on the Tasks bar.
10. Select UCM as the storage type.
11. View the configuration information displayed on this page and click Save, then
Chapter 5
Extracting Data into Universal Content Management using Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console
Synchronizing Deletes for a Cloud Extract
If you are loading data into the Universal Content Management (UCM) server using a
Cloud Extract, then you use Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console (BICCC) to
synchronize deletes in the source system with deletes in the Cloud Extract data.
Before you start, log into Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console using the Web link and
user name supplied to you by Oracle Cloud Support. You can also start Oracle BI
Cloud Connector Console using a HTTP URL based on the following format: http://<FA
OHS Host>:<FA OHS Port>/biacm.
To synchronize your Cloud Extract data:
1. Select the Configure Cloud Extract link on the Tasks pane.
2. Click the Manage Extract Schedules icon (
to display the Schedules dialog.
3. Click the Add icon ( ) to create a new schedule.
4. Use the Name field to specify a short name to identify this schedule in Oracle BI
Cloud Connector Console.
Chapter 5
Synchronizing Deletes for a Cloud Extract
5. Select ‘Deleted Record Extract’ from the Job Type drop down.
6. Use the Recurrence drop down to specify when you want to synchronize the data.
You typically schedule the synchronization to run at a time when the load on the
Fusion Applications source system is low, for example, during off-peak hours. In
addition, you must schedule the synchronization so that it does not conflict with the
Cloud Extract or the data load into the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.
7. Save the details.
Configure Proxy Settings for WebLogic Server
To use external web services or HTTP data sources when Oracle BI Applications is
configured behind a firewall or requires a proxy to access the internet, you must
configure Oracle WebLogic Server to allow the web service requests and to be aware
of the proxy.
This task is part of the Fusion Application Cloud Source System Deployment
Define the proxy host and the non-proxy hosts to WebLogic ODI managed server
(ODI_server1) by setting the following parameters:
-Dhttp.proxyHost - specifies the proxy host. For example:
-Dhttp.proxyPort - specifies the proxy host port. For example:
-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts - specifies the hosts to connect to directly, not through the
proxy. Specify the list of hosts, each separated by a "|" character; a wildcard
character (*) can be used for matching. For example:
To set these proxy parameters and the Web service configuration for your WebLogic
Server, update the WebLogic setDomainEnv script:
1. Open the setDomainEnv script (.sh or .bat) in the MW_HOME/user_projects/
domains/DOMAIN_NAME/bin/ directory.
Chapter 5
Configure Proxy Settings for WebLogic Server
2. Enter the following parameters:
Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|*|
onne ctionFactory ${EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES}"
is an example proxy host.
80 is the example proxy port.
are example non-
proxy hosts.
Managing Fusion Flex Extensions in Release
This section applies to the BI Applications Release and to Fusion 10 and
The warehouse tables, by default, carry a limited number of extension columns. For
char type columns there are usually around 30 char columns in the warehouse tables
that can be used for extensions. At times there could be cases where you end up with
more than 30 columns. In such a case, only 30 columns would get mapped for
extensions while the remaining columns get loaded in the SDS.
This section explains the current options available in such a case and provides a way
by which you can control the columns that should get mapped rather than just let the
algorithm decide which columns should get mapped.
Option 1: Using the BI Applications Enabled Flag on the Fusion side
This is the recommended approach.
If all the flexfields you defined on the VO are not relevant for BI Applications, you can
restrict the flex extensions in BI Applications to only those that are relevant to BI
Applications, by following these steps:
1. Enable the BI Enabled option.
When you define a flex field in Fusion, you see the BI Enabled option. Enabling
this option ensures that this flex field gets extended to the repository and
eventually flows into the BI Applications. If however some columns are not
required for BI Applications, then you can disable this option for those columns.
Chapter 5
Managing Fusion Flex Extensions in Release
2. On editing the selected flex field, you can see the option for existing flexfields.
Disable the option for the ones that are not required for BI Applications.
Disabling the BI Enabled option disables it for OTBI as well. Disable this
option only if it is not required for OTBI as well as B IApplications. There
is no current way to disable it only for BI Applications.
3. After disabling the option, wait till the BI Extender runs again to update the
repository. Post that schedule, run a full extract, and do a full load again. Drop the
SDS tables and reset the warehouse (using the option in the Configuration
Manager ) before running the full load.
Option 2: Specifying a Column Exclude List in ODI Repository:
If Option 1 is not feasible, then try this option. The Extension framework in BI
Applications looks at the ODI repository to identify which columns are extension
columns. A workaround is to add the extension columns you do not need in BI
Application, to the ODI repository against the VO. This way the extension framework
treats them as regular columns and not extension columns.
Based on your use case, follow either of these intructions:
You have access to the extended Fusion repository
You do not have access to the extended Fusion repository
If you have access to the Fusion source repository from your ODI environment, follow
these steps:
1. Run the Oracle BI Applications reverse knowledge module (RKM).
2. Login to the ODI repository using the ODI studio and navigate to the Models tab
and open Oracle Fusion 10 HCM model as shown below.
The Fusion Connection should be specified pointing to the BI Server with
the extended repository.
Chapter 5
Managing Fusion Flex Extensions in Release
3. Set the Mask property to
as shown below. This
prevents attempting to refresh the model for all the VOs inadvertently.
4. Click Reverse Engineer to bring all the VO’s extension columns into the model.
5. Once you see all the extension columns against the VO’s definition, identify the
extension columns that are needed for your business, and then delete those
columns which you required from the data store.
For Example, if SE_HRBP_ extension column is needed for your business, delete
it and save the changes.
For the remaining extension columns which you do not need and if you do not
want the column to be populated or created in SDS, then use the flexfield OBI
Populate Column in SDS to do so.
6. Edit the flexfield value (by default the flexfield value is be set to Y) and set the
value as N and save the changes.
If you do not have access to the fusion source repository from your ODI Environment,
follow these steps:
In this case, since you do not have access to the fusion source environment, there is
no way to run RKM to reverse engineer a VO to add all extensible columns to it.
Chapter 5
Managing Fusion Flex Extensions in Release
Hence you should add all unused extensible columns manually against a VO’s data
In Fusion 10, the extractor provides mdcsv files which will contain the
metadata of the extended columns. Refer to that mdcsv file when you are
manually adding the columns in the ODI.
1. Login to the ODI repository using the ODI studio and navigate to the Models tab,
find the data store, and open it as shown below.
2. Click Add to add columns. Choose the correct data type, length and other options
and save the changes.
If you do not want the column to be populated or created in the SDS, then use the
flexfield OBI Populate Column in SDS to do so.
3. Edit the columns and go to the Flexfields tab. By default, the flexfield value is set
to Y. Edit the flexfield value and set the value as N and save the changes.
4. Run the RKM to update the newly added extensible column’s short name.
5. Navigate to the Models tab and open the Oracle Fusion 10 HCM model
6. Click the Reverse Engineer tab and set the Mask property to
as shown below. This prevents attempting to
refresh the model for all the VOs inadvertently.
Chapter 5
Managing Fusion Flex Extensions in Release
7. Set the INTROSPECT_SOURCE option to false, the USE_LOG option to false
and enable the REFRESH_SDS_FLEXFIELDS mode by changing the option
value to true.
8. Click Reverse Engineerto bring all VO’s extension columns into the model.
If you have already loaded data, then you need to do a full load again.
Reset the warehouse and make sure that all warehouse tables are
empty and reload.
Option 3
If Option 1 and 2 are not possible, then use option 3. In this option you attempt to
manually update the backend table that controls the mapping between the Source
column and the target warehouse column. Identify a column that has already been
mapped but not required and then run backend update statements to switch it to a
column that should get mapped instead.
As an example, assume that CATEGORY10_ extension column is not required and
you want to switch this mapping with INTERNATIONAL__STATUS_ extension
1. Connect to BIApps warehouse schema using SQL tools.
2. Run the following update script:
If the data is already loaded then you need to reload it to use the new
mapping. Do not attempt to truncate all warehouse tables before doing
the reload. Instead use the reset warehouse option in the Configuration
Manager. Truncating all warehouse tables will truncate the mapping
table as well.
Chapter 5
Managing Fusion Flex Extensions in Release
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Fusion
Applications Source Data
If applicable, load the financial KFF data for GL#, CAT# and LOC# KFFs into Oracle
Business Analytics Warehouse.
These instructions only apply if you are deploying a Fusion Applications cloud data
1. Enable and setup the VOs for extraction in Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console.
See Using Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console to Configure Cloud Extract.
2. Configure the ODI repository in ODI. See Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields.
Using Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console to Configure Cloud Extract
When you have completed the key flexfield (KFF) setup in Oracle Fusion Applications
and deployed the flexfield, view objects (VO) are generated for each segment that you
have enabled for Oracle Business Intelligence (BI). Each VO must be seeded and
enabled for BI extraction so that it can be loaded into Oracle Business Analytics
To seed and enable VOs for extraction:
1. In Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console, navigate to Configure Cloud Extract link
on the Tasks pane to display the Configure Cloud Extract dialog.
2. Scroll down to the Data Store area.
3. Click Add to display the Add Data Store dialog, specify the details, then click Save
and Close.
VO names are case-sensitive.
You must add VOs under the GL Journals under the Oracle Financial Analytics
Offering, as shown in the example screen shot.
4. To enable VOs for extraction, select the parent Offering, Functional Area, FG/DG,
or individual VO .
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Fusion Applications Source Data
5. Enable and add these VOs for extraction.
For the GL# KFF, you must add the BI Flattened VO along with the segment
VOs generated for the segment labels mapped to BI Objects in your Fusion
The BI Flattened VO name for GL# that must be added is
The VOs generated for segment labels
(mapped to Dim – Cost
(mapped to Dim – Natural Account Segment), and
(mapped to Dim – Balancing Segment) are known prior. You
must add these VOs:
For these VOs, ensure that you enable all the columns for the select
When you add the TREECODE view objects, you must enable the
Disable Effective date filter option. Additionally, ensure that
view object is disabled for Human Capital
Management. For Fusion Supply Chain Management and Customer
Relationship Management, deploy the
flexfield for
view object.
The VOs generated for any segment label apart from
and mapped to the BI Object Dim – GL Segmentx
are not known before hand as the VO names depends on the segment label.
Therefore, you must add the VO names based on the naming pattern.
If the segment is a tree segment (if you have created hierarchies for value sets
used for those segments), then the VOs are named:
FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_TREE_VS_<segment label>_VI
FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_TREECODE_VS_<segment label>_VI
If the segment is a non tree segment (if you have NOT created hierarchies for
value sets used for those segments), then the VOs are named:
FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_VS_<segment label>_VI
For example:
Segment Label
Tree v/s Non Tree VO Name
PRODUCT Tree FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_T
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Fusion Applications Source Data
Segment Label Tree v/s Non Tree VO Name
ORG Non Tree FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_V
When you add TREECODE VOs, you must enable the Disable
Effective date filter option.
For the CAT# and LOC# KFFs, you will need to add the BI Flattened VO for
each KFF.
The BI Flattened VO name for CAT# that needs to be added is
. The BI Flattened VO name
for LOC# that needs to be added is
For Units of Measure (UOM) extensions, add
view object.
Once you have added these VOs and completed the extraction process, the data
files for these VOs will be downloaded into the physical location configured for
replication stage files logical schema in ODI (Fusion 9:
, Fusion 10:
The files generated for GL# segment labels mapped to Dim – GL Segmentx (Dim
– GL Segment 1-10) will have corresponding pre-seeded data stores using a
generic naming convention in ODI. The next step is to rename the corresponding
files with appropriate file names so that they can load the corresponding data
The mapping between the files generated and the new file names corresponding
to the data stores is based on the segment label to BI Object mapping and setup
for that segment (tree v/s non tree).
Taking the same example as mentioned in the previous steps – PRODUCT label
is mapped to Dim – GL Segment 1 and is a tree segment and ORG label is
mapped to Dim – GL Segment2 and is a non tree segment, then the mapping
between the generated files and the new files will be:
File Generated New File Name
This mapping has to be provided in a configuration file named
which will be used in the downstream processes to load the
data from those files.
6. Create and save this configuration file in the same location where all the data files
generated in this procedure are present.
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Fusion Applications Source Data
This configuration file has to be placed in the replication staging location in the
ODI environment (the location where the files are copied and placed from UCM to
The configuration file has to be created as a comma delimited file and the format
of the entries in the file has to be as shown in this sample entry. Save the file when
you are done making the entries.
<Generated File Name>,<New File Name based on the pre seeded data store>
A sample entry in the file would look like this:
Create the configuration file in the same platform (Windows or Linux) where you
will be eventually saving this file. Avoid copy and paste from one platform to the
other. This will avoid issues regarding special characters in text files when
crossing different platforms.
Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields
The BI (business intelligence) flattened VO (view object) generated for each key
flexfield (KFF) has columns relating to each segment label. Use this procedure to set
up the mappings for these columns.
1. For CAT# KFF, check the csv file generated for the BI flattened VO for the list of
additional columns for each segment -
These segment columns end with “_” or “_c”. For example,
You must add these new columns in the file data store and the VO data store in
Navigate to the file data store to add the new columns.
2. Add the new columns to the
with the default data type of String (50,50) for all columns.
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Fusion Applications Source Data
For LOC# KFF, check the csv file generated for the BI flattened VO for the list of
additional columns for each segment -
These segment columns end with “_” or “_c”. The corresponding file data stores
for LOC# KFF is
3. Repeat the configuration steps for the corresponding VO data stores in ODI.
The VO data stores are in the path shown in the image. Use the default data type
of Varchar(50, 50).
CAT# KFF VO data store:
LOC# KFF VO data store:
Scroll down to locate the VO data stores.
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Fusion Applications Source Data
4. For the newly added columns in both the file data store and VO data store, set the
flexfield value for OBI SDS Column Short Name.
Ensure that the flexfield value is the same as the column name. Also, ensure that
you set the flexfield value ODI Populate Column to Y in SDS for these columns.
These images display example flexfield values.
For example, CAT# KFF File Data Store Column:
For example, CAT# KFF VO Data Store Column:
5. Repeat for LOC# KFF.
6. Execute
This process updates the SDS table to include the new extended columns.
7. When you have added the columns in the appropriate data stores, map the
columns in the corresponding ODI mappings to load the data.
8. For the CAT# KFF, edit the FTS mapping located under the
SDE_FUSION_V1_ADAPTOR folder to map these new columns.
9. Create a one-to-one mapping between the segment columns in
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Fusion Applications Source Data
10. Save the changes, then regenerate the underlying scenario for the package.
11. Similarly, if you have LOC# KFF, edit the corresponding FTS mapping to map the
new columns:
LOC# KFF FTS mapping:
12. Save the changes and regenerate the underlying scenarios for the packages.
13. Edit the SDE mapping for CAT# KFF to map these new columns to corresponding
columns in the staging table.
The SDE mapping is located in the same SDE_FUSION_V1_Adaptor folder.
The column mapping is based on the segment label to BI Object mapping done in
your Fusion Applications configuration.
For CAT# KFF, if you have mapped BASED_CATEGORY and
MINOR_CATEGORY then you can use them as the Major and Minor category.
14. Save the changes and regenerate the underlying scenario for the package.
15. If applicable, complete similar steps for LOC# KFF based on the columns that you
extend for these:
SDE mapping: SDE_FUSION_FixedAssetLocationDimension
Staging table: W_ASSET_LOCATION_DS
Additional Steps for Fusion Financials Implementations
If you are deploying Fusion Financials on Oracle Cloud, then you must make the
additional modifications to FTS Fusion mappings related to GL Balances. These steps
are only applicable if you have an Oracle Fusion implementation on Oracle Cloud.
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Fusion Applications Source Data
1. In ODI Studio, locate these two FTS Fusion mappings in the ODI Repository.
The FTS mappings are located in the ODI repository under the folder Mappings -
2. Edit the packages in the two folders.
Before the change, the IS_INCREMENTAL variable should be displayed as in this
3. For each package, click on the IS_INCREMENTAL variable to display the
Properties dialog, and change the Type value from Refresh Variable to Set
Variable, and set the Value to N.
4. Save the changes to the packages and regenerate the scenario for both
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for HCM Fusion Applications
Source Data
If applicable, load the HCM KFF data mentioned in this topic into Oracle Business
Analytics Warehouse.
These instructions only apply if you are deploying a Fusion Applications cloud data.
When you have completed the KFF setup in Fusion and deployed the Flexfield, VOs
are generated for each segment that you have enabled for BI. Each VO must be
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for HCM Fusion Applications Source Data
seeded and enabled for BI extraction so that it can be loaded into Oracle Business
Analytics Warehouse.
To set up key flex fields for HCM Fusion applications source date:
1. Use Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console to load the View Objects (VOs) listed in
Supported View Objects below:
a. On the Fusion Applications pod, start Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console
using a HTTP URL based on the following format: http://<FA OHS
Host:<FA OHS Port/biacm
b. In Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console, select the Configure Cloud Extract
link on the Tasks pane to display the Configure Cloud Extract dialog.
c. Scroll down to the Data Store area.
d. For each of the View Objects (VOs) listed in the Supported View Objects table
below, click the Add icon (
) to display the Add Data Store dialog and create a
new data store.
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for HCM Fusion Applications Source Data
view object
could fail if you have not deployed the
flexfield. If you
encounter a failure, then disable this view object for Human Capital
Management using Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console.
The next scheduled Cloud Extract executed by Oracle BI Cloud Connector
Console will extract these VOs and generate files as required by you. Then, the
next scheduled load plan executed by Configuration Manager will download the
newly generated FLEX files and load the flexfield changes into the Oracle
Business Analytics Warehouse.
Supported View Objects
Presentation Table
Name in Fusion
Target Table Model Name VO Name
Extensible Attributes
Dim – HR Assignment
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for HCM Fusion Applications Source Data
Presentation Table
Name in Fusion
Target Table Model Name VO Name
Assignment History
Extensible Attributes
Dim – HR Assignment
sh ipLegDDF_VI
Person Extensible
Dim – HR Person
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for HCM Fusion Applications Source Data
Presentation Table
Name in Fusion
Target Table Model Name VO Name
Person Extensible
Dim – HR Person
Position Extensible
Dim – HR Position
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for HCM Fusion Applications Source Data
Presentation Table
Name in Fusion
Target Table Model Name VO Name
Pay Grade Extensible
Dim – Pay Grade
Job Extensible
Dim – Job
Location Extensible
Dim - Worker Location
Extensible Attributes
Dim - Department
Payroll Extensible
Dim - Payroll Details
Candidate Extensible
Dim - Succession
Workforce Event Type
Extensible Attributes
Dim - HR Workplace
Event Type
Project Attribute
Dim - Project
Task Attribute
Dim - Task
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for HCM Fusion Applications Source Data
Presentation Table
Name in Fusion
Target Table Model Name VO Name
Dim - Employee
Chapter 5
Setting Up Key Flex Fields for HCM Fusion Applications Source Data
Setting Up Oracle Service Cloud Data
Follow these procedures to deploy Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (Oracle
BI Applications) with Oracle Service Cloud source system.
Configuring Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Creating an Account on the Oracle Service Cloud Site
Reviewing SEC_PAPI_INTEG_HOSTS_SOAP Configuration
Registering Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Enabling Offerings for Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Specifying Offerings to Load for Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Mapping Domain Member Values for Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Managing Data Load Parameters for Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Configuring Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Use these instructions to configure the Oracle Service Cloud source system.
To enable the Oracle Service Cloud source system, you must complete the following
two tasks on the Oracle Service Cloud site:
1. Create an account with appropriate permissions on the Oracle Service Cloud site.
You need the user name and password configured for this account when
registering the Oracle Service Cloud source in Oracle BI Applications
Configuration Manager. This authenticates and enables you to access data on the
Oracle Service Cloud site.
See Creating an Account on the Oracle Service Cloud Site
2. Review the SEC_PAPI_INTEG_HOSTS_SOAP configuration on the Oracle
Service Cloud site.
If it is not blank, then you must update it to include the direct IP address(s), range
of addresses, or domain of the server(s) of the OBIA instance.
See Reviewing SEC_PAPI_INTEG_HOSTS_SOAP Configuration
Creating an Account on the Oracle Service Cloud Site
Use these instructions to create an account with appropriate permissions on the
Oracle Service Cloud site.
To create an account on the Oracle Service Cloud site:
1. Log into the Oracle Service Cloud site using the URL that you used to install the
Oracle Service Cloud client.
2. Create a new profile.
a. Open the Profile editor (Click Navigation set, click Configuration (Wrench),
click Staff Management and then select Profiles).
b. Add a new profile (or use an existing profile).
Chapter 6
Creating an Account on the Oracle Service Cloud Site
c. Provide required details for a new profile.
d. Click Interfaces menu option.
e. Provide name and label for each interface.
f. Click Permissions menu option.
Chapter 6
Creating an Account on the Oracle Service Cloud Site
g. On the Administration tab, select the Select All check box in the Public SOAP
API section.
h. Navigate to the Organizations tab in the profile and select the Read button to
select all Read check boxes.
i. Navigate to the Contacts tab in the profile and select the Read button to select
all Read check boxes.
Chapter 6
Creating an Account on the Oracle Service Cloud Site
j. Navigate to the Service tab in the profile and select the Read check box in the
Incidents area.
k. Save and close the profile.
3. Create a Staff Account using the above profile.
a. Open the Staff Accounts By Group section. (Click Navigation set, click
Configuration (Wrench) , click Staff Management and then select Staff
Accounts by Group).
Chapter 6
Creating an Account on the Oracle Service Cloud Site
b. Select New to add a new account.
c. Provide required details (remember the User Name you provide here).
Chapter 6
Creating an Account on the Oracle Service Cloud Site
The user name should be something like
alpha-numeric string to ensure that integration users configured for
an adapter on different sites are unique and the risk of two sites
having the same user name is minimized.
d. In the Profile field, select the Profile created in step 2 above.
e. In the Group field, either select an existing group or create a new one.
f. Click the change password button and set a password according to the
password rules setup on the site. Remember this password. The user name
from earlier step and this password will be needed when registering the Oracle
Service Cloud source in Configuration Manager.
g. Deselect the Password Expires check box.
h. Save and close the account.
At this point, the proper account with appropriate permissions has been
created on the site. You will need the user name and password that you
configured for the user above while registering the Oracle Service Cloud
source in Configuration Manager.
Chapter 6
Creating an Account on the Oracle Service Cloud Site
You must review the
configuration option on the Oracle
Service Cloud site.
configuration defines which hosts are allowed to
access the SOAP interface/APIs. Valid entries include a comma-separated list of
domain names with wildcards, specific IP addresses, or IP subnet masks (for example,
). Only users logging in from hosts
matching entries in this list are allowed access to the SOAP interface/APIs. Default
value for this configuration is blank.
If this value is blank (default), then the access is not IP restricted. From a security
perspective, it is a best practice to have the IP addresses, ranges, or domains that
known API calls should originate from. This limits API calls to come only from known/
finite addresses, ranges, or domains thus protecting access to a customer’s data
within their Oracle Service Cloud site. However, the value of this configuration is
dependent on the customer’s business processes.
Use the Oracle Service Cloud Config Editor to look up the value for this configuration.
If the configuration is blank, then no further action is necessary for this configuration. If
and only if there is one or more value(s) in this configuration (it is not blank), then you
must add either the direct IP address(s), range of addresses, or domain of the
server(s) for the OBIA instance at the end of the existing values.
Valid entries to these settings include domain names with wildcards (
or specific IP addresses (
), or IP subnet masks
). You cannot use wildcards with IP addresses or just
domain names. When specifying a subnet mask or range of hosts, the
component indicates that you mean to allow all possible values for the entire
range of addresses. You cannot use wildcards (
) to specify
a range of IP addresses, such as
. It is also possible to specify a
comma separated list of the above values, such as,
. Instead of or in addition to an IP address range, you can
enter a domain and should include it at the end of the list of IP addresses, such as,, *
When using a domain name, a network operation must execute a
lookup. This will result in connection delays and may induce a noticeable
performance degradation of the Oracle Service Cloud application. Whenever
possible, please refrain from using a domain name.
To lookup the value of the configuration:
1. Open the Configuration Settings Editor in the Oracle Service Cloud site (Click
Navigation set, click Configuration (Wrench), click Site Configuration and then
select Configuration Settings).
Chapter 6
Reviewing SEC_PAPI_INTEG_HOSTS_SOAP Configuration
2. Enter
in the Key field in the Search window that pops
3. Select Search.
4. Look at the value in the right column of data returned. The following screen shot is
the configuration with the default blank value.
Chapter 6
Reviewing SEC_PAPI_INTEG_HOSTS_SOAP Configuration
5. If a value exists in the Value column, then you must add either the IP addresses/
ranges/domains for the OBIA instance at the end of the string of existing entries
using a comma as a delimiter.
6. Select Save menu option to update the configuration.
Registering Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Specify the Oracle Service Cloud source details during initial configuration.
To register Oracle Service Cloud source system:
1. Log into Configuration Manager using the user name and password that you
provided while creating an account on the Oracle Service Cloud site.
See Creating an Account on the Oracle Service Cloud Site
2. In the Tasks pane under System Setups, select the Define Business
Intelligence Applications Instance link to display the Source Systems tab.
Chapter 6
Registering Oracle Service Cloud Source System
3. Click the Add icon (+) to display the Register Source dialog.
4. At the Register Source Details dialog, specify the following details:
Product Line — Select Oracle Service Cloud
Product Line Version — Select the Cloud data source version that is deployed.
Chapter 6
Registering Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Source Instance Name — Specify a short readable name to identify this data
source in Configuration Manager. For example, Service Cloud.
Description — (Optional) Enter a short description to help Administrators and
Implementers identify and use this data source in Configuration Manager.
Data Source Number — Enter an integer or use the spinner to specify a
number to identify data in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. This
number must be unique within Configuration Manager. The number 999 is
reserved, and should not be used.
5. Click Next to display the Connection Details dialog
6. Enter the instance information from where the details have to be replicated:
a. SDS Data source is populated automatically and you cannot modify it.
b. Download folder and Prune days are populated automatically.
c. Enter the host name and interface name available in the Oracle Service Cloud
site URL that you use to extract data from the Oracle Service Cloud site. This
URL has the host name, interface name, and static data, for example
obiarn_intgr1408_113qa.cfg/php/admin/launch.php. In this url, is the host name and
obiarn_intgr1408_113qa is the interface name.
d. Enter the user name and password that you provided while creating an
account in the Oracle Service Cloud site.
e. Save. Configuration Manager creates the Oracle BI Applications instance.
Enabling Offerings for Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Follow these instructions to enable the Oracle Service Analytics offerings for
To enable offerings for Oracle Service Cloud source system:
1. In Configuration Manager, select the Manage Business Intelligence
Applications link in the System Setups area on the Tasks pane.
Chapter 6
Enabling Offerings for Oracle Service Cloud Source System
2. Select the Enabled check box for the Service Analytics offering.
Once you select the parent offering, Configuration Manager selects the functional
areas within the parent and the related offerings. See Enabling Offerings for
Ensure that the default selected offerings remain selected.
3. Click Save, then Done.
Chapter 6
Enabling Offerings for Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Specifying Offerings to Load for Oracle Service Cloud
Source System
You specify which offerings and functional areas to load by creating a load plan.
A load plan is a set of instructions in Configuration Manager that extracts data from a
Cloud data source and loads that data into the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.
Load plans can be executed once only or scheduled to execute regularly.
You need to create domain and main load plans.
To specify offerings to load for Oracle Service Cloud source system:
1. In Configuration Manager, select the Manage Load Plans link on the Tasks pane.
2. On the Load Plans toolbar, click the Add (
) icon to display the Define Load Plan
3. On the first page of the Define Load Plan series, specify the following information
about the load plan:
Chapter 6
Specifying Offerings to Load for Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Name — Enter a unique name for the load plan to identify the data being
Description — (Optional) Enter additional information to help manage the load
Load Plan Type — Select Domain - Only Extract and Load (SDE and SIL).
Source Instances — Select Oracle Service Cloud, the data source from which
the fact groups will be selected. This list displays the data sources that you
specified during the task Register Oracle Service Cloud Source System in the
Initial Configuration stage.
4. Click Next to display the Select Fact Groups page.
5. In the Available Selections tab, select the Selected check box next to Oracle
Service Analytics and next to Service Request, to include this offering in the load
Chapter 6
Specifying Offerings to Load for Oracle Service Cloud Source System
You can remove fact groups from the Selected Fact Groups tab, if they
have been selected by default when you select the parent offering. Else,
you can select only the required fact groups to include them in the load
6. To verify that you have the correct Fact Groups included in the load plan, click the
Selected Fact Groups tab and verify the list.
Chapter 6
Specifying Offerings to Load for Oracle Service Cloud Source System
7. Click Save, then click Generate.
When the load plan generation is complete, you can execute the load plan
manually or schedule the load plan to execute at a particular time. If the
generation fails, then use the Help system in Configuration Manager to find out
how to diagnose generation issues and make corrections.
Similarly, create the main load plan, generate, and execute it. For the main load
plan, ensure that you select the Source Extract and Load (SDE, SIL and PLP) load
plan type and Oracle Service Analytics and Service Request as the fact groups to
include it in the load plan.
Mapping Domain Member Values for Oracle Service Cloud
Source System
You must map domain member values of STATUS and SEVERITY codes for the
Oracle Service Cloud source system. Domain Mappings specify how data in a source
system is extracted and loaded into Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.
Use the Manage Domain Mappings and Hierarchies link in the Configuration Manager.
To map domain member values:
1. In Configuration Manager, select the Manage Domain Mappings and Hierarchies
link in the Tasks pane.
2. In the Domains Configuration Search area:
Select Oracle Service Cloud as the Source Instance.
Select code SR_SEVERITY in the Domain field.
Chapter 6
Mapping Domain Member Values for Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Click Search. Similarly, search for code SR_STATUS
(Optional) Enter the result of the step here.
3. In the Domain Member Mapping region, map the following domain member values
for Oracle Service Cloud source system by clicking the Edit icon:
SR_SEVERITY, available values are:
SR_STATUS, available values are:
4. Click Save and Close, then click Done.
Managing Data Load Parameters for Oracle Service Cloud
Source System
Configure the source used for purging or archiving records by setting applicable value
for the Source Archive Purge Source data load parameter.
When you physically delete incidents from your Oracle Service Cloud instance, they
are marked for
Soft Delete
in the Oracle BI Applications data warehouse. Soft-deleted
rows in the data warehouse are available for reporting or analysis. If you periodically
Chapter 6
Managing Data Load Parameters for Oracle Service Cloud Source System
purge/archive incidents rather than physically delete them from your Oracle Service
Cloud instance, they are still physically deleted from the Incidents table in your Oracle
Service Cloud instance. Hence, the Oracle BI Applications ETL also marks these
incidents for
Soft Delete
which means they too are not available for reporting or
If you want purged/archived incidents to be available for reporting and analysis, then
use this parameter to enter the list of incident sources that you use in your Oracle
Service Cloud instance to denote purged/archived incidents. When editing this
parameter using the Manage Data Load Parameters dialog in Configuration Manager,
the application displays all available incident sources in the left pane. Choose and
move to the right pane the list of incident sources that indicate purged/archived
incidents. This prevents the Oracle BI Applications ETL from marking these incidents
Soft Delete
and therefore they are available for reporting and analysis.
Chapter 6
Managing Data Load Parameters for Oracle Service Cloud Source System
Setting Up Oracle Taleo Cloud Data
Follow this procedure to deploy Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (Oracle BI
Applications) with Oracle Taleo Cloud source system.
Registering a Taleo Cloud Source System
Registering a Taleo Cloud Source System
Use these instructions to register the applicable Taleo Cloud source system.
To register Taleo Cloud source system:
You must have the Taleo Cloud source details.
1. Log in to Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager as a user that has
Enterprise Role -
2. In Configuration Manager, select the Define Business Intelligence Applications
link in the System Setups area on the Tasks pane.
3. Click the Add icon (
) to register a new source system using the Register Source
4. At the Register Source dialog, specify the following details, then click Next:
Product Line — Select your source system type. For example, Taleo
Product Line Version — Select the data source version that is deployed.
Source Instance Name — Enter a short readable name to identify this data
source in Configuration Manager.
Description — (Optional) Enter a short description to help Administrators and
Implementers identify and use this data source in Configuration Manager.
Data Source Number — Enter an integer or use the spinner to specify a
number to identify data in the OTBI-Enterprise data warehouse. This number
must be unique within Configuration Manager. The number 999 is reserved,
and should not be used.
5. At the Cloud Replicator Details dialog, specify connection properties, then click
Chapter 7
Registering a Taleo Cloud Source System
Taleo enforces daily and transaction limits for bulk data export requests.
During a Taleo source connection registration, the default values are
displayed ( DAILY_EXPORT_LIMIT=500000,
EXPORT_MAX_RECORDS=100000. If the Taleo zone limits are
increased, it's recommended to update the Daily Limit on the Replicator
to match the zone value or update it to 0. DAILY_EXPORT_LIMIT=0 ( 0
indicates unlimited).
During a LP execution, if a replication job hits the Taleo Daily Limit, then
the job is paused for 24 hours but the status of the ODI LP step is
marked as Completed. Subsequent LP steps of replication for Taleo
source would complete without actually running the replication and rest
of the ETL steps (SDE, SIL) are also completed for Taleo source without
running the ETL. The next day, LP will trigger the rest of the replication
and complete the ETL. The paused job is triggered automatically and
runs the replication only for the entity which first hits the daily limit. For
replicating rest of the entities, a new LP instance needs to be triggered
after 24 hours of the previous LP.
Chapter 7
Registering a Taleo Cloud Source System
Deploying the ODI Repository for Non-
Oracle Source Databases
This section provides information about deploying the Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)
repository for non-Oracle source databases.
During installation and setup of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (Oracle BI
Applications), if your source database is Oracle, then an instance of the ODI repository
is automatically deployed and no further setup steps are required. If your source
database is MS SQL Server, UDB DB2, or UDB 400, then you must perform these
configuration steps to deploy a new instance of the ODI repository.
If you have multiple sources and one or more of the source databases is non-Oracle,
you must follow these procedures for all source databases, including any Oracle
source databases. The following non-Oracle source databases are certified:
JD Edwards (JDE) 91, JDE 90 Adaptors are certified with DB2 (AS 400) , DB2
UDB (DB2 v9.7.0.5) and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 source databases.
People Soft 92 HCM is certified with Microsoft SQL Server 2014 source
People Soft 90 SIA (Student Information Analytics) is certified with Microsoft SQL
Server 2012 source databases.
Perform these steps in order:
1. Export Security Settings from Original ODI Repository.
2. Exporting Topology Settings from Original ODI Repository.
3. Create a New Master ODI Repository.
4. Connect to the New Master ODI Repository.
5. Create a New Work Repository.
6. Import Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository.
7. Import Security Settings Into the ODI Repository.
8. Importing Connection Details Which Configures the Data Servers.
Next Steps:
In Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, register sources, configure
parameters, and generate load plans.
After you perform these procedures for a particular source and you then want
to add a new source, you only need to perform the steps in Importing Source
Adapter Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository. This is true
regardless of the database technology of the second source.
For example, if you have a PeopleSoft 9.0 source on a SQL Server
database, then you would perform the steps in Exporting Security Settings
from Original ODI Repository through Importing Connection Details Which
Configures the Data Servers. If you then wanted to add a second source, for
example Siebel 8.1 (on an Oracle, DB2, or SQL Server database), you would
only need to perform the steps in Importing Source Adapter Metadata
Content into the New ODI Repository.
Exporting Security Settings from Original ODI Repository
You need to export the security settings from the ODI Repository that were created
using the Oracle Business Analytics Suite RCU.
1. Log into ODI Studio.
2. Navigate to Topology, and select Export Security Settings.
3. Save the export file to a local directory.
You will use this export file to import the security settings in a later step.
Exporting Topology Settings from Original ODI Repository
You need to export the topology settings from the Original ODI Repository that were
created using the Oracle Business Analytics Suite RCU.
To export the topology settings from original ODI repository:
1. Launch the ODI Studio client and connect to the original ODI repository.
2. Navigate to the Topology tab. From the Connect Navigator (Topology icon
dropdown on the top right side of the navigator pane), select Export. As part of the
procedures described below, you will export files to a local directory.
Chapter 8
Exporting Security Settings from Original ODI Repository
3. Launch the Smart Export wizard from the Export Selection dialog.
4. Drag the below logical schemas Objects to be Exported window as shown
below. Provide a meaningful name for the export file. Click Export.
Chapter 8
Exporting Topology Settings from Original ODI Repository
This will export the logical and physical topology including assigned Data source
Num ID values and database connect details.
Creating a New Master Repository
Use ODI Studio to create a new Master Repository.
1. Launch ODI Studio.
2. Open the New Gallery by selecting File and then New.
3. In the Categories tree of the New Gallery, select ODI.
4. From the Items list, select Master Repository Creation Wizard, and click OK.
The Master Repository Creation Wizard opens.
Chapter 8
Creating a New Master Repository
5. Specify the Database Connection properties:
Property Description
Technology Select the technology that will host your Master Repository.
JDBC Driver The driver used to access the technology that will host the
JDBC URL The URL used to establish the JDBC connection to the database.
Note that the JDBC Driver and URL properties are synchronized
and the default values are technology dependent.
User The name of the schema where the Master Repository will be
Password The password for the schema.
DBA User The user ID on the database with DBA privileges such as
Do not use SYS, which requires logging in as SYSDBA.
DBA Password The password for the DBA User.
*Use the same credentials used by the installer to create the original
Chapter 8
Creating a New Master Repository
6. In the Repository Configuration area, enter a unique, three-digit numeric ID.
Ensure that the repository ID is a value greater than the original
repository ID value of 500. This prevents import issues while importing
exported (backup) files from your original repository.
7. (Optional) Click Test Connection to test the connection to the Master Repository,
then click Next.
8. In the Authentication screen, select Use External Authentication, and specify
these properties, then click Next:
Property Description
Supervisor User The user name of the ODI Supervisor that was specified during the
initial Oracle BI Applications installation.
Supervisor Password The Supervisor User's password that was specified during the initial
Oracle BI Applications installation.
Chapter 8
Creating a New Master Repository
9. In the Password Storage screen, select Internal Password Storage.
10. Click Yes to indicate you want to remove the existing repository.
Chapter 8
Creating a New Master Repository
11. In the Master Repository Creation Wizard, click Finish.
Connecting to the New Master Repository
In this procedure, you create a new Master Repository login connection.
1. Open the New Gallery by selecting File and then New.
2. In the Categories tree of the New Gallery, select ODI.
3. From the Items list, select Create a New ODI Repository Login.
4. Click OK.
The Repository Connection Information dialog opens.
5. Specify the ODI connection details:
Property Description
Login name A connection alias.
User The ODI Supervisor user name that was defined during the Oracle
BI Applications installation.
Note that the Supervisor user name is case sensitive and must be
entered exactly as previously defined.
Password The ODI Supervisor password that was defined during the Oracle
BI Applications installation.
Chapter 8
Connecting to the New Master Repository
6. Specify the Database Connection (Master Repository) details:
Property Description
User The database user login of the schema that contains the Master
Password The User password.
Driver List Select the driver required to connect to the database supporting the
Master Repository.
Driver Name The complete driver name.
URL The URL used to establish the JDBC connection to the database
hosting the repository.
7. In the Work Repository area, select Master Repository Only.
8. (Optional) Click Test to verify that the connection is working.
9. Click OK.
Creating a New Work Repository
Use this procedure to create a new Work Repository.
1. In the Topology Navigator, go to the Repositories panel.
2. Right-click the Work Repositories node, and select New Work Repository.
The Create Work Repository Wizard opens.
3. Specify the ODI Work Repository connection details.
The Work Repository needs to be in the same schema as the Master Repository.
Provide the same credentials used to create the Master Repository.
Technology Select the technology that will host your Work Repository.
JDBC Driver The driver used to access the technology that will host the
Chapter 8
Creating a New Work Repository
Property Description
JDBC URL The complete path of the data server to host the Work Repository.
Note that the JDBC Driver and URL properties are synchronized
and the default values are technology dependent.
User The name of the schema where the Work Repository will be stored.
Password The password for the schema.
4. (Optional) Click Test Connection to verify the connection is working, then click
An informational dialog notifies you that a Work Repository already exists.
5. Click No to overwrite the existing repository.
6. Specify the Work Repository properties:
Property Description
ID Enter the same ID used when creating the new Master Repository.
Name A name for the Work Repository.
Password This field is optional. The value can be any value. It does not
correspond to the ODI Supervisor or database passwords.
Work Repository
Select Development.
Chapter 8
Creating a New Work Repository
7. Click Finish.
8. When the Confirmation dialog asks if you would like to create a login for the Work
Repository, click No.
9. Edit the repository connection details to connect to the Work Repository:
a. Log off of the Work Repository.
b. Open the Repository Connection Information dialog.
c. In the Work Repository area, select the Work Repository option, and then
select the name of the Work Repository you just created.
d. Click OK.
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New
ODI Repository
In this procedure, you import source-specific metadata content into the new ODI
Repository by running the command line utility.
Preparing to Import Source Adaptor Metadata Content
Running the Command Line Utility to Import Source Adaptor Metadata Content
Chapter 8
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository
Preparing to Import Source Adaptor Metadata Content
Use these instructions to import source-specific metadata content into the new ODI
1. Locate the directory <BI_ORACLE_HOME>\biapps\admin\provisioning
files in this directory contain the source-specific metadata content that
you will import into the new repository. The naming convention for the
files is
<Source adapter>_<database technology>
2. Unzip
first and then unzip the
appropriate metadata content file for your source adapter and database
While unzipping files, do not unzip into a separate folder. Use Extract
here option from unzipping tools to unzip all metadata zip files.
For example, once you unzip files, you will be seeing the following folder structure:
Inside ORACLE folder, you will see the following folders:
Chapter 8
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository
3. Locate the file bia-odi-util.jar, which is stored in C:\<Middleware
4. Locate the file jps-config-jse.xml, which is stored in C:\<Middleware
In the command, this file is referred to as
5. Create a logs directory to store the logs of the import process.
In the command, this directory is referred to as
6. Locate the ODI Home directory.
In the command, this directory is referred to as
7. Obtain these ODI Repository connection details:
JDBC URL for the ODI Repository database
JDBC driver
Work Repository name
ODI Repository database user name and password
ODI user and password
This connection information is displayed in ODI Studio in the Repository
Connection Details dialog.
Running the Command Line Utility to Import Source Adaptor Metadata
Use this procedure to import the metadata content files into the new ODI Repository.
You will first import the metadata for Oracle BI Applications, after which you will import
the metadata for the appropriate source adaptors.
For potential performance enhancement, Oracle recommends running the command
line utility on the database server machine.
To import metadata content by running the command line utility:
1. Open a command line utility.
2. Navigate to the C:\<Middleware Home>\<BI_ORACLE_HOME>\biapps
\biaodiutil\lib directory.
3. Run the following command to import the Oracle BI Applications metadata first,
which is mandatory before importing any source specific metadata content.
The PLV code for this adaptor is BIA_11.
On Windows:
Chapter 8
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository
<JAVA_HOME>\bin\java.exe \-client \-Xms32m \-Xmx1024m \-classpath <ODI_HOME>
\biapps\lib\*;<BI_ORACLE_HOME >\biapps\biaodiutil\lib\bia-odi-util.jar
oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=<EXP_FILE_DIR> PLV=<PLV_CODE>
For example:
E:\app\oracle\MW_HOME\Oracle_BI1\jdk\bin\java.exe -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -
classpath E:\app\oracle\MW_HOME\Oracle_ODI1\oracledi.sdk\lib\*;E:\app\oracle
oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=E:\temp PLV=BIA_11
\odi-client-config\embedded LOGLEVEL=5 LOGDIR=E:/app/oracle/MW_HOME/logs/
On UNIX/Linux:
<JAVA_HOME>\bin\java.exe \-client \-Xms32m \-Xmx1024m \-classpath "<ODI_HOME>/
biapps/lib/*:<BI_ORACLE_HOME >/biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar"
oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=<EXP_FILE_DIR> PLV=<PLV_CODE>
For example:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=BIA_11 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
4. Run the following command to import the source-specific metadata content. The
PLV code and SRCTECH for the source-specific metadata content are given in the
following parameters table.
This table describes the parameters:
Chapter 8
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository
Parameter Description
MODE (Mandatory) Possible values:
IMPREGEN - Use this mode to import the adaptor metadata
content and generate scenarios for that adaptor.
IMPORT — Use this mode to import metadata content only,
without generating scenarios. A parameter file is generated
that allows you to do the scenario generation at a later time.
SCEREGEN — Use this mode to generate scenarios only.
Before running this mode, you need to have imported content
using the IMPORT mode so that the parameter file required for
scenario generation is already present.
FILEDIR (Mandatory) The complete path for the export file directory files.
CONNFILE (Optional) The complete path of the file containing the Connection
Details. If this parameter is not used, the utility will prompt for the
connection details.
An example of a connection file is as follows:
# ===============================
# ODI Connection Information
# ================================
# Connection Information for Destination Oracle Data
#Integrator Repository
LOGLEVEL (Optional) Possible values are 1, 3, or 5. The default value is 1,
with 5 being the most verbose.
LOGDIR The complete path for the log directory.
The following log files are created:
Summary — Contains high level log information. The naming
convention is
Import — Contains details about the import. Has a log and
error file. The naming convention is
Scenario Generation — Contains details about the scenario
generation. Has a log and error file. The naming convention is
Chapter 8
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository
Parameter Description
PLV (Mandatory) The PLV code for the adaptor being imported.
Possible values:
SRCTECH (Mandatory) The source technology for the adaptor being imported.
Possible values:
For IBM DB2/400: IBM_DB2_400
For Oracle Fusion (via BI Server): ORACLE_BI
If you have multiple sources on both Oracle and non-Oracle
databases, you need to import the PLV metadata for the Oracle
database using ORACLE (or ORACLE_BI for Oracle Fusion
sources) as the SRCTECH value.
JPSCONFIGFILE (Mandatory if the repository has already been enabled for external
authentication.) The path and name of the JPSCONFIGFILE.
SSOFILE (Optional) The path and name of the SSO file.
On Windows:
For example:
E:\app\oracle\MW_HOME\Oracle_BI1\jdk\bin\java.exe -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -
classpath E:\app\oracle\MW_HOME\Oracle_ODI1\oracledi.sdk\lib\*;E:\app\oracle
oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=E:\temp PLV=JDE_9_1 SRCTECH=
MICROSOFT_SQL_SERVER JPSCONFIGFILE=E:\app\oracle\MW_HOME\user_projects\domains
\bifoundation_domain\odi-client-config\embedded LOGLEVEL=5 LOGDIR=E:/app/oracle/
On Linux:
For example:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
Chapter 8
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=JDE_9_1 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
Repeat Step 4 if you want to import any other source specific metadata content by
choosing the appropriate PLV code and SRCTECH parameter.
Following are few sample commands for importing other source specific metadata:
JDE_9_0 for MSSQL:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=JDE_9_0 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
JDE_9_0 for DB2UDB:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=JDE_9_0 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
ipadred2/vv/logs SRCTECH=IBM_DB2_UDB
JDE_9_0 for DB2400:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
Chapter 8
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=JDE_9_0 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
ipadred2/vv/logs SRCTECH=IBM_DB2_400
JDE_9_0 for ORACLE:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=JDE_9_0 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
ipadred2/vv/logs SRCTECH=ORACLE
JDE_9_1 for MSSQL:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=JDE_9_1 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
JDE_9_1 for DB2UDB:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=JDE_9_1 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
ipadred2/vv/logs SRCTECH=IBM_DB2_UDB
JDE_9_1 for DB2400:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
Chapter 8
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=JDE_9_1 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
ipadred2/vv/logs SRCTECH=IBM_DB2_400
JDE_9_1 for ORACLE:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=JDE_9_1 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
ipadred2/vv/logs SRCTECH=ORACLE
PSFT_9_2 for MSSQL:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=PSFT_9_2 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
PSFT_9_2 for DB2UDB:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=PSFT_9_2 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
ipadred2/vv/logs SRCTECH=IBM_DB2_UDB
Chapter 8
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository
PSFT_9_2 for DB2400:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=PSFT_9_2 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
ipadred2/vv/logs SRCTECH=IBM_DB2_400
PSFT_9_2 for ORACLE:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=PSFT_9_2 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
ipadred2/vv/logs SRCTECH=ORACLE
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=UNIVERSAL JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
ipadred2/vv/logs SRCTECH=FILE
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
Chapter 8
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository
biapps/biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPORT FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/vv/
PLV=DATA_LIN JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml LOGDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/
Chapter 8
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository
The following Tech switch adaptor metadata zip files are delivered along
with the package scenarios, hence when you run the command line
utility to import these files, ensure that you use import mode as IMPORT
as seen in the above example:
Apart from the above zip files, if you are importing any other adaptor
metadata zip files into your repository, ensure that you use import mode
as IMPREGEN which would import the adaptor metadata content and
generate scenarios for that adaptor.
For example:
On Windows:
E:\app\oracle\MW_HOME\Oracle_BI1\jdk\bin\java.exe -client -Xms32m -
Xmx1024m -classpath E:\app\oracle\MW_HOME\Oracle_ODI1\oracledi.sdk\lib
oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import MODE=IMPREGEN FILEDIR=E:\temp
PLV=EBS_12_2 JPSCONFIGFILE=E:\app\oracle\MW_HOME\user_projects\domains
\bifoundation_domain\odi-client-config\embedded LOGLEVEL=5
LOGDIR=E:/app/oracle/MW_HOME/logs/DB2SetupLog SRCTECH=ORACLE
On UNIX/Linux:
/usr/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -classpath "/padred2ap/bi/
biaodiutil/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import
MODE=IMPREGEN FILEDIR=/padred2ap/bi/padred2_usmtnecdbinap08/ipadred2/
Chapter 8
Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository
vv/ PLV=EBS_12_2 JPSCONFIGFILE=user_projects/domains/
5. Enter the ODI Repository connection details when prompted.
6. Monitor the process by viewing the command line window or the log files being
written to the logs directory.
This process can be lengthy and can last from 45 minutes to three hours,
depending on the number of adaptors for which you are importing metadata
7. When the import process is complete, log into ODI Studio and verify the data
stores and mappings for the new adaptor are present.
8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for each adaptor you need to import, substituting the
appropriate PLV code.
Importing Security Settings in to the ODI Repository
You can import security settings in to the ODI repository.
In this procedure you will import the security settings that you exported in Exporting
Security Settings from Original ODI Repository.
1. Log in to ODI Studio.
2. Navigate to Security, and select Users tab to rename exiting
as shown below.
3. Navigate to Security, and select Import Security Settings.
4. In the Import Security Settings dialog, select Import mode as Synonym Mode
INSERT_UPDATE, selectImport From a Folder, and browse for the export file.
5. Click Yes in the Confirmation dialog.
You can now log into the ODI Repository with the security settings configured when
the ODI Repository was created using the Oracle Business Analytics Suite RCU.
Chapter 8
Importing Security Settings in to the ODI Repository
Importing Connection Details Which Configures the Data
Use this procedure to perform post-import configurations.
1. Launch the ODI Studio client and connect to the ODI repository.
2. Navigate to the Topology tab. From the Connect Navigator (Topology icon
dropdown on the top right side of the navigator pane), select Import.
As part of the procedures described below, you will import the file created by
exporting the ’Global’ context in topic Exporting Topology Settings from Original
ODI Repository.
3. In the Import Selection dialog, select Smart Import.
Chapter 8
Importing Connection Details Which Configures the Data Servers
4. In the File Selection screen, specify the export file created in topic Exporting
Topology Settings from Original ODI Repository .
5. The default behavior of Smart Import is to Merge details in the target repository.
Ensure that no issues are reported – if issues are reported, resolve them to ensure
that the existing details are replaced by the details being imported. Select the
BIAPPS_DW and BIAPPS_BIACOMP Data Servers, select the Overwrite option,
and continue.
6. Verify the imported details.
Verify that the following logical schemas have the correct data source
Num ID
set in the DATASOURCE_NUM_ID flex field:
Chapter 8
Importing Connection Details Which Configures the Data Servers
If you do not see
values for all these logical schemas, then set it with 999
7. In ODI Studio, click Topology and select Physical Architecture. Open the
physical server.
8. Verify that the User and Password is correctly populated under the Definition tab.
9. On the JDBC tab, verify that the JDBC URL is correctly set. If you used the default
Merge action during the Smart Import, then the User and Password will be
updated but the JDBC URL will remain unchanged.
Chapter 8
Importing Connection Details Which Configures the Data Servers
10. Repeat steps 1-4 for the
physical server.
11. Verify that the Physical schema for
are set as defaults. If they are
not set as defaults, then the load plans will fail.
a. In ODI Studio, click Topology and select Physical Architecture.
b. Open the physical schema under the
physical server.
c. Verify that the Default check box is selected on the Definition tab.
d. Select the Default check box if it is not checked. Save changes.
12. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for the physical schema under the
physical server.
Chapter 8
Importing Connection Details Which Configures the Data Servers
Repository Creation Utility Screens
These options are available when you run the Repository Creation Utility (RCU).
Create Repository
Database Connection Details
Select Components
Schema Passwords
Custom Variables
Map Tablespaces
Completion Summary
Welcome Page for RCU
This is the first screen that appears when RCU is started. Note the navigation pane on
the left that summarizes the tasks that RCU will help you complete.
Each item in the navigation pane represents a specific screen that will prompt you for
information required to create or drop your schemas. Click Skip This Page Next Time
if you do not want to see the Welcome screen the next time you start RCU.
Create Repository
Use this screen to select the action you want to perform.
Action Description
Create Select this option to create component schemas in the database.
Drop Select this option to remove component schemas from the database.
Database Connection Details
Use this screen to specify the connection credentials to the database in which you will
be creating or dropping your schemas.
Select one of these procedures depending on your database:
Specifying Connection Credentials for Oracle Databases and Oracle Databases
Enabled for Edition-Based Redefinition
Specifying Connection Credentials for Oracle MySQL Databases
Specifying Connection Credentials for Microsoft SQL Server Databases
Specifying Connection Credentials for IBM DB2 Databases
Click Next when you are finished entering the connection credentials for your
database. A screen indicating the progress of the installer establishing the connection
with the specified database will appear. If an error occurs while the connection is being
established, the error message(s) appear in the Messages field on the Database
Connection Details screen.
Specific database requirements for the various schemas can be found in Oracle
Fusion Middleware System Requirements and Specifications on Oracle Technology
For certified database versions for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11gR1, see Oracle
Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations on Oracle Technology Network.
If you are running the RCU for Oracle Business Analytics Applications Suite,
then see Creating Schemas Using Business Analytics Applications Suite
RCU for information about this screen.
Specifying Connection Credentials for Oracle Databases and Oracle
Databases Enabled for Edition-Based Redefinition
For Oracle databases and Oracle databases enabled for edition-based redefinition,
specify these connection credentials.
Field Description
Host Name Enter the name of the server where your database is running. Use
this format:
For Oracle RAC databases, specify the VIP name or one of the
node names in this field.
Port Enter the port number for your database. The default port number
for Oracle databases is 1521.
Service Name Specify the service name for the database. Typically, the service
name is the same as the global database name.
If you are unsure what the service name for your database is, you
can obtain it from the
parameter in the database's
initialization parameter file. If the initialization parameter file does
not contain the
parameter, then the service name
is the same as the global database name, which is specified in the
For Oracle RAC databases, specify the service name of one of
the nodes in this field. For example:
Username Enter the user name for your database. The default user name is
Password Enter the password for your database user.
Appendix A
Database Connection Details
Field Description
Role Select the database user's role from the drop-down list:
All schemas installed on an Oracle database require the SYSDBA
role. If you are creating schemas for Oracle Internet Directory
(OID), then you must use the user
and the SYSDBA role. See
RCU Requirements for Oracle Databases on Oracle Technoogy
Specifying Connection Credentials for Oracle MySQL Databases
For MySQL databases, specify these connection credentials.
Field Description
Host Name Enter the host name, IP address, or complete server name in host
\server format of the server where your database is running.
For Oracle RAC databases, specify the VIP name or one of the
node names in this field.
Port Enter the port number for your database.
Database Name Specify the name of your database.
Username Specify the name of a user with DBA or SYSDBA privileges.
Password Enter the password for your database user.
Specifying Connection Credentials for Microsoft SQL Server
For Microsoft SQL Server databases, specify these connection credentials.
Field Description
Unicode Support Select Yes or No from the drop-down list.
Oracle SOA Infrastructure schemas are created with Unicode
support (database tables created with NVARCHAR) only,
regardless of the option selected in this field.
Server Name Enter the host name, IP address, or complete server name in host
\server format of the server where your database is running.
Port Enter the port number for your database.
Database Name Specify the name of your database.
Username Enter the user name for your database. The user must have
SYSDBA or DBA privileges.
Password Enter the password for your database user.
Specifying Connection Credentials for IBM DB2 Databases
For IBM DB2 databases, specify these connection credentials.
Appendix A
Database Connection Details
Field Description
Server Name Enter the host name, IP address, or complete server name in host
\server format of the server where your database is running.
Port Enter the port number for your database.
Database Name Specify the name of your database.
Username Specify the name of a user with DB Owner privileges. The default
user name for IBM DB2 databases is
Password Enter the password for your database user.
Select Components
Use this screen to select the component schemas you want to create or drop.
Creating Database Users for IBM DB2 Databases
Creating Prefixes
Selecting Components and Dependencies
Specifying Custom Schema Names
Checking Schema Prerequisites
If you are creating schemas, you must remember the prefix and schema names for
the components you are installing; you will need this information during the
configuration phase of Oracle Fusion Middleware product installation. Oracle
recommends that you write these values down.
Dropping Schemas
If you are running the RCU for Oracle Business Analytics Applications Suite, then see
Creating Schemas Using Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU for information
about this screen.
Database Users for IBM DB2 Databases
IBM DB2 authenticates its database users using equivalent operating system users.
Therefore, prior to running RCU, one operating system user must be created for each
The operating system user name must match the schema owner name and must
contain only lowercase letters; no all-uppercase or mixed-case names are allowed. For
example, if you create a schema named
using RCU, then the operating
system user must be named
(all lowercase letters).
Creating Prefixes
Prefixes are used to create logical groupings of schemas in a database.
For example, if you want to create two versions of the
schema in the database,
you can use different prefixes to uniquely identify each one (for example,
). Note that the prefix name and schema name are separated by an
underscore (_) character.
Appendix A
Select Components
The Oracle Internet Directory (ODS) component cannot be prepended with a
custom prefix; there can only be one repository for this component per
If you want to create a new prefix for your schemas, select Create a New Prefix and
specify a new prefix name in the field. The prefix name must be a minimum of one
character in length and cannot exceed 12 alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, or A-Z) in
length (not including the underscore character). Prefixes should not start with a
number. No whitespace or special characters are allowed.
For IBM DB2 databases, prefixes are limited to four characters in length (not
including the underscore character).
The default new prefix is
. If
already exists as a prefix, then
is used; if
exists, then
is the default, and so on.
Use existing prefixes to add additional components to an existing repository in the
database. To use an existing prefix, select Select an Existing Prefix and choose a
prefix from the drop-down list.
Selecting Components and Dependencies
When you select a component, any other components that may be required by the
component you select are also selected. For example, if you select SOA and BPM
Infrastructure, then all schemas in this category are selected along with the Metadata
Services schema. The Metadata Services schema is required by each component in
SOA and BPM Infrastructure.
If a component has a plus sign (+) next to its name, then there are sub components
available. Click on the plus sign (+) to expand the category to view all sub
components. If you want to select a component with all its subcomponents, click on
the top-most box with the plus sign (+).
Custom Schema Names
Click on the name of any schema in the "Schema Owner" column to change the name
of the schema.
Schema names can only contain alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, or A-Z) and are
Appendix A
Select Components
The Oracle Internet Directory (ODS) component cannot be prepended with a
custom prefix; there can only be one repository for this component per
Checking Schema Prerequisites
You can check schema prerequisites from the Select Components screen.
Click Next when you are finished specifying your prefix, schema names, and selecting
components. A screen indicating the progress of component prerequisite checking
appears. If an error occurs during the prerequisite checking, the error message(s)
appear in the Messages field on the Select Components screen.
Dropping Schemas
You can remove schemas from the database.
1. Select the prefix associated with the schema(s) you want to drop.
2. Select the component(s) whose schemas you want to drop.
Schema Passwords
Use this screen to specify the password for your schemas.
There are three ways to specify schema passwords; they are described in this table:
Option Description
Use same password for all
Select this option if you want to use a single password for all
schemas and their auxiliary schemas. In the Password field, enter
your password. Enter your password again in the Confirm
Password field.
Use main schema
passwords for auxiliary
Select this option if you want to specify different passwords for the
main schemas, but still have the same password used for their
respective auxiliary schemas. If you select this option, only the
main schemas will be visible in the table. For each schema, you
must enter each schema's password in the Password column in
the table, and enter the same password in the Confirm Password
Specify different passwords
for all schemas
Select this option if you want to specify unique passwords for the
main schemas and auxiliary schemas. If you select this option, all
main schemas and auxiliary schemas will be visible in the table.
For each schema and auxiliary schema, you must enter the
password in the Password column in the table, and enter the
same password in the Confirm Password column.
Appendix A
Schema Passwords
You must remember the passwords you enter on this screen; you will need
this information during the configuration phase of Oracle Fusion Middleware
product installation. Oracle recommends that you write these values down.
Custom Variables
Use this screen to specify additional configuration information required by the
components during runtime.
This screen only appears if you selected a component on the Select Components
screen that supports custom variables:
Specifying Custom Variables for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
Specifying Custom Variables for Master and Work Repository (ODI)
Specifying Custom Variables for Oracle WebCenter Portal's Activity Graph and
Custom Variables for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
The RCU uses .dmp files to create the required schemas. Before you perform the
action in this screen, you must copy the .dmp files for each schema to a directory with
global write access on the appropriate database server host.
(RCU writes log files to this directory). The .dmp files are located in BIA_RCU_HOME
In the Value field in the Custom Variables screen, for each schema enter the directory
path of the folder that contains the .dmp file.
Do not include the name of the .dmp file in the directory path.
Custom Variables for Master and Work Repository (ODI)
Specify this information for the Master and Work Repository Custom Variables.
Variable Description
Master Repository ID A specific ID for the new Master Repository. Master Repository ID
values must be between 0 and 999. Default value is 001.
Supervisor PAssword Password of the supervisor user. You must confirm this password
on the following line.
Appendix A
Custom Variables
Variable Description
Work Repository Type Specify how the Work Repository will be used:
Use Development (D) for creating a development repository.
This type of repository allows management of design-time
objects such as data models and projects (including
interfaces, procedures, etc.) A development repository also
includes the run-time objects (scenarios and sessions). This
type of repository is suitable for development environments.
Use Execution (E) for creating an execution repository: This
type of repository only includes run-time objects (scenarios,
schedules and sessions). It allows launching and monitoring
of data integration jobs in Operator Navigator. Such a
repository cannot contain any design-time artifacts. Designer
Navigator cannot be used with it. An execution repository is
suitable for production environments.
Work Repository ID A specific ID for the new Work Repository. Default value is 001.
Work Repository Name A unique name for the Work Repository (for example:
Work Repository Password (Optional) - Provide a password for the Work Repository. If you
provide a password, you must confirm the password on the
following line.
Custom Variables for Oracle WebCenter Portal's Activity Graph and
You can specify custom variables for Oracle WebCenter Portal's Activity Graph and
Specify Y if you want to install Activity Graph and Analytics with database partitioning
enabled, or N if you do not want to enable database partitioning.
Map Tablespaces
Use this screen to specify your tablespace mapping information.
This screen only appears if you selected the Create option on the Create Repository
Default Tablespace Mappings
Changing Default and Temporary Tablespaces
Viewing and Changing Additional Tablespaces
Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles
Click Next when you are finished with your tablespace information. A screen will
appear asking you to confirm the creation of tablespaces for any new schemas.
Appendix A
Map Tablespaces
RCU only creates tablespaces for those components associated with RCU.
After you click OK to continue, a screen indicating the progress of the tablespace
creation will appear.
Default Tablespace Mappings
In the Default Tablespace and Temp tablespace columns, you can click on the
tablespace cell to select from a list of available additional tablespace names.
The default tablespace mapping for each component is shown in the Repository
Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces topic in the Creating Schemas with
the Repository Creation Utility.
OID tablespace names cannot be user specified.
Changing Default and Temporary Tablespaces
You can have your components use as many or as few tablespaces as desired to suit
your configuration.
To change the default tablespace for a component, select the tablespace name in the
Default Tablespace column, then select the tablespace name you want to use from the
drop-down list.
To change the temporary tablespace for a component, select the tablespace name in
the Temp Tablespace column, then select the tablespace name you want to use from
the drop-down list.
Viewing and Changing Additional Tablespaces
Some components have additional tablespaces associated with their schemas, which
you can view or change for a component.
If this is the case, the Additional Tablespaces button appears on this screen. If none
of the selected components have additional tablespaces, then this button does not
To view additional tablespaces associated with the selected components, click the
Additional Tablespaces button.
To change the tablespace you want to use for a component, click in the Tablespace
Name column and select the tablespace you want to use from the drop-down list.
Appendix A
Map Tablespaces
Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles
To manage your tablespaces and datafiles, click the Manage Tablespaces button.
Adding, Modifying, and Removing Tablespaces
Adding, Modifying, and Removing Datafiles
Managing Tablespaces
Only tablespaces that will be created by RCU can be modified or removed.
Tablespaces that existed before RCU was launched are visible on this screen but are
grayed out and cannot be modified or removed.
Only tablespaces that are used by a component are created. You can specify a new
tablespace here, but unless it is actually used by a component it will not be created.
To modify a tablespace, select the tablespace name on the left-hand portion of the
screen, and edit the fields as described in this table:
Field Description
Name Edit the tablespace name this field to change the name of your
Type Specify whether you want this tablespace to be a temporary
tablespace or permanent tablespace.
Block Size (KB) Specify the block size (in Kilobytes) to be used for data retrieval.
Storage Type Select Use Bigfile Tablespace if you want to create a bigfile
tablespace; this is typically used if you have single large files
instead of multiple small files. Select Use Automatic Segment
Space Management if you want to use bitmaps to manage the
free space within segments.
To add a tablespace, click Add and specify the same details as in the table (for
modifying a tablespace) for your new tablespace.
To remove a tablespace, select the tablespace name from the navigation tree, then
click Remove. This tablespace will not get created.
Managing Datafiles
In the Datafiles section, specify the datafiles that make up the selected tablespace.
Select one of these procedures for more information:
Adding a Datafile
Modifying a Datafile
Deleting a Datafile
Appendix A
Map Tablespaces
Add Datafile Dialog
To add a datafile, click the icon with the plus sign (+).
The Add Datafile screen appears.
Field Description
File Name Specify the name of the datafile.
Datafile names must be less than 30
characters in length, and names
with a dash or hyphen (-) character
are not permitted.
File Directory Specify the location where this datafile will reside.
Size Specify the initial size of the datafile. Use the drop-down list to
specify the size in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes
Automatically extend
datafile when full
Select Automatically extend datafile when full
(AUTOEXTEND) if you want to automatically extend the size of
your datafile when it becomes full. In the "Increment" field, specify
the size by which your datafile should be increased each time it
becomes full. Use the drop-down list to specify the size in
kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB).
If you want to limit maximum size of the datafile, specify this value
in the Maximum Size field.
Modifying a Datafile
You can edit a datafile.
To modify or edit a datafile, select the icon next to the datafile name you want to edit,
then click the icon with the pencil.
The Edit Datafile screen appears.
Provide the information described in this table:
Field Description
File Name Specify the name of the datafile.
Datafile names must be less than 30 characters in length, and
names with a dash or hyphen (-) character are not permitted.
File Directory Specify the location where this datafile resides.
Size Specify the initial size of the datafile. Use the drop-down list to
specify the size in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes
Appendix A
Map Tablespaces
Field Description
Automatically extend
datafile when full
Select Automatically extend datafile when full
(AUTOEXTEND) if you want to automatically extend the size of
your datafile when it becomes full. In the Increment field, specify
the size by which your datafile should be increased each time it
becomes full. Use the drop-down list to specify the size in
kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB).
If you want to limit maximum size of the datafile, specify this value
in the "Maximum Size" field.
Deleting a Datafile
You can delete a datafile.
To delete a datafile, select the icon next to the datafile name you want to delete, then
click the icon with the "X".
Summary of Schema Creation or Removal
This screen provides a summary of the actions that are about to be performed.
Review the information on this screen, and click Create to begin schema creation, or
Drop to begin schema removal.
A screen will appear indicating the progress of the actions being performed.
Completion Summary
This screen provides a summary of the actions that were performed.
The log file names for each component that are visible in the Logfile column. The main
RCU log and component log files are written to this directory on UNIX operating
On Windows operating systems:
If there were any problems encountered during schema creation, you can troubleshoot
the issue using the log files.
If errors are encountered during a Create operation, or if a Create operation fails for
any component, the Cleanup for failed components checkbox appears on this page
and is selected by default. If selected, RCU will perform cleanup operations for the
component that failed during the Create operation. If you choose not to select this
checkbox, you can cleanup the failed component at a later time by performing a Drop
operation for the failed component(s).
Appendix A
Summary of Schema Creation or Removal
Installer Screens Common to All Oracle
Fusion Middleware Suites
These installation screens are common to all the Oracle Fusion Middleware product
Specify Inventory Location
Inventory Location Confirmation
Prerequisite Checks
Security Updates
Software Updates
Installation Location
Application Server
Installation Progress
Configuration Progress
Specify Inventory Location
If this is your first Oracle installation on a host that is running UNIX or Linux system
software, you must use this screen to specify the location of the Oracle inventory
The inventory directory is used by the installer to keep track of all Oracle products
installed on the computer.
Field Description
Inventory Directory Use this field to identify the complete path for the new Oracle
inventory directory that will be created.
By default, the installer assumes you will create the Oracle
inventory in a directory, based on the following environment
variable and path:
If this location is not appropriate for your environment, enter a
new path for the location of the inventory directory.
Note that the inventory directory will eventually contain many files,
including log files for each Oracle software installation you
perform on this system.
Field Description
Operating System Group
From the Operating System Group drop-down menu, select the
group whose members you want to grant access to the inventory
directory; all members of this group will be able to install products
on this system.
Inventory Location Confirmation
This dialog box appears only on UNIX systems. It prompts you to run a shell script that
will create the Oracle inventory in the location you specified on the Inventory Location
You must have root privileges to run the script.
If you do not have root privileges, but you want to continue with the installation, select
Continue Installation with Local Inventory.
The preferred method of managing your Oracle installations is to create a central
inventory directory with the shell script. If you create a central inventory directory, then
the next time you install any Oracle software on this system, the installer will
automatically locate and update the inventory without prompting you. The installer
uses the inventory to identify what Oracle software is installed. It also saves all your
installation log files to the inventory location.
If you do not run the script and use a local inventory, a local copy of the inventory is
created for this specific installation only. If you later run the installer to install additional
Oracle software, the installer will again prompt you to create an inventory.
Welcome Page for the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installer
This page introduces you to the Oracle Fusion Middleware installer and provides two
important pieces of information.
A navigation pane on the left that summarizes the tasks the installer will help you
complete. Each item in the navigation pane represents a specific installer screen
that will prompt you for information required to install the software.
Information about any prerequisites you might need to perform before continuing
with the installation.
Review the information on this screen carefully to be sure you have performed all the
necessary prerequisites.
If you are not sure about any of the prerequisite tasks, refer to the Planning an
Installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware, as well as the documentation for the specific
Oracle Fusion Middleware software you are about to install.
Appendix B
Inventory Location Confirmation
Prerequisite Checks
This screen analyzes the host computer to ensure that specific operating system
prerequisites have been met.
If any of the prerequisite checks fail, then a short error message appears in the bottom
portion of the screen. Fix the error and click Retry to try again. If you want to ignore
the error or warning messages and continue with the installation, click Continue.
Click Abort to stop prerequisite checking for all components.
More About System Requirements and Prerequisites
Note that before performing any installation you should read the system requirements
and certification documentation to ensure that your environment meets the minimum
installation requirements for the products you are installing. Both of these documents
are available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN).
The system requirements document covers information such as hardware and
software requirements, minimum disk space and memory requirements, and required
system libraries, packages, or patches. See Oracle Fusion Middleware System
Requirements and Specifications.
The certification document covers supported installation types, platforms, operating
systems, databases, JDKs, and third-party products. See Oracle Fusion Middleware
Supported System Configurations
About 32-Bit and 64-Bit Installers
Some Oracle Fusion Middleware products provide separate installers for 64-bit and
32-bit operating systems. For those products, ensure that you use the appropriate
installer for the operating system you are using. See Oracle Fusion Middleware
System Requirements and Specifications.
Security Updates
Use this screen to enter your My Oracle Support account information so you can
receive the latest product information and security updates via your My Oracle Support
If you do not want to register for security updates or if you do not have a My Oracle
Support account, then leave all the fields on this screen empty. Click Yes to confirm
your selection.
Element Description
Email Enter the email address you used to register with My Oracle
I wish to receive security
updates via My Oracle
Select this option to indicate that you have a My Oracle Support
account and that you want to receive updates via My Oracle
My Oracle Support
Enter the password for your My Oracle Support account.
Appendix B
Prerequisite Checks
Software Updates
Use this screen to quickly and easily search for the latest software updates, including
important security updates, via your My Oracle Support account.
Element Description
Skip Software Updates Select this option to skip this screen. The installer will not check
for updates that might be applicable to the current product
Search My Oracle Support
for Updates
If you have a My Oracle Support account, then select this option
to have the installer automatically search My Oracle Support for
software updates that apply to the software products are about to
Enter your My Oracle Support account name and password, and
then click Search for Updates.
The installer automatically downloads applicable software updates
from My Oracle Support.
Before you search for update, you can test your login credentials
and the connection to My Oracle Support by clicking Test
Connection. Click Proxy Settings to configure a proxy server if
one is required.
Search Local Directory for
Select this option if you already downloaded the latest software
updates and you want the installer to search a local directory for
updates applicable to the products you are about to install.
When you select this option, the installer displays an additional
field and Browse button that you can use to identify the local
directory where your updates are located.
Installation Location
Use this screen to identify where you want to install your Oracle Fusion Middleware
Depending upon the type of installation you are performing one or more
of the fields shown here might not appear on this screen. Each Oracle
Fusion Middleware component has different requirements for
determining where the software is installed.
If you are installing a Patch Set, then you must specify an existing
Middleware home that contains the Oracle home that will be patched.
If you are performing an installation on a Windows operating system, be
sure that your directory paths are valid and do not contain double
backslashes (\\).
Appendix B
Software Updates
Field Description
Oracle Middleware Home
Use this field to specify the location of your Oracle Middleware
home directory.
If you are using Oracle WebLogic Server as your application
In the Oracle Middleware Home field, specify the absolute
path to your existing Oracle Middleware home directory; this
is the directory that was created when you installed Oracle
WebLogic Server. If you do not know the full path to your
Middleware home, you can click Browse to select an existing
directory in your system.
If you are using IBM WebSphere as your application server:
In the Oracle Middleware Home field, specify the absolute
path to the directory you want to use as the Middleware
home. This directory has no relation to the location of your
WebSphere installation. If you specify a directory location
that does not already exist, the installer will create the
directory for you.
Oracle Home Directory The Oracle home directory is where your products will be
installed. All software binaries will reside in this directory, and no
runtime process can write to this directory.
Specify the directory inside the Oracle Middleware home where
you want to install your products, but note these items:
If you specify a new directory, it will be created inside the
Middleware home.
If you specify a directory that already exists (for example, you
are reinstalling due of an incomplete previous installation),
then it must be inside the Oracle Middleware home.
If you are using the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application
Developer installer, then all the binaries are installed into the
Oracle Common home.
If you are using a Patch Set installer, the installer will verify
that the Oracle home you selected is compatible with the
patch set installer you have selected. For example, you
cannot patch an Oracle Identity Management Oracle home
with the Oracle SOA Suite patch set installer.
WebLogic Server Location The directory name for your WebLogic Server home. This
directory will automatically be created inside the Middleware
home. The default name for this directory is "wlserver_" followed
by the version number. For example,
Oracle Instance Location Enter the absolute path to the location where you want to create
the Oracle Instance directory. The installer creates the Oracle
Instance directory using the location you enter in this field and
using the name you enter in the Oracle Instance Name field. Do
not enter a path to an existing directory that contains files—if you
enter a path to an existing directory, that directory must be empty.
The installer installs the component's configuration files and
runtime processes in the Oracle Instance directory. Runtime
components will write only to this directory. You can identify any
location on your system for the Oracle Instance directory—it does
not have to reside inside the Oracle Middleware Home directory.
Appendix B
Installation Location
Field Description
Oracle Instance Name Enter a name for the Oracle Instance directory. The installer uses
the name you enter in this field to create the Oracle Instance
directory at the location you specify in the Oracle Instance
Location field. This directory is commonly referred to as
Instance names are important because Oracle Fusion Middleware
uses them to uniquely identify instances. If you install multiple
Oracle Fusion Middleware instances on the same computer, for
example, an Oracle Identity Management instance and an Oracle
WebLogic Server instance, you must give them different names.
The name you enter for the Oracle Instance directory must:
Contain only alphanumeric and underscore (_) characters
Begin with an alphabetic character (a-z or A-Z)
Consist of 4-30 characters
Not contain the host name or IP address of the computer
Location If you are installing the Oracle Discoverer Desktop or Oracle
Discoverer Admin applications, use this field to enter the location
where the applications will be installed.
Enter the absolute path for the Oracle Home location. This is the
directory where the software binaries will reside; no runtime
processes may write to this directory. The specified directory must
be an empty directory or an existing Oracle Home location.
Application Server Screen
Use this screen to select the application server you want to use for this installation.
If the installer detects a Middleware home with Oracle WebLogic Server installed,
then this is the application server that will be used. All other fields in this screen
will be inactive.
If the installer detects a Middleware home without an Oracle WebLogic Server
installed, you must select one of the application server options and then provide its
location in the Application Server Location field.
If the installer does not detect a Middleware home directory, the WebLogic Server
option will be inactive. You must select WebSphere and then provide the location
of your IBM WebSphere in the Application Server Location field.
Summary of Installation and Configuration Options
This screen summarizes the selections you have made during the installation or
configuration session.
Some Oracle Fusion Middleware installers allow you to install and configure the
products as part of the installation process. As a result, the installation summary page
is sometimes referred to as the configuration summary page.
In either case, this screen provides this information:
The location of your installation
How much disk space will be used for the installation
Appendix B
Application Server Screen
The applications you have selected for installation
Review the information on this screen to verify the options you have selected before
the installation or configuration begins.
If you want to make any changes to the configuration before starting the installation or
configuration, use the navigation pane to select the installer screen you want to return
to and edit.
If you want to save this installation or configuration to a text file (called a response file),
click Save. The resulting response file can be used later if you choose to perform the
same installation from the command line. See the section on Silent Installation in your
component-specific for more information.
Installation Progress
This screen shows you the progress of the installation.
If you want to quit before the installation is completed, click Cancel. Doing so will
result in a partial installation; the portion of the software that was installed on your
system before you canceled the installation will remain on your system, and you will
have to remove it manually.
Configuration Progress
This screen shows you the progress of your software configuration.
This screen is divided into these main parts:
The navigation pane on the left, which shows you where you are in the overall
installation and configuration process.
A list of configuration tools that can be expanded and collapsed to show either the
overall progress of the configuration or a more detailed listing of the progress of
each configuration tool.
A set of control buttons (Abort, Retry, and Continue), which you can use in the
event of a configuration tool failure.
The name and location of the configuration log file.
A summary of the results for each configuration tool, which includes any error
messages generated by the failure of a configuration tool.
If an error occurs while any of the configuration tools are running, the installer
identifies the configuration tool, stops, and alerts you of the problem. To help resolve
the problem, you can:
Expand the list in the results section of the page, so you can see the error
message that was generated.
Leave the installer running and use another terminal window to review the
configuration log file.
If possible, address the problem and use the control buttons to determine your
next action, as described in this table.
Appendix B
Installation Progress
Element Description
Abort Click this button to abort the installation and configuration of the Oracle
Fusion Middleware software. This action closes the installer.
Retry Click this button to retry the failed configuration tool. If you were able
to identify and address the error, then use this button to try the
configuration tool again.
Continue Click this button to ignore the error and continue with the rest of the
configuration tools. This is the equivalent of skipping the configuration
tool that generated the error.
This screen summarizes the installation that was just completed.
If you want to save this summary information to a text file for future reference, click
For some Oracle Fusion Middleware installers, you can also save the configuration
information to a text file.
Click Finish to dismiss the screen and end your installation session.
Appendix B
Oracle BI Applications Installation and
Configuration Screens
These options are available when you are installing and configuring Oracle Business
Intelligence Applications (Oracle BI Applications).
Welcome (When Running Business Analytics Applications Suite Installer)
Specify Installation Location (When Running Business Analytics Applications Suite
Welcome (When Running the configApps.bat/sh File)
Extend BI Domain
Specify Installation Location (When Running the configApps.bat/sh File)
Configure Components
Repository Encryption Password
Oracle BI Applications Administrator User
MDS Schema
Oracle BI Applications Components Repository Schema
Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Schema
Oracle BI Applications ODI Repository Schema
Configure Ports
Welcome Page for Business Analytics Applications Suite
This screen introduces you to the Oracle Business Analytics Applications Suite
The navigation pane on the left summarizes the tasks the installer will help you
complete. Each item in the navigation pane represents a specific installer screen that
will prompt you for information required to install the software.
Before you run the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer, you must complete
these prerequisites:
Install Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g
Install Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)
To install the prerequisites for Business Analytics Applications Suite installer, see
Installation Prerequisites for Oracle BI Applications.
Specify Installation Location for Business Analytics
Applications Suite Installer
Use this screen to specify where the Oracle Fusion Middleware home is installed.
Field Description
Oracle Middleware Home Specify the path to the directory for an existing Oracle Middleware
home where Oracle BI EE has been installed.
If you do not know the location of the directory, click Browse to
locate the directory on your system.
Oracle Home Directory Specify the Oracle home for BI, for example, Oracle_BI1. Do not
specify any other Oracle home or choose to create a new one.
The Oracle home for Business Intelligence directory is where the
software binary files for Oracle BI Applications will be installed.
If you are installing on a Microsoft Windows operating system, ensure that
the directory paths are valid and do not contain double backslashes (\\).
Welcome Page for the configApps File
This screen introduces you to the Oracle Business Analytics Applications Suite
configuration process.
Before you run the configApps.bat/sh file, you must complete these prerequisites:
Run the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer. See Installing Oracle BI
Applications Using the Business Analytics Applications Suite Installer
Apply Oracle Fusion Middleware platform patches. See Applying the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Platform Patch.
Do not proceed with the configuration unless you have applied the platform
patches. If you have not applied the patches, exit the configuration utility and apply
the patches. Then, re-run the configApps.bat/sh file.
Extend BI Domain
Use this screen to specify details for the WebLogic Administration Server domain.
Host Name The host name of the computer on which the WebLogic Administration
Server domain exists. This field is read-only.
Port Specify the port number over which the WebLogic Administration
Server domain communicates. The default is 7001.
Appendix C
Specify Installation Location for Business Analytics Applications Suite Installer
Field Description
User Name Specify the user name for logging into the WebLogic Administration
User Password Specify the password for logging into the WebLogic Administration
Specify Installation Location for configApps
Use this information when indicating the installation locations when running the
configApps.bat or file.
Field Description
Middleware Home The path to the directory for an existing Oracle Middleware Home
where Oracle BI EE has been installed.
The value in this field is read-only.
Oracle Home The Oracle home for BI, which is the location where Oracle BI EE,
and Oracle BI Applications files are installed.
The value in this field is read-only.
WebLogic Server Home The directory name for the WebLogic Server. The installer
automatically creates this directory inside the Oracle Middleware
home. The default name for this directory is "wlserver_" followed
by the version number. For example, wlserver_10.3.
The value in this field is read-only and is the host name you
specified in the Middleware Home field.
Domain Home The home directory for the domain associated with the Oracle
Business Intelligence system. The value in this field is read-only.
Instance Home The path to the Oracle Instance directory.
The installer installs component configuration files and runtime
processes in the Oracle Instance directory. Runtime components
write to this directory only. The directory that you identify for the
Oracle Instance can be located anywhere on your system, and
does not need to be inside the Oracle Middleware home.
The value in this field is read-only.
Instance Name The name of the Oracle Business Intelligence instance. By
default, the location is based on the value in the Instance Home
field. This directory is commonly referred to as
The value in this field is read-only.
If you are installing on a Microsoft Windows operating system, ensure that
the directory paths are valid and do not contain double backslashes (\\).
Appendix C
Specify Installation Location for configApps
Configure Components
Use this screen to select the components that you need to configure.
To deploy Oracle BI Applications, select BI Application Components.
Repository Encryption Password
Use this screen to specify the password used to encrypt the Oracle BI Applications
Field Description
RPD Password Specify the password used to encrypt the repository.
Confirm RPD
Confirm the password used to encrypt the repository.
Oracle BI Applications Administrator User
Use this screen to specify the Oracle BI Applications Administrator user details. This
user will be created in the Oracle WebLogic Server embedded LDAP. Note the
credentials you enter for this user. This user has full access to Oracle BI Applications
Configuration Manager and to the ODI repository for Oracle BI Applications.
Field Description
Username Specify a username for the Oracle BI Applications Administrator.
Password Specify a password for the Oracle BI Applications Administrator.
Confirm Password Confirm the password.
MDS Schema
Use this screen to specify connection details for the MDS schema.
Field Description
Database Type The type of database that hosts the MDS schema. The only supported
database type is Oracle.
Connect String The connect string used to access the MDS schema.
MDS Schema
The schema name for the MDS schema.
MDS Schema
The password for the MDS schema.
Oracle BI Applications Components Repository Schema
Use this screen to specify connection details for the Oracle BI Applications
Components Repository (BIACOMP).
Appendix C
Configure Components
Field Description
Database Type Select the type of database that hosts the Oracle BI Applications
Components Repository (BIACOMP) schema. The only supported
database type is Oracle.
Connect String Specify the connect string used to access the Oracle BI
Applications Components Repository (BIACOMP) schema.
Use the format:
BIA Components
Repository Schema
Specify the schema name for the Oracle BI Applications
Components Repository (BIACOMP) schema.
BIA Components
Repository Schema
Specify the password for the Oracle BI Applications Components
Repository (BIACOMP) schema.
Business Analytics Warehouse Schema
Use this screen to specify connection details for the Oracle Business Analytics
Warehouse schema.
Field Description
Database Type Specify the type of database that hosts the Oracle Business
Analytics Warehouse schema. The only supported database type
is Oracle.
Connect String Specify the connect string used to access the Oracle Business
Analytics Warehouse schema.
Use the format:
Business Analytics
Warehouse Schema
Specify the schema name for the Oracle Business Analytics
Warehouse schema.
Business Analytics
Warehouse Schema
Specify the password for the Oracle Business Analytics
Warehouse schema.
Oracle BI Applications ODI Repository Schema
Use this screen to specify connection details for the Oracle BI Applications ODI
Repository schema.
Database Type Specify the type of database that hosts the ODI Repository
schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.
Connect String Specify the connect string used to access the ODI Repository
Use the format:
Appendix C
Business Analytics Warehouse Schema
Field Description
ODI Repository Schema
Specify the schema name for the ODI Repository schema.
ODI Repository Schema
Specify the password for the ODI Repository schema.
Configure Ports
Use this screen to configure the ports for the Oracle Business Intelligence system.
Field Description
Auto Port Configuration Select this option if you want Oracle Business Analytics
Applications Suite installer to configure the ports for you.
Specify Ports Using
Configuration File
Select this option to use an existing configuration file to configure
the ports. Optionally, click Browse to specify its location. Click
View/Edit File to view or edit the file.
The sample configuration file is named staticport.ini and is
provided in the Disk1\stage\Response directory of the
Business Analytics Applications Suite installer.
Appendix C
Configure Ports
Generating DDL and Assigning
Tablespaces to Tables and Indexes
These topics describe how to generate DDL to deploy Oracle Business Analytics
Warehouse tables and how to assign tablespaces to tables and indexes.
Generating the Business Analytics Warehouse DDL
Patching Oracle BI Applications
Assigning Tablespaces
Overview of Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Tables
The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse tables are automatically deployed during
the installation process when the Business Analytics Applications Suite Repository
Creation Utility (RCU) executes a shipped DDL script.
The RCU does not prompt for which tablespace to assign to the individual tables and
related indexes nor does it provide a mechanism for you to alter the shipped DDL. To
introduce changes to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse data model, you use
Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) to generate a new DDL script.
You may want to regenerate the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse DDL for these
You may want to modify the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, either by
modifying existing tables or creating new ones.
You may want to have separate development environments. In this case you must
use ODI to generate the DDL to be executed in these environments to deploy the
Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse tables rather than run the RCU for each
The default tablespace assigned to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse
database user is used for all tables and indexes when those objects are created
by the RCU. You may want to assign different tablespaces to the DW tables other
than the default tablespace associated with the database user.
If a patch or upgrade is applied that alters an ODI data store or introduces a new
ODI data store, the corresponding database table must be altered or created.
You can make changes directly in the database but these changes must be
synchronized with the ODI Repository. This is done by running the Reverse
Knowledge Module (RKM) of Oracle BI Applications to bring in the changes into ODI. If
this RKM is not run, ODI will not be aware of these changes, which can lead to
problems when populating the affected warehouse table.
Generating the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse DDL
Use this procedure to generate the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse DDL.
Keep these items in mind when introducing changes in ODI:
Full mode generates a script that creates all tables and sequences, regardless of
what may already be deployed in the database. Incremental mode compares the
ODI and database definition of the tables and columns. Neither mode creates,
modifies or drops indexes.
Add or modify columns:
Add column: ODI allows duplicate column names but you will get an error
when deploying the DDL to the database.
Modify column:
- Column renaming in ODI will be treated as a drop of the existing column and
a new column will be added in the database. This means any existing data in
that column is lost. The procedure works on column name. When generating
the DDL, the procedure compares the database and ODI definitions of the
columns. If a column has been renamed in ODI, that column will not be found
in the database so it is added.
- Changes to datatype, scale, precision, nullability are supported as ALTER
- You should avoid altering preconfigured columns. They should introduce
their own custom column if they need a change in functionality.
- Existing columns can be changed to a larger size but should not be reduced
to a smaller size. Similarly, column data types can be changed to one that
already accommodates existing data (CHAR to VARCHAR, DATE to
DATETIME) but should not be changed to less accommodating datatype
(VARCHAR to NUMBER). ODI doesn't prevent users from making this kind of
change but when deploying the DDL, users will likely encounter issues.
Delete column: You should not delete preconfigured columns. You should only
delete custom columns. If a column is deleted from the ODI Repository, it will
be dropped from the table using an ALTER statement. This is done by
identifying those columns that exist in the database but do not exist in ODI.
(Thus, renaming the column in ODI results in a drop and add statements being
Add or modify indexes:
Add index: ODI allows duplicate index names and duplicate index definitions,
but you will get an error when deploying the DDL on the database.
Modify index:
- Indexes are only dropped and created during the execution of a load plan.
Indexes are not synchronized by this procedure.
- Changes to preconfigured indexes is fully supported. Changes to uniqueness
and active/inactive are supported. The primary use case is to make a
preconfigured index active or inactive
- Changes to preconfigured index names should be avoided. If a load plan
previously executed and created the index, the index will continue to exist with
Appendix D
Generating the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse DDL
the old name in the database. Because ODI is not aware of this index,
problems may occur during the execution of the load plan.
Delete index:
- You should only delete custom indexes and not preconfigured indexes.
- If you do not want a preconfigured index, you should inactivate it.
Add or drop a table: You can add a new table or delete an existing table in OD.
If a table is added in ODI and does not exist in the database, it will be added
using a CREATE TABLE statement.
If a table is deleted from ODI and still exists in the database, a DROP TABLE
statement will be generated.
You should not delete preconfigured tables.
Add or drop a sequence:
You should add a sequence in ODI for new tables that includes the ROW_WID
column and that follows the format <TABLE_NAME>_SEQ. You should add a
sequence in ODI for new tables that includes the SCD1_WID column and that
follows the <TABLE_NAME>_S1W naming convention.
If a sequence is added in ODI and does not exist in the database, it will be
added using a CREATE SEQUENCE statement.
Sequences deleted from ODI are not dropped from the database.
1. Launch ODI Studio, and display the Designer navigator.
2. In the Projects editor, expand these folders: Components, DW, Oracle, Generate
3. Execute the GENERATE_DW_DDL scenario:
Specify this information:
Option Description
If set to True, this will create a .sql file with the DDL script. This is
useful to see what the changes are. If no value is provided for the
SCRIPT_LOCATION option, the procedure will create a file in the
oracledi directory named biappsddl.sql.
FULL will generate the DDL for the entire data warehouse using
CREATE statements. The Table Mask option is ignored.
INCREMENTAL will compare the ODI data stores with the tables in
the database. This option should be used with the Table Mask
option because this process can take a very long time comparing
the entire data warehouse.
CHARCLAUSE Provided for Unicode support. If set to True, the CHAR clause will
be included in the DDL.
RUN_DDL If set to True, the DDL will run against your warehouse.
SCRIPT_LOCATION If you are creating a script, this field indicates the path where the
script will be created.
Appendix D
Generating the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse DDL
Option Description
TABLE_MASK Default % will compare all tables. If you want to create DDL for a
subset of tables only or just a single table, you can change this
value. For instance, to create a diff script for dimension tables, you
would set this value to W_%_D.
Oracle BI Applications Patches
Patching of Oracle BI Applications may require changes to database objects, such as
modifying existing tables or introducing new tables. Oracle will provide a patch file that
you will use to merge changes with the existing ODI Repository definition.
These changes must then be deployed to the database. New tables, columns and
indexes that you introduced are retained. Any changes you made to preconfigured
tables, columns, and indexes must go through a conflict resolution process.
Assigning Tablespaces
Using the Designer navigator in Oracle Studio, you can assign default tablespaces for
the data warehouse tables, such as the W_%_D and W_%_F tables, their associated
indexes, and the staging tables, such as the W_%_DS and W_%_FS tables. Indexes
are not created by this utility but are created during the ETL process and will reflect the
tablespace assigned in ODI.
To assign tablespaces to data warehouse tables:
1. Launch ODI Studio, and display the Designer navigator.
2. In the Models editor, expand Oracle BI Applications model.
3. Edit the Oracle BI Applications model and assign the OBI Tablespace flexfields
with the tablespace values to be used for these objects.
All data warehouse tables and indexes will use the tablespaces defined here.
4. (Optional) Individual tables can be overridden to use a different tablespace from
those assigned at the model level.
Edit the particular data store and assign the OBI Tablespace flexfield with the
tablespace to be used for this table.
5. (Optional) To assign the tablespace for individual indexes, edit the constraint and
assign the OBI Tablespace flexfield value to match the tablespace name to be
Appendix D
Oracle BI Applications Patches
Integrating Interactive Dashboards and
Siebel Operational Applications Data
Perform these required additional configuration steps to run an Oracle Business
Intelligence Applications (Oracle BI Applications) with a Siebel CRM application.
After you have configured the Oracle BI Server and are able to access the
dashboards, you must update the Siebel operational application to view Analytics
dashboards from within the Siebel operational application. Completing the initialization
in the Siebel operational application involves these processes:
Updating the Siebel Operational Application
Reapplying Customized Style Sheets
How to Configure Oracle Business Intelligence with Oracle's Siebel Web Server
Extension (SWSE)
Creating a Virtual IP Address for the SWSE and Oracle BI Presentation Services
Testing the Virtual IP Configuration for Oracle Business Intelligence and the
About Configuring Oracle BI Action Links
Accessing Optional Analytics Applications
Customizing Oracle BI Application Home Page and Dashboards
Viewing Information About Preconfigured Dashboards
Updating the Siebel Operational Application
Use this procedure to change the Siebel operational application host name to the host
name of the system that runs Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services
(Oracle BI Presentation Services).
1. Open your Siebel operational application.
2. Navigate to View, then Site Map.
3. Click Integration Administration screen.
4. Click Host Administration view.
5. Query for NQHOST in the Virtual Name column:
In Windows, change the host name from <AnalyticsServerName> to the host
name of the system that runs Oracle BI Presentation Services.
In AIX or Solaris, change the host name from <AnalyticsServerName> to the
name of the port.
For example,
For UNIX platforms only: You might need to add the domain name
suffix to the server name in order to make sure that action links work
on the Oracle Business Intelligence user interface.
6. Log out of the application and log back in.
Reapplying Customized Style Sheets
Because of these changes to styles, review your deployment's customizations
manually, reapply them, and test them thoroughly to ensure that there are no
For Oracle's Siebel Business Analytics versions 7.7 and later, new styles have been
appended to these style sheets
These new classes are identified in the style sheets. In this version of Oracle Business
Intelligence, new styles and files must be added to the underlying style sheet (for
example, to s_Siebel7). For complete functionality, any custom styles require similar
updating. In addition, views2.css and some other files have been added to the s_
directory. For custom column formatting to work properly, references to font sizes and
families should also be removed from the TD Styles section in PortalBanner.css,
PortalContent.css, and Views.css.
After you have tested them, but before you copy the default views.css files back to
the implementation server, perform this task on the server to clear the server caches.
To clear the server caches and restore your default views:
1. Shut down Oracle BI Server, Oracle BI Presentation Services and IIS.
2. Remove your custom views.css from the directory where it has been installed.
For example:
3. Clear the Oracle BI Presentation Services Server Cache.
In the C:\WINNT\Temp directory, delete the nQs_*.temp files.
4. Clear the Browser Cache.
From the Internet Explorer menu, navigate to Tools, then Internet Options , then
Settings, then View Files, and delete all the files in this directory.
5. Restore the default views.css files to the appropriate directory.
6. Restart the Analytics Server, Oracle BI Presentation Services and IIS.
Appendix E
Reapplying Customized Style Sheets
How to Configure Oracle Business Intelligence with Oracle's
Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE)
Whenever you run Oracle Business Intelligence and Siebel Web Server Extension
(SWSE) on separate systems, you must perform additional configuration steps in order
for action links and interactive charts to work. If, for example, you plan to run the
SWSE and Oracle BI Presentation Services on different Web servers, you must use
some kind of networking or load balancing mechanism to create a single logical
domain (or virtual IP address) for the two systems.
When one virtual IP address is created for two systems, the Web browser accesses
one IP address and is still routed to different physical systems, based on the port
accessed. From the browser, it appears that both servers are running on the same IP
You can use any of several physical methods to create a single logical domain, such
as running SWSE and Oracle BI Presentation Services on a single system if you are
not load balancing the SWSE, or using a router to do the mapping, or using load
balancing software. Your company must determine the best mechanism to accomplish
this routing given the topology being used.
Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence to work with Siebel Web Extension includes
these tasks:
Creating a Virtual IP Address for the SWSE and Oracle BI Presentation Services
Testing the Virtual IP Configuration for Oracle Business Intelligence and the
Creating a Virtual IP Address for the SWSE and Oracle BI
Presentation Services
You create a virtual IP address for the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) and
Oracle BI Presentation Services in order to make it appear that all servers are running
on the same virtual system. The easiest way to do this is to configure Oracle BI
Presentation Services to run on a different port (for example, port 84) from SWSE
(which usually runs on port 80).
For example, SWSE is load-balanced across <system1>:port 80 and <system2>: port
80, and Oracle BI Presentation Services is running on <system3>:port 84, and the
virtual address is defined as
. Therefore, the network or
load-balancing software should be configured to route requests like http:// to <system1> and <system2>, and to route requests like
http:// to <system3>
To create a virtual IP address for Siebel Web Engine and Oracle BI Presentation
1. On the network, set up CSS to direct requests from <virtual domain> to <physical
Siebel Web Server Extension system>:
Where the acronym CSS represents the load-balancer or router used to do the
virtual IP configuration.
Appendix E
How to Configure Oracle Business Intelligence with Oracle's Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE)
Where <virtual domain> is the virtual IP prefix that users enter to navigate to
the Siebel applications (in the preceding example, this is
2. On the network, set up CSS to direct requests from <virtual domain>:84 to
<physical Oracle BI Presentation Services system>:84.
3. In the Siebel application, using the Siebel Administration screen, set the NQHost
parameters for Oracle Business Intelligence Symbolic URLs to point to the <virtual
domain>:84, instead of directly to the Oracle BI Presentation Services server
physical system.
If you are running Oracle's Siebel Business Analytics 7.5.3 instead of
version 7.7 or later, perform this next additional step.
4. In the Siebel application on the Oracle BI Presentation Services server, locate the
registry setting
\SOFTWARE\Siebel Systems, Inc.\Siebel Analytics\Web\7.5\Charts
5. Add a new key, ForceFileBasedPainter, and enter TRUE into the Data string.
Testing the Virtual IP Configuration for Oracle Business
Intelligence and the SWSE
Use a client browser to verify that Oracle Business Intelligence and SWSE work when
accessed directly through a physical address.
For <virtualdomain>, substitute the Virtual IP address you created in Creating a Virtual
IP Address for the SWSE and Oracle BI Presentation Services.
1. In a client browser, enter <virtual domain>:84/analytics.
The Oracle Business Intelligence logon appears.
2. In a client browser, enter <virtual domain>/callcenter (or other Siebel
The SWSE appears.
3. Navigate to an Analytics screen within the Siebel application to see if Oracle
Business Intelligence appears.
4. Interact with Oracle Business Intelligence charts and action links.
About Configuring Oracle BI Action Links
You can find information for configuring action links in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
To configure and use Oracle BI action links, see Configuring the Action Framework in
Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
Appendix E
Testing the Virtual IP Configuration for Oracle Business Intelligence and the SWSE
Accessing Optional Analytics Applications
Depending on the options you purchased with your Siebel operational application, you
must perform additional steps in order to access the corresponding Oracle Business
Intelligence options.
Additional options for Oracle Business Intelligence are:
Oracle Sales Analytics
Oracle Service Analytics
Oracle Marketing Analytics
Oracle Price Analytics
Oracle Partner Analytics
By default, the dashboards and reports contained in these optional areas are hidden.
If, for example, you purchased Sales Analytics with your Sales application, you must
perform the additional steps shown in this procedure to access the Sales Analytics.
To turn on options for Sales Analytics:
1. Log in to Oracle Business Intelligence as Administrator.
2. Navigate to Answers, then Oracle BI Presentation Services Administration
and select the option to manage Presentation Services groups and users.
3. Locate the Web Group corresponding to your option.
The Web Group options are:
No Forecasting
No Forecasting Lite
No Universal Queuing
No Email Response
No Service Agreements
No Partner Marketing
No Partner ERM
No Partner ISS
4. Click on the Edit icon.
5. Under the Group Membership section, click the delete icon (X) to delete Analytics
Users from this group.
6. Click Finished and log out of the application.
7. Log in again to access the additional optional dashboards and reports.
Customizing Oracle BI Applications Home Page and
You can customize home page of Oracle BI Applications and dashboards.
Appendix E
Accessing Optional Analytics Applications
1. Configuring a New Home Page to Use a Symbolic URL.
2. Determining the Oracle BI Report Path Argument.
3. Adding Views for Custom Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards.
Configuring a New Home Page to Use a Symbolic URL
Oracle BI Applications are integrated with Siebel operational applications using the
symbolic URL infrastructure. This task describes how to use symbolic URLs to link a
new report to a Siebel operational application home page and how to add new
Analytics Dashboards to the Siebel operational application. The symbolic URL
specifies how the HTTP request to the external application should be constructed and
to defines any arguments and values to be sent as part of the request.
This information assumes that you have successfully built a symbolic URL to link some
external content. For more information on the symbolic URL infrastructure, see Siebel
Portal Framework Guide.
For each Analytical report on a Siebel operational application home page, there is a
symbolic URL record defined that links the home page to the Analytics report. If you
have not already done so, you must create a new home page and set it up to use a
symbolic URL.
This figure shows example Inline and IFrame symbolic URL arguments:
To configure a new Home Page to use a symbolic URL:
1. Make sure the symbolic URL has been set up.
2. Launch the Siebel operational application and navigate to the Integration
Administration, then Symbolic URL Administration view.
3. Query for the symbolic URL that has been set up for Analytics.
The name of this symbolic URL should be exactly the same as the calculated
value of the field that was added to the Business Component. For example, you
might have a symbolic URL named HomePageAnalytics.
Appendix E
Customizing Oracle BI Applications Home Page and Dashboards
4. In the URL field, enter the Web URL. For example:
For the Host Name, choose the Analytics Server Name from the drop-down list.
This table shows the other parameters for reports.
Parameter Value
NQHOST A virtual name in the URL that points to the Oracle BI
Presentation Services host
Fixup Name Inside Applet
SSO Disposition Inline
Oracle BI Presentation Services
application name
Select from the drop-down list
5. Create the appropriate symbolic URL Arguments.
These arguments depend upon the particular Analytics report that you are trying to
display. The Argument Values should be the same for any Analytics report you
work with, except for the Path Argument Value. To determine the path to the
Analytics report, see Determining the Oracle BI Report Path Argument.
Determining the Oracle BI Report Path Argument
The Path argument provides the symbolic URL with the path to a report in Oracle BI
Presentation Services. (For example, /shared/Sales/Pipeline/Overview/Top
10 Deals.) Use this procedure to determine the path to a report.
1. Log on to your Oracle BI Presentation Services as an Administrator.
2. In the Siebel operational application, navigate to Answers, then Oracle BI
Presentation Services Administration.
3. Select Manage Analytics Catalog, and then navigate to your report.
4. Add this path name to the Symbolic URL argument.
This table shows the symbolic URL path arguments for reports.
Name Type Path Argument Value Append Sequence
Cmd Constant GO Y 1
Path Constant /shared/Sales/
Overview/Top 10
Y 2
Syndicate Constant Siebel Y 3
nQUser Command UseSiebelLoginId Y 4
nQPassword Command UseSiebelLoginPassword Y 5
PostRequest Command PostRequest Y 6
Appendix E
Customizing Oracle BI Applications Home Page and Dashboards
Adding Views for Custom Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards
You can add views for custom Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards.
This task is similar to that of adding Oracle Business Intelligence reports to the home
Using Oracle's Siebel Tools, set up a new view.
In the Siebel operational application, define a symbolic URL for that view.
To configure the symbolic URL for Analytics dashboards:
1. Define a Symbolic URL.
a. Navigate to Site Map, then Integration Administration, then Symbolic URL
b. In the Symbolic URL Administration view, add a new record.
2. Define Symbolic URL arguments.
a. Navigate to Symbolic URL Administration.
b. In the Symbolic URL Administration list, select the Symbolic URL you want to
Viewing Information About Preconfigured Dashboards
If your organization has pre-built applications installed, you can use Catalog Manager
to locate and view information about preconfigured dashboards.
You might have to expose the dashboards and requests.
Exposing Dashboards and Requests
Depending on the Oracle Business Intelligence options your organization purchased,
you might need to expose these options before the associated dashboards and
requests can be viewed in Oracle BI Presentation Services and in Catalog Manager.
This applies to sites that have these pre-built applications:
Sales Analytics
Service Analytics
Contact Center Analytics
Marketing Analytics
Partner Analytics
Locating Dashboards, Page Names, and Reports
In Catalog Manager, the Presentation Catalog distributed with pre-built applications
has this structure: Presentation Catalog followed by shared folder, pre-built application
name, _portal folder, dashboard name, and page name.
The path to locate reports is Presentation Catalog followed by shared folder, pre-built
application name, Folder name and Report name.
Appendix E
Viewing Information About Preconfigured Dashboards
Preconfigured Mappings for Siebel System
Subject Area
This information describes the preconfigured mappings for the Siebel Applications
system subject area.
About Preconfigured Mappings for Siebel System Subject Area
About Preconfigured Mappings for Siebel System Subject
For Oracle's Siebel Applications customers, the table describes the preconfigured
mappings for the SA system subject area. Fields that are not available in the Siebel
transactional database will default to values shown in the table.
Overriding Defaults. You can add user-specific values for these fields, by creating
an extension table to the S_USER table. to store the user-specific defaults for
these fields. Additionally, you can change any of the default values. The metadata
for the logical table can be modified to include any physical extension table.
SA User.(User)
Setting Provider Information. Typically, the cell phone and the fax numbers in the
Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse do not contain a provider name. Therefore,
the Pager will typically be a numeric value such as 555-483-3843. To append a
provider to this address, use the following guidelines:
If the entire company has the same provider, then you can append the
provider in the column mappings.
If users can have different providers, you must create an extension table.
Logical Column Physical Table Expression Comments
Cell Phone '' It might be mapped to
H_NUM if this field
contains SMTP
Cell Phone Priority '' Defaults to N
Display Name S_CONTACT "Real Time
NAME || ' ' || "Real
First Name
concatenated with
Last Name
Logical Column Physical Table Expression Comments
Email Priority 'HNL' Defaults to N
Email Type 'html' Defaults to HTML
Group Name S_RESP NAME
Handheld '' Defaults to an empty
Handheld Priority '' Defaults to an empty
Language 'en' Defaults to 'en'
Locale 'en' Defaults to 'en'
Pager '' It could be mapped to
_PH_NUM if this field
contains SMTP
Pager Priority '' Defaults to N
Appendix F
About Preconfigured Mappings for Siebel System Subject Area